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Mend Peugeot 307 Cars

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Mend Peugeot 307 Gearbox

How can I fix peugeot 307 "automatic gearbox faulty"?

I bought a peugeot 307 1.6 petrol, auto, 52 reg ( October 2002 ) recently.

The warning signal "Automatic gearbox faulty" appeared 4 times in the last few days. The warning signal happened when the car was running up slip roads (20-30 degree).

This mornig the warning signal appeared again just after my car run (down ward) a "100 yards 20-30 degree slip road" and then turned a 90 degree corner, and went on to a flat road.

The signal appeared when my car is on a flat road 30 yards after I turned the corner and the slip road.

Friends, anyone knows what are the possible problems and or knows how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.


February 2008
Mine has done 385000km,all you need to do is fit a proper oil cooler and get rid of the water heat exchanger.Change fluid every 30,000 .

April 2021
You should never let gearbox oil stay in for 100,000 km/ It breaks down through condensation. Sealed for life is only good until it dies.....

December 2017
Replace the batrey for the "automatic Gearbox Faulty" trust me thats the problem.

August 2017
Yes folks I bought a 2002 peugeot in early 2016 and I am 90% happy with my purchase. Yes I have been getting some of the same problems eg. sluggish take off when the car is still cold; some jolting when coming to a stop, also when the engine is cold; and of course the familiar dashboard reading "automatic gear fault". When the engine has just started problems 1 and 2 occur. However after I have driven for about 5 minuter these problems varnish. The gear fault warning only comes up when the engine is in park or idle mode. I am looking forward to some viable options and I will investigate the recommendations that have been put forward. I have found though, that if you turn off the engine and restart, then the sluggish take off is eliminated. I have changed most of my front ends but then what wold you expect with a 14 year old car. I must admit though that the former owner took very good care of the car and I believe that is the crucial point in all of this. If someone purchases a new car and does not do proper and timely maintenance on that car, there will come a time when things will fall apart. That person will then look to sell it to those who cannot afford to buy a new car. The maintenance will now fall on you. Unless the car was a lemon in the first place, the peugeot is not a crap car otherwise it would have not been once voted European car of the year. I do admit that this gear fault problem is one that peugeot should have corrected a long time ago. But I aint kidding yuh, that car's got style, personality, and sexyness. I'm in for the long haul.

March 2017
hi all I'm working on this problem and coming up with a solution that sorts all this problems out I'm bypassing things on the car to solve this issue and once I have done this I will post it so it will solve all problems x

June 2016
Ive just inherited a 2005 307 Peugeot which has 307,000 hahaha on the clock. Before I inherited it? I drove it for 6 months then paid $500 for it. Beforehand it had a noisy left-rear wheel bearing and wobbly front end and it hahahaha hadn;t been serviced for 15000klms. I like the car, economical, suave & easy to park. So, decided to service it & repair the issues. $400 for service, $250 for front tyre rod ends, $200 for wheel bearing, coz the french use a hub. $410 for 4 tyres $180 for labour which overall I thought was more than reasonable? Since then the Automatic gear fault message came on for the next 3 days with a whiplashing thump at about 90klms. Then the next 2 days was free of this fault until I discovered, after picking up a shopping bag off the passenger side carpet, that the carpet was swimming & soaked in green coolant. Checked my reservoir to discover it empty\dry. Rang my mechanic who popped by and told that my 'heater core is cactus & is an expensive issue. I love the drive & comfort of the car, but do I count my losses and get out now? My mechanic has told me that Peugeot have one of the better engines going around but obvious to me & others who blog online, they have substantial faults, that can be more expensive than most? to remedy. And after all mechanics are just there, as almost everyone, to make money to survive comfortably, so no blaming them?
And sorry & acknowledgement to the people who have possibly outlaid,
alot more money than I have.

Stephen Scott
May 2016
I have the same problem with my peugeot 307. Automatic gear fault, temperature reaching to 100°, steering wheel get so hard.. I think to solve this big troubles Peugeot brought to user should be "They should shutdown because they are not addressing concerns of users. All i can say is dont huy PEUGEOT -IS A BIG OF SCRAP.

March 2016
This can happen bcos of 2 reasons. Either bcos of dirt accumulation in the gearbox or due to faulty plugs in gearbox. I had the same problem and got it cleared when i flushed the gearoil. Gearoil has to be flushed every 100,000 kms. Gearoil flushing takes around 150$. Gearoil is bit costly, not like the normal engine oil. Even after doing this, the problem still exists, then you need to change the plugs in the gearoil compartment. There are 2 plugs coming, you can get the problem cleared if any one is changed - Info coutesy: Peugeot Service Center.

