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Mend Karcher Pressure Months Car

Karcher KB2020 Pressure Washer?

My washer is only 15 months old and has only been used about once per month to wash the car. It now has oil leaking from it. It cut out during use but started again after leaving it for 30 minutes. I thought that it might have just overheated but then I noticed traces of oil leaking from the bottom area (standing upright) when it started up again.

I contacted Karcher for advice but they didn't want to know. My local repair shop says "bin it" as their minimum repair charge is £80.00. I opened up the case with a special "T15" screwdriver to see inside but the valve chamber, etc. has even more specialised bolts/screws (no tools available). The repair shop says the oil is possibly leaking through the piston area and being released through the plastic valve seals.

I am a bit miffed because, although this machine cost me £50.00, it was reduced from £100.00. Surely it should last longer than 15 months. Any experts out there care to comment on this problem. Thanks.

August 2008
My Karcher also leaked oil on first use but out of warranty and now kaput!! Loathe t buy another so will look at other makes now.

March 2018
Me too..... patio now covered in an oily scum.... this is only the 4th time it has ever been used.... in 18 months.... outside the k2 compact looks brand new..... very disappointed. Will have a go at taking it apart to see if there is anything obvious such as poor design or a means of topping up the o or nut tightening.

Very bitterly disappointed as this was a job I've been meaning to do this past 6 months...

Caroline W
August 2017
I also have a Karcher pressure washer, have not used but a couple of times a year and only 3 years old. Pressure washed my patio yesterday and oil came pouring out of the bottom. I thought Karcher was supposed to be top of the line, sure not impressed.

May 2017
Just took my 2020 apart and put some more oil in it as it had been leaking a bit thro the year. Nipped up the bolts tightly and it's good for now. I bought a karcher window vac this spring which lasted about 6 weeks. What a load of cr**! Better results with a blade and leather. Very disappointed as I used to think karcher was good!

Robert Smith
February 2017
Yep, have to agree, Karcher is utter crap. 1st one leaked oil after 15 months. Karcher gave me another after I complained (I had to pay postage), now that one is going the same way.
I will never buy Karcher again.
Having talked to a man who has run a tool shop for years, he says the best service you will get with reliable product is Draper.
Someone ought to point Karcher at this blog. They are surviving on past reputation, and bluffing their way to profit.

February 2017
I bought a Draper pressure washer about 15 years ago, apart from a broken wheel it still runs sweet and sill works like new.
Karcher are pure rubbish.

Tim Higgins
May 2016
Just adding my name to the list of oil leaks

Jon A
May 2016
Ditto! Hugely disappointed. Only comfort is that I am not alone in my disgust of the product. A very informative thread thanks

April 2016
Bought one for £37 at b & Q today even though I have an oil leak on the one in the shed, like to know of any other makes that are decent eg uk build, and I would not have said that a few years ago ie mistro car.....

Joe blogs
August 2014
I have gas power but still crack the case's pump. So disappointed, only used 3 times.
Spent a day to investigate why we have the same problems?

No matter what you have most pressure washers don't have oil lubricant the pump piston, boom!

Some new washers pressure have Cooled water pass by the pump to cool down I guest which may help.

Others, we must lubricate the pump regularly or it blow up!

To manufacturers washer pressure: Good engineered and good business

August 2014
Same story. My K2.91 stopped working after 20mins use. Smells hot and oil running down the drive! Not impressed.
My neighbour's Karcher did the same a couple of weeks ago!
Was thinking of upgrading, but now will look at other makes instead. No more Karcher.

July 2014
"your lucky it lasted that long. bin it. cheep pressure washers are cr*p. cheep for a reason."

KARCHER are certainly not cheap !
CRAP yes! but not at all cheap.
I have owned a KEW(-ALTO-NILFISK )for 11 years and the only issue I have had was a perished high pressure hose.
Karcher got its good reputation when it manufactured in Germany and like lots of companies as soon as it moved production to China the quality disappeared instantly.
IMHO NOTHING of quality ever leaves China !
But it does provide huge profits for greedy western companies !

June 2014
To all with oil leaks:

This seemingly common issue has an easy fix.

There is an o-ring at the base of the pump system that on mine appeared to have been pinched, I suspect through poor manufacturing practice as it seals the end plate which it held by 4 bolts that would need to be tightened evenly to avoid pinching the seal.

The solution then:

You will need a T15 torx
A T40 torx
A flat scewdriver
A new o-ring (I suspect size is dependent on model so best to take the old one for the correct size)
Some oil, I couldn't find a spec for the oil so used new thin engine oil thinking it's good enough to work with hot en investment at 1000's of re. It Wi work on plastic cogs.

