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vw golf mk 4 leak please help?

i have a vw golf mk 4, 1999, 1.4e, 5door. whenever it rains the back footwells get soaked and the front drivers side gets a bit wet 2. now i havn't got a sunroof i think it could be the door seals. could anybody help me and tell me how 2 check the door seals. any help will be much appriciated. thanks

March 2008
Has anyone had any more success with figuring out? My car is a
Swimming pool and I cannot work out why?!

Fed up with golf
June 2016
Skoda Fabia [similar model, also VW ],has same problem.
Remove rear door lining & remastic the inner door carrier. This hopefully will cure the prob.

August 2013
water is coming in through the top of the doors during heavier showers ,then dripping down into drivers side and passenger side footwells

michael n ireland
October 2012
Check your door. I had a major leak at the back of the passenger seat, I worked out that water was running down the window and through the door, but not draining out the drain holes, but running into the back of the car. Fixed the door membrane on the back of the door card and it's been dry since. Also had a small leak at the front passenger side. I removed the lower dash and found that the water was coming in the corner of the winscreen seal and dripping down. I have a mark 2 golf, hope this helps as it was a nightmare trying to find the leak and I had to remove all the carpet as it was saturated and causing major condensation.

October 2010
i have a m4 gol4 2001 reg which are on and recently everytime it rains the drivers carpet and the rear passenger carpet directly behind gets wet. it now has a stench from the dampness as expected but it just keeps getting wet evry time it rains. the mechanic said it is the door strips the doors but im not too sure. any advice of what to do and any checks i can carry out will be greatly appreciated, thnx. xx

September 2010
Hi All. I just spent $1500 locating the leak in my 2003 Golf variant so thought I'd share the results. After rain, water was pooling in the foot wells. We tried all the obvious leak spots mentioned in forums like this but with no luck. Eventually the mechanics completely stripped the interior and hosed the car down with lots of water to see where it was coming in.
Water running off (all) the doors was flowing down beside the door seal but when the water reached the horizontal part of the seal (along the bottom of the door) it hits the seal and the momentum of the water actually causes it to flow up INSIDE the seal, over the metal rib and inside the car under the floor-lining/carpet. This means there is absolutely no visible sign of water entry because the water is actually going under the seal - not over it. The door seals we all in perfect condition. The mechanics put a strip of putty inside the door seals along the offending sections and pushed it back on to the rib. This putty interrupts the flow of water and has stopped all leaks.
They then put back in all the (dried) floor linings. I think it would have taken for ever to properly dry the floor without having them removed. I hope this helps some of you. It was impossible to diagnose without this full lining removal. Good luck.

September 2010
we have a golf gti td1.9 it has water coming in near side front and rear my son got it from a garage in poole dorset half inch of water above rear carpet any to day i poured water down winscreen it came in side sills took front wheels off 1 at atime took off mud flaps behind them was a load of muck cleaned out washed out poured 2 cans of water none came in car took carpets up took under felt out to dry ps dont cut any carpets or wires as the air bag will go off dont take out front seat as air bage has to be deactavade by avw dealer iam told just waiting to see if that will do the trick rob ps golf 1999 s reg

April 2010
I have exactly the same problem. It is not coming from area below windscreen.latest selective hose treatment shows water from sun shine roof is draining away BUT is coming in just behind bonnet opening lever into front drivers footwell. I think there is a connection in door pillar not connected. Still checking.I too suspected something coming in heater system but puddle forms at end rear air exit seems to flow across front footwell to this point.

Leslie N. Ireland
August 2009
I have a similar problem with a puddle of water in the rear seatwell.

I have not fixed it, but I am almost 100% certain that the water is coming in through the heating system (there is a air heat duct under the seat just next to the puddle).

The first time, I thought it was due to drains below the windscreen being blocked and water backing up and into the air intake.

However, the problem returned even after clearing these drains.

Other possible factors: being parked on a slope; with rear wheels lower than front whels; allowing snow to sit on the windscreen and then melt.


Has anyone here solved this?

February 2009
i had same problem so took back to dealer and they said it was seals in the door clogged up,in the bottom of the door is a small hole,stick a screwdriver in side and clear mines been fine since,touch wood.!!

September 2008
I have the same problem!..the rear footwell is so wet there is an actual puddle!...front passenger footwell is also slightly wet - so I think it's coming in the front somehow?....I have checked all the seals and nothing!...I have sat in the car and poured water over it and there is no sign of a leak but about ten minutes later the bl**dy things soaked! - my guess is it might be a bung thats not letting water pass under the engine somewhere, loads of sites say its the pollen filter but I have checked this and it seems fine. Please help us!!

July 2008
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