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Mend Diplomat Dishwashers

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Mend > Dishwashers

Mend Diplomat Dishwasher Model Adp

How do I get a jammed door open on my Diplomat Dishwasher model no. ADP 813?

I have a Diplomat Dishwasher model no. ADP 8132. It is about 6 years old, used probably every other day.

The problem I have is that the dishwasher was put on to do the cycle (as usual). It went through the cycle and them bleeped to indicate it had finished. When I tried to open the door, it was stuck and we have tried every day for 2-3 days to get the door open (a pull down door). It is stuck completely. There is a little bit of movement at the top but it is jammed and I just can't get it open. It is an integrated dishwasher. I've had an electrical man to look at it, but he said he doesn't want to be responsible for damaging the kitchen. He said he has NEVER come across anything like this before.

Has anyone got any suggestions?

Karen Putman
March 2008
put strong metal bar into gap at top slide till feel spring clip and gently force door

keith holmes
April 2008
slide a thinnish strong metal bar into the open gap at the top of door till you feel spring clip in centre of door force it gently whilst pulling door i have same problem on adp8224

keith holmes
April 2008
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Free repair help for Diplomat dishwashers

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