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Mend Servis Washing Machines

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Mend Servis 1300 Dryer Stopped

How can I fix my Servis Quartz Control Saphire 1300 Washer Dryer?

This question is in regards to my Servis Quartz Control Saphire 1300 Washer Dryer. It stopped half way through a spin cycle so I pressed the cancel button and now it does not allow me to close the door whilst the unit is switched on. Even if you close it whilst it is switched off, the door opens when you turn on the power. The only button that seems to do anything is the cancel button which, when pressed down, makes the washer dryer make chugging noises. Does anyone know a solution?

Craig Walker
August 2005
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August 2005
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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