First use your T15 to open the outer case.
Remove the complete pump assembly
Use the flat screwdriver on the plastic clips down each side to open the inner pump case.
Next take your T40 and undo the lower most set of 4 bolts (you'll notice the plate comes up with the bolts as there are springs behind it, don't worry they can't fly out - however the oil and bearing races can so best to work on the unit upside down.)

Remove the old seal and fit the new one.

Add some oil to the chamber and apply a small amount to the seal to aid with fitting.

Rebuilding is the reversal as Haynes would say, but be sure to tighten the tt40's as evenly as possible to avoid pinching the seal again.

And admire your leak free K2 and relish in the fact you saved the unit and a few ££, s on a replacement or shop repair!


Adam Luckett
June 2014
Karcher K2.94 oil leaking over garage floor 2 years old hardly used probably less than 10 times was seaching online for service and repair centre and came across this site . Sorry to say i am glad I am not alone will now throw away and avoid Karcher next time.

May 2014
I have the same problem, will work it 'till it dies and then throw it away. Never to buy Karcher again!

May 2014
mines just done exactly the same !! Been to homebase and bought a cheap one, NEVER gat a Karcher again

john meadows
March 2014
Biggest load of rubbish ever !!Leaking oil everywhere after just one years minimal use. Don't these numbskulls at karcher realise that they are losing customers hand over fist by not addressing this basic problem? I'm off to buy the cheapest and nastiest pressure washer I can find, safe in the knowledge that it will still be much better than expensive Karcher rubbish

October 2013
My Karcher was just out of warranty when it started to overheat. I get an electrical smell when it starts pumping. I got very little use out of it. I will be looking at a Gerni shortly I may have been unlucky but they appear to be unreliable.

June 2013
I have exactly the same problem with a K 2-400 unit and mine is 7 months old, - dripping oil at the bottom. I paid around $280.00 for unit and fittings. Can't find my receipt so I can not try and claim on it. - very disappointing.

June 2013
My kb2020 has been leaking for 3 years, that's 18 months after I bought it. These ain't cheap machines and the fixed price repair is about £80?. There's an obvious design fault here and now mine has just given up the ghost I won't be buying another karcher, your better of buying a cheap version and replacing it every couple of years. And if you want to try a fix yourself you need to invest in extra long star keys as the standard ones don't reach into the recess, that's another tender, plus spares plus oil plus time plus all the swearing.BIN IT

June 2013
Refusing to be beaten by Karcher I stripped mine and discovered it was the oil seals (x3) on the base plate of the pump assembly. They should stop the oil leaking out of the base plate, or into the water pump mechanism and then out with your water spray! Now just got to find some new seals!

It's a bit of a messy job, but not difficult. I can't bear to throw things away. It's a pitiful indictment on Karcher, since I've only used mine a handful of times and, yes, it was 13 months old!

May 2013
Like many posts here I do not have an answer, just a K2.300 that leaves pretty rainbow colours all over the driveway and decking. Thought I'd add my experience to let future buyers see how many owners have experienced problems. I haven't contacted Karcher, but with a defective product that is out of warranty and reading the posts below I don't see much point doing anything else than running it into the ground and getting the most out of the purchase. I liked the idea of the drip tray from one of the posts so picked up a cheap cat litter tray for 2 quid, that should keep the oil off the cleaned surfaces.

Just to note: the garden hose came off a few times just before the machine started leaking, turns out the hose connector had one of it's three 'teeth' missing which was causing it to come off any time I moved the garden hose or the unit. The Karcher did run dry for a few seconds each time, wonder if this was the root of the problem?

Thanks to all the posts, good to know I'm not the only one and I will not be buying another one.

May 2013
Thought I'd chime in with my experience with low pressure on my K2.94 and what I think is a potential fix (or at least very nearly).

I had tested and tried everything with no luck at all.

With the unit completely apart but in a working state, I feed it with water and fired it up (please be very careful if you do this! I'm a mechanical and electrical engineer so please don't electrocute yourself!).

The same thing happened, low pressure, but the unit powered up. I then decided to try to spin the blower wheel (white fan at the bottom of the unit) by hand, with the trigger pulled, and it fired into life!

About 50% of the time, it self started, but the other 50% I had to manually "bump start" the blower wheel to get it going.

So, still not sure what's causing the blower wheel to snag, but I think a little closer to working out what's wrong with it.

