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Mend Vauxhall Vectra 2003

Vauxhall vectra water getting into the passanger side footwell?

Ive got a 2003 Vauxhall vectra every time it rains i get a puddle of water in the passanger side foot well.

I cant find were the water is coming in from all the door seals seam fine, theres no sun roof no damp patches on the roof or anywere else.
Ive tried sitting in the passengerside seat and my mate hosing down the car but i just cant seem to find where its coming from, any help would be greatfull, cheers.

April 2008
Had the same problem with water leaking in my 04 Vectra .. on left hand side theres a water run off underneath the window grill where the pollen filter is that becomes blocked with grit and water fills back and into the pollen filter then into the car.. as said above find the drain hole then clean it problem solved..

May 2013
There is an outlet hose inside the bonnet,all the water coming from top going through this way sometime bad parking places eg under the trees blocking this with leaves and also a float inside.Leaves can block the float from its working.

June 2012
I had the same problem with my Vectra C but it's very easy to clear. Lift the bonnet and directly below the passenger side grills, which frequently become clogged with leaves, there is a short tapering rubber hose, only a few inches long, hanging down from the car. This short section has become blocked. Simply squeeze it and all the rotting debris and what will appear to be half a gallon of water, will gush out. Job done!

June 2012
I have an October 2006 Vectra and recently found the passenger side carpets were sodden.
The problem i9s as described for the Omega - the drain tubes near the wiopers under the bonnet had become blocked and the "sumps" were full of water. By simply sticking my finger into the drain tubes (after lifting the grill up) the blocakge was cleared and a litre or so of water was released.
Carpets dried put using the hose attachment on a domestic carpet cleaner and then a fan heater (plus some spray disinfectant)
It appears Vauxhalls of all models have this problem and of a large age range

Ian Robins
February 2010
I had new thermostat,cylinder head skimmed and new pump on my w reg fiat punto. I now have water when raining in my passenger footwell.What is causing this

dooky bridge
March 2009
Looks like your heater matrix has burst

chipadoodle dod
February 2009
we have a 2004 vectra 18LS and during the past few days the front passenger footwell has been filling up with rain water

September 2008
hey had the same problem with a v6 omega a real problem with vauxhalls anyway easy fix open the bonnet go to the passanger side remove the rubber strips that runs along then remove everything else in between polen filter and such you should see a small drain hole with a rubber in the middle once your happy you have found the drain hole either clean it out using a screw driver ( long reach ) or something just as good run water through to make sure everything as it should be should run out under the car check the drivers side for same thing and once a year vaxuahlls r pretty bad for that

vauxhall guy
May 2008
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