Hello all, I have just changed the drive belt in my VTD00 by following what folk are suggesting above.
Google led me to this page so if anyone else is looking for same advice, please let me add a couple of things to make this SO EASY!
1) The replacement belt I received was almost twice the width of broken belt. This made it impossible to stretch to fit onto the motor spindle.
2) As above posts suggest, lay machine on front after taking off the top and sides. Lift cylinder off the door mount and slip belt underneath.
3) Now for the easy bit - stretching belt! Tilt cylinder off-axis, lift up and move towards the bottom of the machine. This reduces the distance the belt must be stretched to fit onto motor spindle.
4) Fit belt onto motor spindle and manoeuvre cylinder back onto door mount. The belt is now stretched a lot easier than stretching belt with fingers :-)
Just make sure the belt is roughly in line with motor spindle or it may come back off again (groves in belt should prevent this). Turn cylinder by hand to get it lined up before putting sides back on machine.
Also, take care not to lift machine off it's front before you put the sides back on and secure front to the rest of the chassis. Otherwise the cylinder will be dislodged again.
November 2013