If anyone has some ideas, please let me know!!!

Thanks for everyone's posts here - it's been helpful.

April 2013
Hi all, glad to find this site. Got to say though had my Karcher KB2020 for over 7 years and just started leaking oil and over heating after cleaning decking - for longer than I should of been - so it would seem. Going to have a go at repairing it as it doesn't owe me anything.

April 2013
My second Karcher has died exactly the same way as the first with oil p*****g out everywhere. Both were less than two years old with little use. A brand I'll give a body swerve to in future!!!

Laurie Patton
April 2013
My K2.400 pressure washer sprung a leak just after the warranty period ended. After a lot of effort to take it apart, there is a small plastic pipe K2.91 / K2.36 Outlet elbow that needs to be replaces - 12 quid plus shipping - what a rip off

Mike Cobb
February 2013
I have a Karcher K2.94M, just used again after 12 months to clean patio. It has only be used about 3 times since new... overheating and oil leaking, so guess overheating due to oil loss.
Reading all comments below, a bit disillusioned about Karcher. I though they were the bees Knees of poer washers. Very disappointed.
Will contact tomorrow to see what there solution is!!

Neil :(
November 2012
I'm relieved that I'm not alone. My washer, also reduced to half price, did exactly the same thing, leaving drops of oil after 30 minutes' use. But when I reported it to Karcher they said the motor would eventually seize up, sent me an identical model, absolutely free - device and the wonderful tools delivered the next day. This replacement drips oil exactly as did the other one. I'm going to keep using both until they seize up. At least I know what to expect.

Alan Shepherd
August 2012
I own a Karcher KB5050, which in its day was not cheap. I have used it about 12 times since new and have had to replace the wand and now the pressure head. It played up after about 18 months, and once again, as many of your comments have confirmed, Karcher did'nt want to know. When this machine packs up again, and I guarentee it will within the next year, I will ditch it and never buy another Karcher. The after sales service is crap, why Karcher cannot read these comments and take heed I do not know.

Dave Webb from Pirbright
August 2012
had one model and then it gave up, moaned so much then Karcher offered me a new one for £60 now that is leaking oil after 9 months.
really poor quality product

July 2012
Ive had 2 Karchers now,(more fool me), the second one has just packed up on me, 16 months old. Surely they should be better than this, My friend has a Halfords own brand, and it's brilliant.
Stay away from KARCHERS they are total CRAP, and so is thier service. I'm off to HALFORDS.

John Cotterill
June 2012
On my second karcher, which has just started leaking oil (the same as the first) Now having to keep it in a spill tray to avoid Oil spots on the patio. Will definately not being be buying another Karcher. CRAP

June 2012
I have a Karcher 9030. Died as the warranty did...superb product engineering..they really have managed to create a consumer product that 'just' lasts over the warranty period for the average user.

So, after much arguing, I forced them to pay for a new pump. That was fitted by a dealer...tested it & it was ok. Didn't use it for a year..low output pressure. I stripped pump - dealer had fitted oil seal poorly, wobble plate dry. It just had the remains of some grease in it.

This is the second Karcher I have owned. NEVER AGAIN!

They are a disgrace.

April 2012
Glad to find this site. My K2020 has also sprung the oil leak. In a perverse way, I am glad I am not alone. Your site is about answers, so here is mine. After seeing so many problems on this site my answer is that I am going to the dump with mine and then buying another make!

Fred Up
March 2012
I had a K2.36 which used to pack up after 5 mins. Tried stripping it down & now it's totally f#%^*d all the oil leaked out. There doesn't seem to be any fill point for it just factory filled & that's it. All models seem to have a tendency to overheat. Mine was a freebie with tesco car insurance, but not at all heavily used. Had a cheapo one before which I gave away. Regret that cos it still worked after 7 years!

John G
September 2011
Oil leaking after 2 years used about 5 times. After seeing other comments seems that there is a fault in manufacture. Perhaps somebody with the time and expertise should report Karcher to the office of fair trading or one of the TV programs.

George L, Droitwich
July 2011
have they stop this model can,t find spares for it anywhere part no 97603410

July 2011
Just got my K2.91 back from warranty repair - yes leaking oil. This seemed to occur soom after it had cut out suddenly and started with a thud, after about 5hrs use. I was advised that they replaced a split o-ring (possible assembly problem). But now after an hour's use, it is leaking oil again. Back for another go at warranty or just run it into the ground?

