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Mondeo MK3 Boot Lid Unlocks/Opens ?

Hello..When I left my car I locked the doors walked away to hear a click and my boot lid unlocked.(did not press anything on the 3 button fob).Closed the boot started to walk away and it clicked open again,and again...Unlocked the doors then wouldn't lock again until I held the lock and the open button at the same time until the warning lights flashed putting it into a single door opening mode and nothing happened again until I pressed them again to reverse that and the doors locked and boot stayed closed until I use it again and have to go through the same to lock the doors and keep the boot locked....Any ideas what could be wrong???
Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions..

August 2008
p.s to open the boot from inside, just take off as much trim as you can, and down on the left side of the locking mech is the release catch

May 2013
Had same problem. None of the keyfob buttons work, nor dashboard release, nor pressure switch. After following all advice above, found that microswitch was ok, but that somewhere in the wiring the whole thing must've been shorting (especially in the rain). Disconnected microswitch assembly, at which point the dashboard release began to work again, and now just use the key when opening boot from outside of car. The metal old-school bit!

May 2013
Thanks for the advice. I had a stuck open solenoid. Pried open the solenoid body slightly with a small screwdriver and it freed. Lashings of WD40 and bobs your uncle, 100 quid saved. Cheers!

Colin 2003 TDCI estate
February 2013
Thank you great help !!!

August 2012
I have exatcly the same issues, but does anyone know how to get te boot open if it won't open at all, whether it be from the key fob, internal switch or boot switch?

Nightmare!!:-))))) lol

February 2011
Similar problem - remote (keyfob) unlock intermittent and dashboard and manual boot release switches permanently inoperative.
Two problems-
a) Boot release solenoid mechanism sticking - freed and lubricated - keyfob now works.
b) Manual boot release microswich stuck closed- this renders the dashboard switch inoperative.
Rather than replace the microswitch assembly, simply disconnecting it allowed the dashboard switch to work.

January 2011
Similar problem - remote (keyfob) unlock intermittent and dashboard and manual boot release switches permanently inoperative.
Two problems-
a) Boot release solenoid mechanism sticking - freed and lubricated - keyfob now works.
b) Manual boot release microswich stuck closed- this renders the dashboard switch inoperative.
Rather than replace the microswitch assembly, simply disconnecting it allowed the dashboard to work.

January 2011
To add to Trinks excellent answer.

When I got mine in bits I found that the thin rubber seal on the micro switch had worn away and was fouling the switch, causing it to stick closed. After a lot of poking about with a thin blade and pair of tweezers I've removed it all and left the small white plunger exposed. It works fine for now, only time will tell how "vital" that seal was!

January 2011
My Car – Mondeo MkIII Estate

I had a problem similar to others where the boot lid would only consistently open using the key fob. Ocaisionally it would work with the dashboard button and the rubber pressure pad on the boot itself, but was very intermittent.

The solution to this problem is to take the rubber pressure switch out, and lubricate the microswitch held inside. This little switch gets stuck in the ‘pressed’ position and prevents the microswitch from resetting, thus you can’t open the boot unless you use the key fob. As the dash button and pressure switch are linked together, this also prevents you opening the boot with the dash button.

To do this fix undo two screws inside the handles of the boot trim. Prise the boot trim off in about 10 locations (It’s fairly stiff and feels as if your gonna snap the thing but keep trying) You can also remove the rear window trim for more space around the window area.

Undo four 10mm bolts which hold the fixing containing the number plate lights and boot release pressure switch onto the tailgate. This unit should then come away from the boot lid on the outside.

Follow the wire from the boot release pressure switch to the main wiring loom near the rear windscreen wiper assembly. Unclip the small connector (should be one black wire and one black/blue wire). Squish and remove the little rubber bush thing that holds that wire onto the boot lid and pull the wire through to the outside of the car.

Now release the boot switch by pressing the plastic clips in with a pair of plyers and push downwards. This should release the boot release pressure switch.

The boot release pressure switch is made of 3 parts. A rubber casing, a metal plate with springs and a plastic moulding with a switch in it. Remove both the rubber casing and the metal plate and if yours is like mine was, the when you push the little white end of the microswitch fully down, it gets stuck.

To fix this I applied a bit of lubricant (grease/oil/silicone grease) to the switch area and with a pair of tweasers pulled the switch in and out repeatedly for about 5 mins until the switch freed up.

Reassemble in the same order and hopefully like me, you’ll have a boot which works when you want it to.

March 2009
Same Problem, boot lid opens by itself. Sometime the boot will not open at all from the internal switch on the dashboard or the boot release switch on the boot itself. Try disconnecting the boot switch on the boot from the connector behind the trim. First remove four screws from the trim 2x in the hand grips and 2x up the side. When the trim is off the connector can be seen. It has 2 wires, one black and the other black with blue stripe. It may be hidden slightly behind some other wiring but not hard to find. Once you have disconnected the switch try locking and opening the boot again. Mine was fine. I tested the resistance of the switch and found it had a high resitance connection when not de-pressed. This appears to be enough to trigger the lock. I still have it disconnected and its been fine with the key fob and the internal dash release switch. A new boot switch is approx £22.78 to by from a dealer. I dont think I would trust a second hand unit.

Good Luck and hope this solves you issue.

December 2008
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