I'm probably too late but here goes anyway.
Although John is correct his assumption is you have a close coupled toilet ie: cistern sits on the back section of the pan.
As you say the overflow is dripping I'm assuming its a the low flush type with an external overflow going through the wall to the outside and with a flush pipe leading from the cistern to the rear of the pan in which case removing the syphone is easier.
First on both types get all the water out of the cistern.
Remove the flush pipe then holding the syphon remove the large [usually plastic] nut underneath the cistern and remove the syphone unit. I do believe all syphons now have the overflow built in so it overflows into the toilet bowl so preventing flooding the toilet/bathroom. The water stop valve can be the barrel type valve unit or the large diaphram washer. So you'll have to take it apart and show the plumbing shop the washer you require assuming of course your going to do the job yourself.
April 2008