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Mend Broken Toilet Cistern

How can I fix my broken toilet cistern (Twyfords)?

The syphon has stopped working in the toilet cistern. Can it be repaired? Can I replace it? Do I need to have a whole new cistern?
It is a Twyfords make over 20 years old.


April 2008
my toilet wont flush this has been happening on and off for about two years but now it wont go at all. Do I need to buy a new cistern or is there a part that can be fitted that will save the hassle of having to fit a new one. I cannot say how old it is cause it was here when i moved into the house 8 years ago. All I can tell you is that it is a dual flush. Any solutions

October 2009
You can indeed buy new syphons for about £10 (B&Q, Wickes etc) - they aren't difficult to fit but the cistern has to come off to do this, which means turning the water off and emptying the cistern completely. If your loo is close coupled - which means the cistern sits directly on top of the loo pan - you'll need a new doughnut washer on reassembly to prevent leaks. There are two sizes of syphon too, so measure the length of yours before getting a replacement.

April 2008
Mend D.I.Y, Plumbing
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Mend D.I.Y, Plumbing
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