Look folks, peugeot have had great problems with their auto boxes on most models.
My experience is with an 807 auto. Lovely car, only 59000 miles when the gearbox started to bang as it changed gear and then the dash gear selection lights all started to flash and car went into "Limp home" mode.
Did a lot of research on the ineternet and found out that the majority of the issues relate to the AL4 Auto gearbox.
Let me start by telling you that only one company makes the Automatic Transmission Fluid for these gearboxes (I think it is presently Mobil) and the oil, in the UK, costs in excess of £14/ltr.
These boxes are designed as sealed for life, they have no "Dip Stick" as a normal engine does.
The drain plug on the gearbox is in two parts. The inner plug is to drain the oil and the outer plug is the "Level" tube.
The level of oil in the gearboxes have to be checked at an exact temperature, MUST be on level ground and the level in the gearbox has to be exactly right.
Do not, I repeat, do not use "RED ATF" in these gearboxes.
The gearbox oil has a temperature counter. By that, I mean that for every degree of temperature above a set figure, the onboard computer starts to add to the counter. Once the counter gets to a pre determines amount, the dash board warning light comes on (engine management light). I see that many of you have paid to have the light removed at the dealers, only for it to come back on at some point in the future.
The computer oil temperature counter has to be reset to zero, so dont only get them to cancel the light, get them to set the counter to zero as well.
The Gearbox oil cooler is a very small affair and any increase in engine temperature (running on a hot day in slow moving traffic etc) will pass the temperature rise onto the gearbox oil which in turn increase the count on the counter. Any cooling problems with the engine (eg leaking water pump or radiator) will dramatically increase the temperature counter for the gearbox.
In the gearbox itself, the pressure regulator valve is prone to wear, there is a company that advertises an oversized valave with a reamer kit and anyone who is quite handy at car mechanics should be able to strip the front off the gearbox and carry out the modification, however, afterwards it is necessary to get it back tot he dealers to let them set the new pressures on the computer.
On ebay at the monet, there is one company who supply a completely overhauled valve set for the peugeot/Citroen AL4 gearbox at a price of £375. This will cure 99% of all Peugeot/Citroen AL4 auto box faults, but again, it will then need to go to the dealers to be set on their computer.
All in all, the auto gearboxes on the whole range of Peugeot/citroen cars are to say the least, very unreliable after the first 40000 miles.
For the later model cars from 2007 onwards, I have been told that their Automatic gearbox fluid is in excess of £60/ltr, 3/5 ltrs for an oil change makes it almost £200 just to change the gearbox oil.
My advice, by one of these by all means but make dam sure to get rid of it before it gets to 45000 miles.
Peugeot have washed their hands of the whole realiability issue and accept no responsibility for it.
Hope this helps someone.
Stephen H
November 2011