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Mend Scooter Changed Spark

China Scooter Mei-tian, Jia-ling RCM50 3E starter problems?


I have changed the spark plug, emptied & cleaned the gas,
and the carb is clean. This bike won't start. The electric starter clicks but wont fire and the kick start does nothing,
after hundreds of tries. Is it possible that I broke both starters? If so, can I rebuild the kick and electric or order a new ones?

July 2008
it is probably the stator. I had the same issue. Try using am ohm meter, get parts from hoopers imports , seattle , wa , ONLY , they have oem quality parts. good luck have fun!

jai ling np 50 owner
December 2012
yes i have the same problem the winding inside the motor is supposed to produce 30 to 40ac volts this goes to the coil to make a spark my ac is not there chane the magnito in the motor

Gordon V magyver
December 2009
Just to confirm a few small things that were not obvious to me at first (but should have been).

The RCM50 has a 4 stroke 50cc engine. The kick start has a stand lock, you need to have the double-stand down in order to kick-start the engine. The electric start requires that you are holding one of the brake levers. The electric starter motor is not particularly strong, so the battery needs a full charge or don't expect much to happen.

Make sure your oil is full and clean. It doesn't hurt to use the good gasoline either. Other obvious things to check are the air filter and spark plug. Beyond that you might have to get into heavier tinkering.

August 2009
I have a 49cc meitean scooter 4 strock and for some reason my head gadgets (speedometer eyc...) has stoped working and so has my head lights and button crank... is there some how a way that i can fix it myself without taking it to a shop?

July 2009
Hi - I just received my Meitian 49cc scooter (4 stroke) - put it all together put some fuel in cant get it to start. The engine turns over without any issue but just wont start. After a few moments fuel was dripping out of a small black pipe located on top of the engine. I assume this pipe is an drain for the carb?

Does anybody have any ideas what could be wrong - greatly appreciate any help?


October 2008
Please confirm me if your engine is a 2 stroke or 4 stroke , i do face the same problem the results is easy , if there is no fire , check your coil in the magneto if it feed elecric current to your CDI , if the coil good , so therefore its your CDI which is not good, while a riding a distance its overheat it stops to feed electric to ignition coil to supply fire to sparkplug which is very poor or even not start. so change the CDI to a new one that feed full fire in the sparkplug and it will start easily that will solve the start problems

Mr. Toofany, of Mauritius, email :
July 2008
Hi there Jack, I have a Geely scooter which is a chinese import. I have had exactly the same problem and I tried all the things you have. It turned out the tappets needed reseting, That cured the problem. Hope it works for you

July 2008
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