October 2015
Dear friends i also have a peugeot 307 automatic here in Brazil and what I've been doing until i find the best solution to the problem is to warm up the car for about 5 to 10 minutes then i drive away.90 percent of the times work out .I really hope you guys in the Uk,Australia, New Zealand and other countries can "together " hurt the reputation of Peugeot so nobody else will buy its cars.Why in the world peugeot is not doing anything about it ? This is a world wide problem.

Joel Andrade
June 2015
Do you have any updates on this post?

I own a Pug 308 (THP SE Automatic) 2009 model and have only owned for 6-months, 45,000 miles on clock!! A month or so back I had a similar problem. When cold the car jolts from first to second gear badly and sometimes is a bit juddery when changing gears, this stopped once the engine temperature rises. No engine warning lights have come on though (as of yet)! I took this to a garage who have referred me to a gearbox specialist as they think this maybe a big job!!!

I am now debating whether to take out a warranty and get fixed in months’ time (making sure warranty covers this fault!) or if to just cut my losses and part ex for a different motor?

February 2015
I have 308 which has the same problem thumping in to 1st & 2nd cost $1000 Aus to have the solinoids replaced . The mechanic stated that it is a known fault with the transmission and Peugeot knew and should have recalled the cars. He recommended I sell its got 54K on the clock He said buy any thing that isn't European. Thanks for those who gave a detailed accounts on here it really assisted me. Sadly despite the $1000 I have just spent its still thumping in to 1st and 2nd . Just hoping it last the test drive when I sell.:)

Very annoyed 308 owner
October 2014
if i use manual potion after 5km i cant enter low gear but always D potion then stop car and shift R potion .there is a no smooth shift have a big noise. what i do now

July 2014
Tango is it fixed yet or you still having problems? I have a fix for this fault and its not solenoid, valves, fluid level or exchange gearbox. Plse remember that the gearbox cant cope when its hot thats why it works when its cold. make sure your cooling fan is goiing on when it should otherwise your cooking your car. Sammo Feb 2014

February 2014
folks ask yourself the question again as i think a few are missing the real issue here. The car is fine when its cold....aaaahhhh interesting, lets take it back a step. I suspect your car is overheating and going into limp mode without you even knowing it. Here is the answer: when a car heats up too much then the gearbox can't cope...tyoical peugeot. Remembering that these cars are built for cold climates. resolve the heating or overheating problem and you may solve your gearbox problem just like I did. My car was also fine when it was cold but I found out that it was overheating without me even knowing it. Why? because the related cooling sensors and fuses are not overly reliable. regards Sammo

January 2014
Same problem

January 2014
hi i have a peugeot 307 1.6 petrol auto 2004 with only 45,000 miles on the clock, my problem is changing gears, its fine when its cold no problems at all but when it warms up then it takes some time to get into gear. i mean sometimes have to rev upto 3 rpm to get it to gear.

mathew leaney
October 2013
To mend this problem you have to get the whole solenoid valve body repaired with new and upgraded parts and software for the computer.Be warned though that the problem has a high chance of returning within 14 months.
I paid 1500 for this upgrade.
Symtoms to fix are.Stop at lights and feel what seems to be a late downshift,then when green traffic light you go nowhere,for a bit/ then and it goes.I found after an hour or so of driving when things heat up a bit the problem gets worse.
With my experience the problem showed signs of returning,so i sold my car.
I lost a lot of money on this car,and i only hope that the lady who bought my car doesnt have this problem return too quickly.It may be ok for some time but i am almost certain the problem will fully return .
I love Peugeots for their style but they are just to unreliable and expensive to maintain,so i cant buy another one.

October 2013
This is a common problem and is repairable. Just spent Aust $2200 to have auto transmission specialist repair. Remove and repair valve body assembly in entirety /includes the solenoid. Use genuine parts. Runs like a dream.
First big spend in 10 years.

March 2013
Hello,I have the same problems with my Peugeot 307,they changed valves,bands,oil,but the problem still remains.Of course,no answer from Peugeot.Did anyone try to contact them for a global recall?Im sure you will lough...the saga will continue,Iam sure

cintia negreanu
February 2013
I have had the same problem for over a year bought the car from carcraft and they have eventually admitted their is a fault after continous journeys as once I turn the car off the fault disappears. Took it to peugeot this morning so will keep you informed. There seems to be a lot of this happening and I am thinking about starting up a site asking people to complain so that peugeot can investigate this problem fully. Would anyone else be interested?

February 2013
Am going through the same problem with this 307 2003 Peogout the car is getting worse... I bought it second hand and it was only 72000 miles but this Automatic Gear Box fault does not seem to go away however much they try to restart it with their computers... Its a pain and wish i had done some research before buying this crap of a car... spent too much money on it and the PROBLEM DOES NOT GO AWAYYYYY.. There not telling me the gear box is faulty and needs replacing..

