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Mend Vauxhall Corsa Cars

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Mend Vauxhall Corsa Gear Problem Reverse

Vauxhall Corsa Gear problem?

I have a corsa 1.0 12v 52 plate club. when i have been in reverse then come out of it i can no longer select any other gear this also happens when going from 3rd to 2nd quickly. I have isolated the problem and it appears to be on the link between my gearbox and gearstick just behind the engine. I can put it back in place but need to get it seen to. its two pieces of plastic. one inside the other until it clicks out of course its easy enough to put it back in. WIll i need to get the gear assembly replaced or is it a quick 2 min job by replaceing the plastick. any help would be gratefully recieved

James Gibson
July 2005
Hi,I was driving my Vauxhall corsa 1.0 litre and suddenly the gearbox was slacked.Could only select gear 3 and 4.Turned out the plastic bit of the gearlink had worn out.Went to a scrapyard took the plastic out of a corsa.paid a £5 for it.replaced my plastic and I was good to go again.

Hate capitalism
March 2015
corsa 1.4 2009 some times gets stuck in park

November 2014
I had very hard time changing gear in my Corsa 1.4, thought the joint looked in place so sprayed the joint under the gearstick with wd40, now smooth as a nut.

November 2013
I have a 58 plate corsa and earlier my gear stick got stuck! Wouldn't push into 1st n then if I tried 2 put it into reverse it was making a horrible churning noise after about 5 mins it decided to go into gear, this has never happened before but I do sometimes have a bit of trouble gettin the reverse gear in (not all the. Time)

July 2013
I have a 2000 Corsa light 1.4 I put in a new gear linkage but now it will not go in to reverse all the udders gears are fine. Is it a setting somewhere that needs adjusting?

March 2013
can any one help my 2003 corsa 1.8lt had a friend put the gear linkage in but then it keeps slipping out and 1st gear is reverse 2nd gear is reverse but downwards 3rds/1st gear and so on.

any link to a video guide to help or any helpful info would be great.

September 2012
Search eBay for Corsa gear linkage , look for the pics , the one I got was from Scunthorpe, it arrived next day in the post ,fitted it myself in less than 10 ins , and saved me loads of money.

Its made of metal with clips on the ball sockets , I dont think this one will ever fall off !!

My local garage wanted £105 to supply and fit it , I got this one for £19.99 and fit it a peice of cake with the simple instructions that came with it. :)

June 2012
£80 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is indeed a common fault , and here is the remedy at a much less cost , and more reliable and longer lasting than Vauxhalls own plastic part.

June 2012
I've read through all of this. mine was crunching in reverse for a few days and has just conked out and refuses to go into gear at all. I want to get the part off ebay and fit the metal gear linkage. But couldn't quite understand the haynes pictures, anyone seen an online demo?

June 2012
dad bought me my first car 2 days ago.. (corsa 03 club 12v) and like many others here, it wont even reverse. driving test in less than a week.. spending money fixing it before i can even drive the bl**dy thing. AND the handbreak doesnt even work!! (irrelevant but still annoying) rant over :-)

sad corsa girl
March 2012
has anyone else had this problem

ive got a corsa sport with an automatic box
when its in park it starts up no probs then when you go to select drive it doesnt engage and dont drive,it also happens when you select 1,2,3 and reverse it doesnt move and when you put it back in park with the handbrake off you cant push the car.
i am very confused as to why it wont engage any gears,ive also made sure it had the right amount of transmission fluid in.anyone with any ideas please help,thanks

March 2011
i was driving down the road when m gear box became really slack i can now only use 3rd and 4th cannot get the car into 1st or 2nd gear or reverse would this be the linkage as everyone described

frustrated driver :(
March 2011
Hi everyone on my way to work just ready to pull away from ther traffic lights when my car went to conk out, I could not select the gears, I immediatley knew a pin of some sort had come away could here it rattling about, it was so flimsey thought the gear stick was hanging off lol, thank goodness I was not driving at speed, anyhow drove her on to work in 2nd and 4th she wouldnt go into third or reverse, drove very carefully to the garage and yes it was the linkeage, now my car is corsa 2004 however well looked after, apparently a known fault, £56 plus vat plus labour coming to a grand total of £108 (Not a Vauxhall garage) man at garage connected it back temporary until he can fix it and showed me how to do it incase I get stuck, my advice just drive carefully until fixed ;)