Bewildered Down Under
May 2011
I googled Karcher 2.94 oil leak hoping to find a solution to the oily mess which the virtually unused washer leaves in its wake. The various postings here show that the purchase of Karcher products is a waste of money. Perhaps if they spent less on advertising and more on product reliability they would have a more successful company.

Kevin M
April 2011
My Karcher 320 pressure washer conked out without warning and I got a shock form the casing when I tried to find out what was wrong.Tried to open the casing but none of the drivers I have will fit the screws it is held together with. It has only had light use washing the car and hosing down the drive so I am very disappointed to read the comments already on the site that it is not economically worthwhile getting it repaired

johnbards northumberland
April 2011
sorry to report that i too have been had by Karcher - over £200 for a K5.60M. I would estimate it did less than 1 hour's service since purchase in autumn 2010. Out in the spring now and its dead. Current gets to to OK, I suspected an internal fuse but if there is one its very inaccessible. watchdog anybody?

charlie b
March 2011
Mine has done the same. Found this page when searching for karcher kb 2020 overheating. Mine leaks oil and gets so hot it steams if you get water on it! Overheats and stops after about 10 minutes use. Only been used about 5 times from new. Crap!

Paul Smith
March 2011
Thought that this sight was for fixing things, not moaning about them?
My Karcher gave up the ghost after 7 years of good use, I have taken it apart, refilled it with oil, remade the seal and it is working fine!!
Fair do's, it might not be the best pressure washer but it is the one I have got and I am not going to buy a new one until this one is beyond repair.

February 2011
Yep i've had a similar problem the motor on mine has blown. i'll be investing in a nilfisk one next!

February 2011
Mine is a 205M same oil leak same answer from Karcher
buy a new one. Dont think it will be a Karcher

ben of Bexley
January 2011
Yes, same "leaking oil" problem here. Karcher indicate that it may have been misused, by washing a car, how?

Oh, and by the way it will not be cost effective to repair it (after two years) best buy a new one, they say!

Having a look at a Nilfisk next.

Michael T
December 2010
I can't help with your problem, but I can also confirm that I bought a top-of-the range Karcher at a cost of £300. first the lance sprung a leak after about 25 hours use then, after no more than 36 hours over 3 years, the machine suddenly stopped working. seems the transformer blew.
pile of crap in my mind.

flying scotsman
November 2010
DO NOT BUY! had the 2.94 18 months used about 10 times approx 4 hours in total kept cutting out, stripped it down to find motor covered in oil, then looked on google to find fault got to this page & guess what, not on my own

Tony J
September 2010
Iv'e had most of the above problems mine leaked oil and stoped stripped it down and found the thrust bearing has over heated the ball bearings then run loose and stop the pump.The plastic ball seperators had melted I don't know how the oil got out.

Douglas Wren
August 2010
I just emailed Karcher,, before reading the above repertoire of disgust with karcher gear.. Wish I'd seen this earlier. Got a K2 90.. £150's worth. Bought last year but the weather was so atrocious, I never got round to doing the patio,,,so.. 13 months on,,,, yeah, you guessed it.. The patio is now even dirtier than before.. Hydraulic oil all over the place. Before you ask, yes, it WAS stored,,upright and empty, over winter where low temperatures could not reach it. If they respond to me with any of the above typical cliches,, karcher and I won't be doing any future business,,, for sure.. :(

July 2010
Same here - small amount of oil leaching out since i had it, and now it keeps cutting out after just a few minutes use......Off to buy a BOSCH.

May 2010
my karcher k2.90 has just done the same

greece angelos
May 2010
Got exactly the same problem rang karcher and i have to say what a pill of ballocks there costumer service is! My neighbour bought a cheap pressure washer from Argos a year or so ago for £15 and that is better then any karcher which i paid £100 for. BIN IT AND GO TO ARGOS!!!! BARGIN!!!!

May 2010
Mine was dripping just a little oil, and after reading all the posts just figured I should add some. Dropped the pump down to see how, and what a surprise! Expected an oil fill or something. The oil just sits in the top. You could spill it out just pulling it around on its wheels. If you lay it over you will loose all the oil.

May 2010
I have a faulty karcher KB 9030 and it is only 2 years old.If you really think about how many time people actually use them over that time,them Karcher pressure washers are of very poor quality.Karcher must all ready know this and are making a small fortune selling washers that are not fit for purpose.Must people just buy another one.Had I kept the original receipt them I would have taken them to the small claims court for redress.Yesterday I bought a small washer from Aldi for £60 and it comes with a 3 year warranty.It does not look as substantial as the karcher but at least yhere will be no £80 charge for repair.Just think how many other people have had similar problems.I will not be now ever getting another karcher washer

May 2010
My K2.94M also started to leek oil last summer. The leak has continued over the winter as it has sat in the garage. It has yet to stop on me but it looks like I will have to give it the elbow if it does pack up completely this summer. I want to buy a replacement but only a machine without the tools as I can use the current ones. Anyone with a recommendation?

