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Mend Sanyo Tune Tv

how do i tune in sanyo c21es35b tv?

how do i tune in sanyo c21es35b tv

Gary Green
July 2008
is there anyway of tuning it without the remote?
i lost the original and bought a 'universal' one which controls volume, channel and power etc but won't let me access the menu to tune it in properly!

Meg, Taunton
October 2009
At last I have cracked it. You have to press the F function key on your remote until it comes up with PRESET NO/YES. The NO will be highlighted so you use the volume button on the remote to toggle the YES to be highlighted and then presss the F button again. It will offer you an Auto Scanning/Tuning option - press the F button again and it will autoscan for channels and tune and store for you. The F selection talked about earlier involving the < and > symbols is for fine tuning only which, if you are like me, you can spend the rest of your life wondering why it wont tune. Hope this helps the frustrated out there.

Steve in Bristol
August 2008
We all seem to be getting to the same point. I thought it was holding down the volume buttons to scan, but I'm not getting any success. If anyone carcked the puzzle could you let me know?

Steve in Bristol
August 2008
I have the same problem.. When you are on a channel, by pressing the equiv to menu, there is one which is like: < >
I think this may be related to the tuning, but i cant work out how to select it..
Sorry I cant be of more help, but its a clue to the puzzle :)

P Buzza
August 2008
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