Looking a new car!!
February 2011
I've bought one from them to sort out my gear problems. I'd had a plastic one fitted but that failed again - just outside the warranty period!!! :(
It was easy enough to fit - took me under an hour and I'm no mechanic. The parts only cost about £15.00 - a lot cheaper than the Vauxhall part!!! :)
I asked a mate of mine who works at a garage and he says he could fit it in under half an hour and would only charge about £20.00 to fit. He told me about the metal one and says it far better quality. Problem now solved and the other half is happy which makes my life better ;)

Satisfied husband ;)
December 2010
I had the same problem with the mother - i n laws corsa. I found a replacement gear linkage solved the problem. The one from vauxhall was plastic, but I found one on e-bay that was cheaper, metal and altogether a better product. The company that sold it was vagautomotivecomponents. They're still selling them if you search for the part or by their name. Hope this helps

December 2010
got my duaghter a corsa its her first car it has the same linkage falt whent to morrows vaxhall dealers in bessbrooke n i 58 pound plus vat i think she is realy affraid to drive her car now

andy read
November 2010
i have a r reg 1.6 i sport my gears are very difficult to select i have to use 2 hands when i have my car on the drive i put in first with the hand brake on and the cluch bites straight away so dont think it is cluch can anybody help it doesent help being disabled thanks.

mr sean kemp
October 2010
Yup happened to me on Sat, gear stick suddenly went all wobbly, couldn't engage gears, called out RAC, mechanic lifted bonnet , said thats it, 30 secs to fix, ball end on gear shift rod had become de-tached, RAC showed me how to fix, couldn't get part that day, taped it on, 10 mls later same problem, I tied in in place with string, pushed in ball joint end then tied lever to suitable point on inside of engine , I always carry string, strong wire with me, tip from father, its amazing what these can do, as tempory measure, 4 days later temp repair still holding.
Read Haynes Manual, can you just replace plastic arm with ball joint, or best replace full linkage. ?

September 2010
My indicators on my Corsa do not switch off automatically.

July 2010
I'm back!
And yes, mine was the gearbox linkage problem.
I had it fixed 3 hours later at Toomey Vauxhall Basildon for a total price of £145. I was very impressed with the quick turnaround so I am guessing you could probably sit and wait if they can do it for you there and then.

I prefer to go to a main dealer for something like this knowing there won't be any issues with the 12 month warranty. Plus a lot cheaper than the £220 approx quote that I got from the Vauxhall dealer in Rayleigh!

June 2010
I have a Corsa 1.2 SXI on an X reg. Over the last week it has almost become impossible to get into 1st & 2nd gears. And then when I do, I'm in 3rd or 4th!!! very alarming at traffic lights or when pulling out of my road! Hopefully the comments on this forum are my problem. I will be back with an update

June 2010
my corsa gearstick jumped right out of the socket, (whilst on the main road) and started wobbling around so im stuck if doors which no car! as the car can only go into 3rd gear and cant reverse!!!

i am not at all happy :(

May 2010
can the nylon bracket thats fitted to the top of the clutch pedal be replaced

April 2010
I had the same problem... the plastic connector wore out and started slipping out of the ball socket connection...
My cheap and easy solution was to cab tie the plastic connector to the metal part ensuring that it doesnt slip out...

just a temporary solution to an inevitable problem as it seems by everyones comments...

will have to get it replaced one day...

till then this will do...

its been ok for last few days..


April 2010
Hi ive got a vauxhall corsa 51, 1.4 sri but it will not go into gear somtimes and crunches wen going into reverse.

nathan p
March 2010
I have had my vauxhall corsa for about 2 years and have had to replace the gear linkage 3 times! I will have a look at it myself and see whether or not it has been replaced with the new style and try that. Unsafe to drive as it is at present, shame on vauxhall for not recalling these models.

Unhappy vauxhall owner
March 2010
Had the same problem with gears,sort a part from e-bay it cost around £30 but also purchased a metal linkage rod at a cost of £15 delivered,got the garage to fit metal rod on and fit the unit,this cost me £35 inc VAT,garage said this was a good idea and would use it themself,metal linkage rod on e-bay from V.A.G.Automotive components.Two months in and seems to be fine.

March 2010
having suffered the failure of the plastic/nylon bracket for weeks and searching everywhere for a cheap replacement I found the ebay metal replacement made by VAGAUTOMOTIVECOMPONENTS is the best cost option and their service is excellent. Just search corsa gear link on ebay and it should come up. Highly recommended

December 2009
Clearly a common fault. Not surprised when you consider that the ball and knuckle is made of palstic. SImply replace the whole part for around £17 with apatterned one off ebay.

This has a metal ball and knuckle and should last much longer.

