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Mend Triton Baths and Showers

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Mend Triton Off Button Stopped Working

"Off" button on Triton Opal has stopped working. How to repair?

Triton Opal Electric Shower has "On" buttons that operate the shower at varying temperatures, once the main switch has been put on by means of the cord. To stop the shower, a larger "Off" button, towards the top of the shower panel is usually depressed until the shower stops. This no longer works and the only way to stop and start the shower is by means of pulling the main cord / on / off switch. How can I repair the "Off" button?

Dave Blakeway
March 2008
Hi Dave

Suggest you check out 'The Shower Doctor Ltd' website:
which has an excellent forum page offering free expert advice and also an extensive library of layout and parts diagrams for just about every shower model imaginable. They supply mail order parts as well.

Bill May
March 2008
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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Find out how to mend Triton baths and showers