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Mend Samsung Refrigerators

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Mend Samsung Freezer Side

Noisy Samsung American Fridge Freezer side by side?

Our Fridge part of the fridge/freezer has started to make a whinning noise. When you open the fridge door it stops for a couple of minutes then starts again. Can anyone suggest what the problem might be please.

May 2008
Hey chers for the post Robbie the engineers at are the biz they came out and got the thing up and running when all the previous idiots couldnt these guys are straight to the point and tell it like it is its nice to have someone who gives it to you straight better to get someone out who knows what they are doing than than someone guessing.

February 2013
We have had so many companies look at our fridge but every couple of months or so the problem kept coming back. By chance i was telling a colleague at work when he said he knew someone who use to work directly for the manufacturer he put us on to who operate in london they came out within twenty four hours found and rectified the fault which had nothing to do with what was previously quoated.

December 2012
call 0759 440 5917. Im a refrigeration engineer that knows the cure to this problem. this is my company. YOU DO NOT NEED ANY PARTS.. CALL ME ASAP if you have this problem and speak to john. LONDON CALLERS ONLY

May 2012
Mine is only just over a year old with an incredibly noisy fan. Followed the hairdryer advice and now quiet - for how long though?

February 2012
its a design fault phone samsung and they will do the modification free of charge

October 2011
the fan inside the fridge started making a noise. you have to take off the lower plastic panel off bit of a pain to do ( it's best to use a hairdrier to melt the ice build up first) when you get the panel off disconnect the two plugs and take the panel out. Then carry on with the hairdrier to get rid of the ice. Do'nt know how long it will last though!

terry barker
January 2011
if your appliance is out of warranty you can buy a kit on ebay now which cures the problem in samsung rs21 fridgefreezers ...

ebay ref 280545245203

youtube ref

August 2010

I am currently having the same problem as well, i have stripped it to the fan and defrosted it 3 times now but after about 2 weeks the ice has built back up.

The water has stopped working as well but thats because the cooling tank for the water is right next to the iced up refrigerating unit.

Could it be the seal ? though looks in perfect working order.

June 2010
I had exatly the same problem mine is just over 2 years old and the fan started making a noise. Thanks to you I sorted the problem out with melting the ice with a hairdrier and warm water.The fan is in the bottom part of the fridge though not where the light is a bit of a pain to get to but mutch quieter now.I hope I dont haveto do this all the time.The water has stopped now has anybody had the same problem if so can you help please.

July 2008

Is it the RS21 model? It will be a build up of ice around the fan probably, is the temprature in the fridge increasing? You need to take the plastic back panel off at the back of the inside of the fridge (where it lights up) and once you can see the fan use a hairdryer to melt it. Otherwise switch off the whole thing and it takes two days to defrost. How old is it, as it has recently been on Watchdog, Samsung admit they know there is a design problem on this fridge and are now extending the two year warrantly to five years, not a lot of use when you keep loosing a fridge full of food as the temprature is 15 degrees. I am going to challenge them that it is not fit for the purpose it was ourchased for and tell them to replace or refund. Good luck.

June 2008
call 07513328759

May 2008
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