April 2010
Just stripped my karcher. One of the bearings on the motor had shagged up. Just ordered 2 replacement bearings for £2.78 on ebay.

Chris E
April 2010
Same problem here with a KB 3030B unit, although mine is four years old. However, saying that I have to admit that it`s not had much use. (Probably only used four or five times a year)
Contacted Karcher and got the "not worth repairing / bin it" message.
I think its down to Argos or B & Q to pick up one of their own cheap models.

Bernard (Leyland Lancashire)
January 2010
I have a B202 washer, used on average 4 times a year, has now decided to blow water mist from the detergent nossle, been in touch with Karcher, say they can supply pressure switch, but I can't get into the so and so machine. Thanks for the advice about the torx 15 s/driver. Will buy a Screwfix machine next. Not impressed with Karcher

September 2009
A previous Karcher model died in exactly the same way as my latest one which has not been used for more than 24 hours over the past two years.

Never run for more than 2 hours at a time it leaked oil from the very first use. Repairs are not economically viable so now I have sent 2 karchers to landfill.

I have decided it is cheaper to hire in future and a lot less hassle as my latest Karcher died halfway through cleaning my patio.

Seems I am not the only one to think Karcher are flogging crap products.

September 2009
There is a law about items being "fit for purpose" for atleast 6 years, take it back stating this rule, to where you bought it to start the ball rolling... Don't be fobbed off.. Good luck..

August 2009
I've got a Karcher KB3030 that's got exactly the same oil leak problem when switched on. Cost me about £80 and lasted only 18 months of car washing. Not the best purchase I've ever made. Back to a regular sprinkler hose for me. Couldn't you do better than this for customer support KARCHER. You should be ashamed!

July 2009
The part number for the broken casing in the Gearbox is 41202040 and the part is called Swash plate complete lift 5,6.

May 2009
I bought my k.2.94M a little over two years ago but it has probably only been used half a dozen times. Today when I tried to use it it I had exactly the same problem as you, oil pouring out of the bottom of it. Having read the various answers here I doubt that I will be able to fix it or have it fixed and I therefore intend to tell Karcher in a letter exactly what I think of their product. I also intend to let the Consumers' Association know in case they decide to review pressure washers at some point in the future. Maybe if everybody wrote to Karcher they mught feel shamed into doing something (I always was an optimist!).

May 2009
same here.. leaking oil after very light use. Suppose Karcher means Kwality.. (yeah, the spelling is intended..)

March 2009
I'm not an expert by any means, but this is repairable if you are methodical - but don't get too excited - the problem is getting the part. I suspect you have a broken casting on a piece in the gear box, which is fairly easy to replace. You need to split the white plastic iner casing (just a cover, effectively). Then remove the 4 allen key hex bolts (watch the last one, as slightly spring loaded). The broken part will then be accessible. Take care to remove ALL the broken pieces. If you have found any sites that do detailed parts lists - please add it here. Comment on quality of the parts is fairly damning - it looks like a cheap casting, and I'm aware of several similar failures. Not impressed by Karcher quality.

February 2009
our karcher is about 18 months old cost about £80 oil is spitting out from the bottom previously we bought a cheap one which lasted three years .but thought we would do better with the karcher we are wrong

January 2009
exactly the same happened to me this week .
Went to the repair shop and got a similar response. My machine is 18 months old (k2.94)and i have opened up the machine myself . when you split the machine inside there are 3 no springs .It appears to be a small nut ring at the bottom of 1 of the 3 springs which is leaking oil.
I have spent the last few hours on the internet and am able to get PDF assembly details for every karcher model apart from this one .Does anyone know where i can get an exploded detail of the internal assembly for this model ?

Big Dave
November 2008
my karcher k2.94 has just done the same its 1.5 yr old and peed oil all over i was tols karcher was a good make..ive looked and it seems a lot cheaper and easier just to buy a new unit,unless someone has any ideas/websites thta sell complete motors/engines for these?pls get us some answers as my driveway is minging

August 2008
your lucky it lasted that long. bin it. cheep pressure washers are cr*p. cheep for a reason.

tony nixon
August 2008
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