January 2013
hi happy new year to the cold mornings i start the motor and waithe 5 minuts running as the temp is warm i drive away manage to gueathe to work witheout any ,automatic gear faut, on nithe time runs verry well

January 2013
Yes i have similar problems.Mine gets worse as it gets hot.Pull up at lights in drive but go to take off and you go nowhere.After some delay a second sometimes thirty seconds,it will jolt into gear and all is well untill you stop again.Let the thing cool off and its normal again after a while.
The solution to this and similar problems is to upgrade the software,new solenoids and a typical transmission service,which means new transaxel fluid general clean of valve body.
Most cars have some inherent weakness and with the Peugeot it is the transmission design.Fortunately an upgrade is available,which is supposed to fix the problem.
But if you have an internal leak then your stuffed as its gonna be a throw away your al4.,and buy a new one $4200.The valve upgrade is about $1500.If your lucky and the rest of the unit is ok the upgrade should get you outa trouble.

October 2012
Hi All. Does anyone know what the resistance should be for the 807 auto (AL4) input speed sensor unit. Mine is reading 286 Ohms, Thanks Rob.

robert terry
October 2012
I have been driving my 307 for over a year with the stupid false message appearing everyday ( gearbox has been confirmed not faulty ). Is it possible to physically take the sensor out of the equation ( disconnect it ), so as to do away with the need for expensive trial and error repairs.

June 2012
I can so relate to all of the posts here. I've just bought a 2nd hand Peugot 307 and am having the same problems. Diagnostic tests have said there's nothing technically wrong, but that doesn't wash when I'm stranded on the side of the open road, with engine cut out, 35 kilometres from work waiting for a tow truck! A workmate is experiencing the same problems with her 307 and is getting the solanoids done at a cost of $1,500NZD. I don't really want to spend any more on it so will try to sell immediately. I just hope that it doesn't crap out on whoever takes it for a test drive!!!

May 2012
i went to peugeot Hatfield today,i was told to book in my car,The guy did not even bother to check or diagnose do i book the car without being told how much is't gonna cost or being adviced wether is risky to drive it or not.PEUGEOT SERVICE IS GOOD WHEN YOU GO THER TO PURCHASED THE CAR BUT VERY BAD WHEN YOU EXPIRINCE PROBLEMS.My problem is i changed bearings and it's showing slippery sign and automatic gear fault message ,can someone help me please as it is frustrating me . Peugeot 307

March 2012
STOP STOP STOP, every one this is not as bad as every body thinks that it is. There was a fantastic blog on the AL4 gearbox and the link is here.

The transmissions are all the same, and you will need to replace the solenoid valves with the new ones and if you are there then clean out the valves. Do not be ripped off though, just get the solenoids changed (new ones are 2574.16 Borg Warner type) and get the Peugeot garage to reset the counter. Whilst you are there replace the temp sensor too as its all in the same area and the you go. It is all on this blog though and will cost in today's climate (and without stupid expensive fluid which you do not really need) around £400.

February 2012
Look folks, peugeot have had great problems with their auto boxes on most models.
My experience is with an 807 auto. Lovely car, only 59000 miles when the gearbox started to bang as it changed gear and then the dash gear selection lights all started to flash and car went into "Limp home" mode.

Did a lot of research on the ineternet and found out that the majority of the issues relate to the AL4 Auto gearbox.
Let me start by telling you that only one company makes the Automatic Transmission Fluid for these gearboxes (I think it is presently Mobil) and the oil, in the UK, costs in excess of £14/ltr.
These boxes are designed as sealed for life, they have no "Dip Stick" as a normal engine does.
The drain plug on the gearbox is in two parts. The inner plug is to drain the oil and the outer plug is the "Level" tube.
The level of oil in the gearboxes have to be checked at an exact temperature, MUST be on level ground and the level in the gearbox has to be exactly right.
Do not, I repeat, do not use "RED ATF" in these gearboxes.

The gearbox oil has a temperature counter. By that, I mean that for every degree of temperature above a set figure, the onboard computer starts to add to the counter. Once the counter gets to a pre determines amount, the dash board warning light comes on (engine management light). I see that many of you have paid to have the light removed at the dealers, only for it to come back on at some point in the future.

The computer oil temperature counter has to be reset to zero, so dont only get them to cancel the light, get them to set the counter to zero as well.

The Gearbox oil cooler is a very small affair and any increase in engine temperature (running on a hot day in slow moving traffic etc) will pass the temperature rise onto the gearbox oil which in turn increase the count on the counter. Any cooling problems with the engine (eg leaking water pump or radiator) will dramatically increase the temperature counter for the gearbox.

