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Mend Henderson Windows and Doors

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Mend Henderson Door Top Frame

How can I repair a Henderson Garage Door?

The horizontal main spring that runs across the top of the frame has sprung off of the black plastic threaded end that attaches to the mechanism on the r/hand side. I've tried to screw it back on but can't get enough tension in it to get the thin cable (that winds around the cone ends)to wrap around the cones and lift the door.
Do I need some kind of 'tensioning' tool for the main spring???
Sorry, not sure of the model but it is a Henderson door.
I'd be grateful for any advice.

April 2008
I had a henderson 240v 800-820 remote door to a wooden door 20+ years ago, I have had it serviced at times, it is know playing up, it would not close completly but now the electric motor only makes a clicking when i try to open the door, this has happened before when other people have used the door, but then i pushed the door up in a half poisition and the door would work again. Please can you help.
regards Tim.

Tim H.
July 2012
If you dont know what your doing i would suggest that you contact a specialist. the amount of tension on the springs can be a real danger and if the cable breaks off at the same time you could get a real nasty one.. I phoned j&j garage doors and they were really cheap and had my door running like new...
they cover glasgow and the surrounding areas

garage door guy
February 2011
for cheap garage door repairs in the glasgow area phone john on 07716626383
broken cables replaced
worn wheels replaced

professional job ... no silly prices ££

January 2011
Before tampering with the cones and wires: Have good look and think about the job first. At the OPPOSITE end to the spring tension capstan bush (cast part with the allen screws in it), there is a hole in the shaft. A locking pin plugs in there and braces the spring force against an adjacent bar to stop the shaft rotating under spiring tension when you release the allen screws. Fit this pin with the door shut.
At the other end place and firmly hold tommy bar in one of the capstan holes (I used a cut down 6in nail of the right diameter, two for retensioning), and carefully unscrew the allen screws. The full force of the spring will suddenly be agaianst you ! Allow the tommy bar to travel round under control and relock with the allen screw when the 1/2 turn (limited by the frame) is reached. Reposition tommy bar in next slot and repeat till the spring is fully de-tensioned. DON'T TAKE THE TOMMY BAR OUT TILL THE SPRING IS LOCKED UP OR DETENSIONED _ A BAD SURPRISE WILL HAPPEN. Now you can carefully drift out the bissel pins, release the cones and sort your cables out. Keep the pins to re-use. Reinstatement is the reverse process. Remember to remove the locking pin. Beware of the stored energy in the spring - if you are not mechanically minded, get someone who is to do this job. Fingers do not re-attach well !

Ben Tenfingers
January 2011
When the door is operated the courtsey light is not coming on .
Its not the bulb.

Dave bolland
February 2010
Hi anyone know how to get into the garage if the key has snapped in the barrel and a 6 year old has pushed the broken bit right into the barrel with another key?????? The barrel is in the lock position and will not turn at all. However, the garage door is only half locked and can be pushed to show a small gap. Any ideas would be helpful.....
I look forward to any replies

Marty Lee
September 2009
Hi Anybody needing to change cables on a garage door please look at full colour fitting guides which makes life easy and at the same time can save you lots of money..Its not as difficult as people make out!!regards Bob

January 2009
I recomend you to look at, they supply all the parts you will ever need for any door you may have, they also have all fitting instructions on their site with pictures how to replace all parts.
My previous answer left out this recomendation, so go there first.

Stan Baker
November 2008
To retension a Henderson garage up and over door,
First slacken off the allen screw in the left side of the door (situated in the round block about a third the distance from the end of the rod which the large spring covers).
Attach new cable and cones by punching out the roll pin in the cone, fit new cone and pin in place of it.
Do this to both ends of the door mechanismn, (the repair kit comes in pairs and are left and right handed), then while the door spring is slack, draw a chalk mark all the way along the spring coils, try to get it straight, then with a round piece of 6mm. rod which fits the round holes in the block snugly, pull down and towards you to wind up the spring, when taking out the rod each time to turn the block further, hold the bock with a pair of stilsons, pull down the stilsons to reveal the next round hole, place the round rod in the hole and keep repeating this action until the chalk marks come around again and are in a straight line, this sets the right tension to lift the door. lock up the block with the allen key as tight as possible. (You will of course have kept the allen key in a handy pocket all this time, won't you, you would not want to let go now,) be carefull and use safety glasses all the time while working on the spring. All the above will be found on the website of, who will supply the repair kit so cheaply for all Henderson doors.

Stan Baker,
November 2008
to replace a henderson garage door cables please see

this has full fitting instructions on how to change all garage door cables.

I hope this helps

regards richard

r. sleightholme
July 2008
Please look at

I have full fitting instructions


July 2008

I have full comprehensive Tehnical Guides on how to change Garage Door Cables

regards Richard

May 2008
These can be absolute sods if you're on your own....the coil spring can be turned with a spanner a bit at a time to tension it - but you have to release the allen bolt that tightens the spring onto the shaft that runs through, allen screw slack, rotate spring, dont let it spring back, and once you have some spring assistance, lock the spring back up by tightening the allen screw. Engage the services of a helper!

April 2008
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