To solve this remove the pvc strips from the top window and remove the glass. As the pvc has an element of flexibility, you can actually slide the window open.
To do this you have to be on the outside of the house. Use a long chisel and place it at the bottom corner of the window (it could be at the bottom left or right depending on your handle, right or left handed, just try both).
Now using the wall on the outside as a leverage, slide the window in the opposite direction, (if you have the correct side the window will slide quite easily). Once the window has moved about an inch to the side, pull the window out, using your opposite hand.
If you do not remove the glass the window will break. This can be difficult with windows less that 3-4 foot. You will have to get quite physical, oh and once the window has opened you can simply replace the locking mechanism for around a fiver
Good luck
July 2008