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Mend Ford KA Cassette Players

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Mend Ford KA Ka Radio Code

ford ka radio code?

The battery died on my ford ka today and now I need an unlock code for the radio (5000 rds eon) unfortunately i bought the car second hand and don't have any of the manufacturer's booklets. Is there any other way of finding out the model no. and serial no.?

April 2008
my no on my radio on my ford car,m054891 i cant find the code.

martin mills
October 2016
i hve the serial no , how do i get the code

yvonne henshaw
September 2013
hi i'm trying to unlock the code on my Ka seriel number (m006252) could u plz help ?

May 2013
Hi need a code for radio don't have serial number it's a ford Kia 56 plate how do I get the code for the radio

August 2012
i had a flat battery and now my radio wants a code which i have no idea i need music i brought car second hand and no one can help if any one can help i would be very grateful tammy x

tammy adams
June 2011
hi, my serial number is M017063. can anyone help with the radio code.?

August 2010

I have the same problem. My serial number is M017237.

If anyone could help I would be so grateful.


June 2008
Hi Sarah, you will have to remove the radio, cut the ends of a wire coathanger and push them into the 4 small holes in the front of the radio with a bit of giggling it will come out, the serial number is engraved on the side and normally on a few stickers your looking for (M123456) when you find this re-ask your question with the serial no.

April 2008
Mend Audio, Cassette Players
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