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Mend Vehicles, Cars

How can I resolve my recurring ECU problems( restricted power output)?

Hi, I have a frontera 2.5TDS 1998 manual which has a power limit a 2000rpm (most noticable on a gradient. Drop below 2000 and the power returns. I believe that this is a safe mode of the ECU. Diagnostics indicate a number of codes but cannot isolate any as the culprit and when cleared and the car performs as expected for some time (it varies from a few weeks to 6 to eight months), only to return. Any ideas on how to resolve? Failing resolution is there any way of resetting the ECU to normal settings ( ie clear the codes with out the need to resort to a garage/diagnostic computer?

Nairn Galbraith
March 2008
Hi Nairn, ignore my first post I just realised I turned over two pages in the fault book!!!! yours can only be read by a code reader and only be reset by one, sorry for the duff gen

March 2008
Hi Nairn, you can read the fault codes without a code reader depends on what diagnostic socket your car has the standard 16 pin connector short pin 6 to earth or the 10 pin short pins A to B then you have to count the warning light flashes to erase the ecu's memory disconnect the battery for at least 60 sec's but dont forget your radio code! if you would like the meaning of the fault codes and possible cures contact me on and I'll mail them to you

March 2008
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