Vauxhall should repair FOC judging by how common the fault is. DOnt believe the comment about gearbox leakign no oil to gears comment. Sounds like they are scamming you. Shame on vauxhall

November 2009
Have you seen Ebay item a metal replacement
Item number: 270483223385

Fitted this to my car its brilliant
Corsa gear link

November 2009
Same problem as everybody else, thought i needed a new clutch but found this website, read about ball and socket, and low and behold when i checked mine it wobbled around like a stick of celery, bought new one from vauxhall ( £42.00 plus vat ) replaced it and gears are now no problem at all, thank goodness, when i asked an independant garage how much to fit a new clutch i was told £450.00

God only knows what vauxhall would have quoted

Thanks everyone for some very sound advice.

October 2009
i have a corsa sxi 58 plate, i was finding 1st,2nd and reverse gears very hard and it felt like i had to really force it to go in gear.took it in to vauxhall today,just phoned me up it turns out oil leakage and so no oil getting to gears.see if its any better when i get it back

September 2009
my vauxhall corsa 1.2 1999 having trouble changing gear mainly 1st and second and making a crunching sound when going into reverse. have had clutch cable adjusted. still has the problem but only happens when the car running for a while. could this be gear box oil to low and if so any ideas how to check it.

August 2009

August 2009
had my 2001 corsa 1.2i 16v from new ,gears are as sweet as the day i got it

February 2009
tim where can i get one

January 2009
pop the bonnet, look at rear of engine, you might need a torch, between the engine and bulk head right in the middle, you will see the gear linkage come out of the cabin, there you will see a large plastic ball joint where the linkage turns at 90 degrees towards g/box end, hold and twist linkage arm, look at the ball joint for exessive free play, there shouldn't be any 'give' at all.
replacement kits are about £40.00 but give vauxhall an ear bashing, they know all about this fault.

January 2009
my 53 plate corsa sxi has also had this problem where the gear stick becomes hard to put in first or second, i got it fixed at my local garage where i was charged £175, and a year on its seems to be going back to its old ways, bl**dy great!!! but apperently you may phone up vauxhall or contact them and they are legaly bound to fix it for FREE due to there cock up on the class c corsa, but depends if it still stands...

matt from leeds
December 2008
i own a vauxhall corsa club x reg. Ever since i have had it, it has been nothing but trouble. One thing after another keeps breaking. I have been having problems getting into first and reverse for quite a while now but my mechanic said he could do nothing about it. Now when i go into reverse, it sticks and the gear stick goes wobbily. Apparently i need the ball and socket changing which is under the bonnet. Does anyone know how much this will cost me. It has really annoyed me.

annoyed corsa lady
November 2008
My car wont go into 1st or second gear either, garage said it would cost £215 But i found the part for £45 online brand new and from Vauxhall them self!

November 2008
I believe it is a fault known to vauxhall but they are gambling with peoples lives by not recalling the vehicles affected. The plastic parts in the gear linkage wear and become sloppy, you have difficulty selecting 1st, second and reverse. Imagine pulling out of a side road expecting to zoom out and finding you are in 3rd gear. If you are an experienced driver you will slip the clutch and give plenty of gas. If you are inexperienced you panic, dither and that lorry which you know you can beat now has smoking tyres and the driver is frantically looking for somewhere to put 30 tons of metal this may have already happened The cost to me this week was £169 parts and labour and one very frightened wife. Complain to Vauxhall and contact Watchdog as I have done

November 2008
this jst happened to my 53 plate corsa,i got mine changed for £65. But its been a month now and my gear stick feels like it did jst before it broke again!

Raky boy
August 2008
I advised the DIY methods mentioned above - I took mine to a dealership and it cost me £212 to get it repaired!

August 2008
ok james, my daughters y plate corsa is the same i bought the new part the plastic socket from reg vardy for less than a fiver [about £1.80 ] she was told between 75 to 85 pound but 10 mins and its fixed no probz

July 2005
its ok i have fixed the problem. It was the connection between the gear shaft and gear box it was a nylon ball in a plastic socket. Its a common fault with corsa. due to a design problem. IT COST 80 quid to get a new part. If your corsa has gear problems or feels quite lumpy when changing gears. if you look behind the engine and see a black ball near a black socket then this is the problem. The new design of this part makes the gear shift smoother. Sooner or later any old corsa will have this problem. IN THE MEANTIME TO FIXING IT YOU CAN POP IT BACK INTO place.

james gibson
July 2005
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Mend repair fix Vauxhall Corsa cars

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Mend repair fix Vauxhall Corsa cars