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Mend Diplomat Dishwashers

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Mend > Dishwashers

Mend Diplomat Dishwasher Adp8332

My Diplomat Dishwasher ADP8332 ?

It will not drain off thw water. I get a humming noise as if the pump or something is stuck.

James Laird
August 2008
hi, the same has happened to me. a new pump is needed as the valve has worn away at the price of £135.00 !!!! is is cheaper to buy a new dishwasher.

August 2008
Hi James,drain out the water by hand from the filter area.Take off the front plinth then the 4 screws holding the silver front cover of the dishwasher.The pump is at the front left.Take off the 2 wires.Then you turn the pump away from you a quarter turn.There is a locking clip so it will be stiff.PLEASE put a towel over the edges of the base plate as it will take your fingers off.You may find glass or pips etc in the pump.Replace the pump by pushing into place and truning towards you till it locks.Hope this helps.All the best

August 2008
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
Free repair help for Diplomat dishwashers

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Free repair help for Diplomat dishwashers