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Mend Grass Trimmers

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Mend Fuel Mix Petrol Strimmer

fuel mix for petrol strimmer?

I have inherited a sovereign 16" petrol strimmer without a manual. Does anyone know the correct 2-stroke fuel mix please?

June 2008
It takes a mix at 1 part oil to twenty parts petrol.

Now if anyone could tell me how to reload the friggin line i'd be eternally grateful.


kevin. Ireland
April 2009
how to fix a barrus tondu pro852 petrol strimmer

August 2008
16" petrol strimmer? That must be a monster! Do you mean a 16" Sovreign petrol LAWN MOWER? In which case, it has a 4-stroke engine. SAE30 oil in the crankcase, straight unleaded in the fuel tank.

Phil Saunders
June 2008
email the makers and they will email instructions
by return

E J Neale
June 2008
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