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Mend Grass Trimmers

Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
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Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
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Mend > Grass Trimmers

Mend Loses Power Dies

Shindaiwa overheats, loses power and dies?

Our older shindaiwa weed trimmer runs for awhile, then dies and won't restart.....until it cools down.We have replaced the air filter, cleaned the spark plug and regapped it, cleaned the cooler fins on the head, and the head cover, and cleaned the muffler,and greased the cutter head. Would a stronger mixture of oil in the gas solve the problem? thanks

July 2008
My FeatherLite FL26 has the same problem. It's new. Changing oil/gas ratio was no help though you would think an oiling problem would be most suspect. Could be that the oil/gas system in some models is just not engineered well enough. The shaft at the trimmer head also gets extremely hot which would seem to indicate a lot of cable friction.

July 2008
1st remove muffler and look into exhaust port.turn engine over until u can see piston/rings they should be relativly clean with no signs of exessive carbon or scortching indicating partial siezure.if ok then its probably down to ignition.possibly componant heating up and going open circuit.

July 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
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Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
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