Some models have an automatic choke that is held on by a weak spring. This is fine when the engine is started. As the engine picks up speed, the draught from the fan should push the choke off. Mine didn't. I made a 2 mm. hole in the piece of plastic and connected a piece of wire to it so that I canmanually pull the choke off. Problem solved.
June 2008
Sounds like a faulty coil, but just possible it's a blocked breather in the fuel tank cap, or even a spark plug sulking.
May 2008
Hi I have had exactley same prob it is the ignition coil.
as soon as it gets warm it expands and theres a break in windings when it cools it makes contact again.
M Arthur
May 2008
Are you sure that you`ve not left the "choke" on ( On mine , it`s on the throttle control at the very end of it`s travel)
Try starting it up and just leaving it on half throttle to see if it runs ok.
May 2008
I can answer this question...
My Mountfield mower runs great for the first 5 mins then stops?