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Mend Diplomat Dishwashers

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Mend Diplomat Integrated Dishwasher Work


I have a New Integrated DIPLOMAT ADP 8322 DISHWASHER- I tried a prewash and it seemed to work.
I then tried to alter the water hardness flashing button.
When i tried a Rapid Wash it started BLEEPING/FLASHING LIGHT after 20mins (cycle said 30min wash)
It will not do a full wash and Beeps with flashing light on all programmes after various amounts of time
I have never had a dishwasher before so I'm unaware of how they should work
But this is new and has not worked properly yet.
Can anyone give info or help? Thanks

August 2005
Thank you SO much - we tried cleaning the lower black filter ~ just took off the "normal" grey filter and base and gave it a good brushing ~ and the dishwasher worked perfectly, having been continuously "beeping" and refusing to switch off.
What a brilliant forum - long may you reign!

Jean Browne
January 2011
Not an answer but scarily thats exactly what has happened to mine and the first thing i click on you guys have given me the answer - hope this doesn't turn into an insurance job - thanks Alan for that answer it workd a treat!!!


March 2008
If you look in your handbook there shoud be a section called troubleshooting - I think your problem shows there. My dishwasher (exact same model as yours) was getting 'stuck' when moving on to next process, it turned out that the impeller housing had broken and my whole kitchen was flooded which turned into an insurance repair - I still can't find to buy, the part that is broken

September 2007
Hi Carol,
I had the same problem this weekend, I found that the problem was probably caused by the anti-flood switch.
At the bottom of the dishwasher is a plastic cover, remove this (after switching of at the mains) have a look in the bottom of the machine, if it is filled with water simply mop it out and this should solve the problem, it did for me. If you press the programme button for 5 secs, it seems to reset itself.

Alun James
September 2005
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Find out how to mend Diplomat dishwashers