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Mend > Gym/Fitness Equipment

Mend Proform 545s Treadmill

why are my Pro-form 545s treadmill consule display buttons locked?

Can you tell me why the buttons on my treadmill computer console are locked out? There is power to the machine. It does not use batteries for the console. The treadmill displays all show "0". But if I push the speed increase button it starts up. If I keep pushing it, it continues to speed up. But when I press the decrease button nothing happens or when I press the stop or even the incline buttons nothing happens. I have to pull out the key to stop it. I also checked the reed switch and magnet they are both o.k.

Mike J.
March 2008
Try this solution. It worked for a lot of people based on the comments in the video.

October 2022
Suddenly my Proform 545s has the same problem...and after the initial problem, it too came back on and worked perfectly for about a week. Now it is worse than ever--it powers up, but nothing works! The only button that makes a sound is the Stop button; all other buttons act like they are not being pushed--and they are not worn out. I tried the link above for the online users manual but it is no longer active. The machine is in perfect condition except for this sudden issue. Not sure how to approach finding the problem....

July 2013
I had the same problem yesterday. I drove all over town looking at new treadmills yesterday and this morning I decided on which one I was going to drop $1K on... Here is the great news... Just before leaving the house to go get my new machine, I decided to plug my old 545s back in (I unplugged it last night and moved it out of my home gym)... And the running gods must have visited my house last night because it cranked up and worked perfectly!!! Hopefully, it will hang in there for a month or two so I can plan out my replacement treadmill and find a good deal!

February 2010
My pro-Form 545s treadmill's lights come on on the console. Sometimes it beeps but it will not start. I unplugged the plug and reset the reset button but still won't work.

July 2009
That just happened to me too on my Pro-form 530 treadmill - the answer I get is I need a new console - at the tune of $280.00. Google the treadmill doctor. They are great over the phone and only charge $4.99 for shipping on anything, anywhere. I figure I'll replace the console - cheaper than buying a new treadmill!!!

March 2008
Most of the time the key pad overlay will go bad and it normally takes out a couple of keys or so. They are all interconnected.
Key pad overlays are little bubble buttons that sometimes collapse.
A normal symptom is it won't elevate or slow down. A test for this is, On most treadmills when you push a button you get a beep. If your button doesn't beep. You keypad is bad.
But what concerns me is your display shows 0.
It almost sounds like an upper electronics problem.
If your belt is moving your speed window should show a speed.
This is the address for your users manual. On page 21 there is recalibration for incline. Give it a try. Call Icon Health and Fitness for service

Mark Peterson
March 2008
Mend Leisure Equipment, Gym/Fitness Equipment
Mend repair fix gym/fitness equipment

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