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Mend Hotpoint Aquarius Tumble Dryers

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Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
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Mend Hotpoint Aquarius Dryer Clothes Takes

How can I fix my Hotpoint Aquqrius Condensor TDC30?

My dryer the hotpoint Aquarius TDC30 condensor dryer heats the clothes but takes hours to dry them.Even the light loads take hours! I empty the water container and the filter before each load but it makes no difference.

Vanessa Lancaster
May 2008
i also have this problem it will heat up an work for about 10 mins but then it will stop for 20 mins and just randomly start up again it can take a whole day to dry the smallest of items i just have no idea i have cleaned it all out i just dont no what else to do

July 2008
Hi Vanessa,

I have the same problem with my machine. One of the things that helps is to empty the condenser unit itself. Mine fills with water when it gets this problem and then occasionally when it gets really bad i have to shower out the condenser unit as it is full of fluff. Things still take longer to dry than they should do but I can't find the long term solution. Try these things to help you out in the meantime.

May 2008
Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Click here to mend Hotpoint Aquarius tumble dryers

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Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Click here to mend Hotpoint Aquarius tumble dryers