Suggested procedure to fit replacement seat motor - (the arm on the s/d motor I got through ebay seemed to be too long - I had to turn it in a vice to compress the bush at the inner end flat enough to fit the fixing bolts on the seat).
Ensuring you have the security code for any audio equipment, disconnect the car battery (to avoid the risk of triggering the seat air bags).
Slide the seat back and remove the 2 securing bolts.
Slide the seat forward and remove the plastic covers to the 4 rear bolts then remove the bolts.
Slide the seat forward then tilt it back at about 45%
Disconnect the cercip and spacer washer from the end of the motor arm.
With a flat screwdriver, carefully remove the motor up / down switch keeping its wires attached.
Insert a suitable Philips screwdriver through the switch hole and use it with a small hammer to drive out the cotter pin securing the motor.
Un-plug the motor from the wiring harness and remove.
Fit the replacement motor and bolt down the seat in reverse order.
The cotter pin has to be inserted in the same way as it was removed – tapped in through the switch hole –use a small screwdriver / piece of wire as a guide.
Re-connect the battery and re-code the audio equipment.
January 2013