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Mend Dvd Play Region

Are multi-region DVD players being fazed out?

Most DVD players in the UK can only play region2 DVDS. Are the multi region machines no longer available?

August 2003
Don't be fooled!!! Most DVD players can be made into Multi-Region...very very easily. Don't spend an extra £20-£30 in the shops just because a DVD player is advertised as Multi-region, whereas the same one in another shop is not.

Here's how they do it!!!

There are many, many sites on the 'net from where you can get 'special codes' to program into your DVD player (using your remote for the buttons). In a metter of minutes, this turns DVD players (depending on Make/Model) into Multi Region.

I tried this with my Region 2 only Samsung DV player...and lo and's now Multi-region after putting in the codes! ..and you don't have to be technically gifter ether...the codes really are VERY easy to put into the player.

This WILL invalidate any warranty/guarantee for the DVD plaeyr...but if it ever goes wrong...check this site first to see if you can fix it easily yourself...otherwise, if you want to use your warranty/service guarantee...make sure you re-code it back to Region 2 only before making the call to the service centre (codes again on the 'net)


Hope this helps!

May 2004
could i suggest for multi region dvd players . they are guaranteed for a year. ask for craig he seems to know what he is talking about.

March 2004
You will also find that many DVD players sold by highstreet shops are multiregion without it being advertised as such, the Alba DVD Player currently being sold by Argos is Multiregion for instance. As mentioned by Steve Region 1 DVD's (the US ones) are generally far cheaper and contain far more features than the UK DVD's as they have more space to play with on the disk (the US ones don't have as many languages/subtitles to cover the whole of Europe like our ones have to) check out sites like for a cheap source for buying multi region DVD's. If your looking at spending around £100 for a DVD player check out Tech they sell you professionally chipped DVD players for decent prices with their own guarantee. I would advise to get a good Pioneer one from them, I've had one for 2 years and it works like a dream and it cost about £120.

Hope that helps!

Neal Plews
August 2003
Yes Sarah, there ary many examples of multi-region DVD players available - just type "multi-region DVD" into any good UK search engine, and you will get loads of links including to sites from which you can purchase these machines. Having a multi-region, or region free DVD player is not a bad idea; you can often buy DVDs for regions other than region2 more cheaply. If you are playing them on a UK player and TV, you MUST ensure that they are of the correct "standard" (ie PAL) or you will have problems.

August 2003
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