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Vauxhall Frontera Help Needed?

I have a Vauxhall Frontera 2.0 SWB Transglobe 1998.

I have problems with it seeming to start only when it feels like it.

I get in the car put in the key and more often than not, the engine lights starts flashing. After 5 mins or so (opening and shutting door, taking key in and out, locking and unlocking), the light remains on and i can start the engine and drive off. This is annoying but i put up with it.

Im asking for any suggestions as to what it might be as, it happened to me yesterday at the petrol station and i was stuck there for 40 mins doing this whilst getting all sorts of evil glances off other motorists who wanted to use the petrol point.

Its so frustrating cause its a brilliant car, its just so unreliable at the moment.

Please help.


May 2008
flashing engine management light means the immobiliser is still activated. next time it does it just remove the fuse for the central locking. (should be top left hand corner of fusebox, 10 amp fuse) try and start it without the fuse in.

September 2010
the light being on means engine mag problem, i would get pluged in at vauxhall, i no it cost but best way or could try replacing sensors one by one but would start with tdc sensor

September 2008
fuel pump wire is under the seat, comes up through a grommet. black n red.
if there is power there when ign is on. the pump is probably screwed.

August 2008
check the fuel pump/engine control relay for corrosion . its located behind one of the headlights (cant remember which one) bolted to the front slam panel. if youy cant see corrosion then the relay itsself my nee replacing

June 2008
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