In the gearbox itself, the pressure regulator valve is prone to wear, there is a company that advertises an oversized valave with a reamer kit and anyone who is quite handy at car mechanics should be able to strip the front off the gearbox and carry out the modification, however, afterwards it is necessary to get it back tot he dealers to let them set the new pressures on the computer.

On ebay at the monet, there is one company who supply a completely overhauled valve set for the peugeot/Citroen AL4 gearbox at a price of £375. This will cure 99% of all Peugeot/Citroen AL4 auto box faults, but again, it will then need to go to the dealers to be set on their computer.

All in all, the auto gearboxes on the whole range of Peugeot/citroen cars are to say the least, very unreliable after the first 40000 miles.

For the later model cars from 2007 onwards, I have been told that their Automatic gearbox fluid is in excess of £60/ltr, 3/5 ltrs for an oil change makes it almost £200 just to change the gearbox oil.

My advice, by one of these by all means but make dam sure to get rid of it before it gets to 45000 miles.
Peugeot have washed their hands of the whole realiability issue and accept no responsibility for it.

Hope this helps someone.

Stephen H
November 2011
Hey my mechanic suggested to put a new battery and the problem went away.

September 2011
Thank you, thank you, thank you and sympathies for your heartache. I recently test drove a used Peugeot for my niece's first car. The auto gearbox was sluggish, even taking off from rest in 3rd gear.

I then read the comments on this page and very quickly put the idea of buying that car to rest.

My only concern is that so many of you seem happy just to push the problem off onto some other poor sop (clearing codes and then selling it!). Get onto your consumer advocates and push them for a resolution instead.

September 2011
Hi there i have peugeot 307xsp 2003 it has been a nightmare since i boought it . initially there was problem with temprature level going above 90degrees after that alternator failed cost me $500 to replace now coming up with automatic gear fault , when i took it to one of the auto electric shop they tested it on their computer and said fluid temprature sensors need to be replaced , som people call it solenoid valve some call it electro valve , i cant get the proper code any where to buy it online to save some money .. this car is costing me alot of money never had any problem with my other cars . if any one can guide me with the code or where can i find the code for this item i will appreciate it ..

September 2011
Hi karen we also own a 2003 307 and its started doing the gearbox fault and its just done 90,000. I think ill take it to a different mechanic and delete the code and sell it as the pollution light just came on today. There is a lot to be said for buying local i think. Good luck everyone else.

June 2011
we have a 2004 auto 307 and automatic gear fault has been displayed several times, we took it to somebody who plugged it in and checked it over they said we would have to pay about £380 to fix the problem.
Is it worth doing this or will it go again???
Shall I try and trade it in???
We only paid £3250 for it dont want have to keep paying money out on it as we have so far for new started motor and other things.

March 2011
I bought a 307 1.6 Auto 52reg (2002) second hand got the Auto gearbox fault took to a Peugeot dealer for diagnostic check. They tried to be as helpful as they could be but were clearly embarrassed that they had no solution to offer for the problem as it is a design fault which Peugeot cars need to rectify and they are currently not willing to do this. They reccomended going to a specialist gearbox outfit to see if they could help. It turns out that they would fit a new box and give a 12 month warrenty but at around £2,000 it is just not worth it.

Where is watchdog when you need them.

John Kent
February 2011
it should be the oil level dude because of the road slope. check the transmition oil level. and good luck

January 2011
just email Peugeot asking for a Global recall

Ioannis Ioannou
January 2011
i too now have this problem & am now very concerned as my local dealership is wanting to charge £600 + for a valve. How has anybody got on with taking the matter further

January 2011
Our 307 XS Auto purchased in January 2003 in Melbourne Australia from Bayford Peugeot started seriously faulting at 90,000km and the gearbox was never smooth - we just thought it was the way the car drove. We had the pressure regulation solenoids replaced at 98,000 on 10/1/11 and today the car is faulting and the transmission slips which it never did before. It is not drivebale.

To be clear they never told us there were any reliability issues with the transmission and we have been lucky apparently as we have not had some of the other very common problems.

My advice is that the first time you get this fault go in and have it cleared from the log by a different mechanic, drive the car to the nearest Peugeot dealer - preferrably the dog who sold it to you - don't tell them about it and trade the car in for a new or demo model with a full warranty....get 65 years minimum .... give them back the problem.

DO NOT start spending money on fixing it - as we did - as the gearbox is stuffed when this starts happening. Put the money towards a new car.

Our friend who is a mechanic said they are not worth fixing ...just sell the car asap. Too late for us as the transmission is now completely stuffed directly after having the problem fixed.

The solenoids which "failed" regulate the oil pressure and distribution in conjunction with the oil pump. Our dealer service manager says they are doing 50 a year plus a 6-7 gear box replacements probably double that.

It cost me $1200 for the solenoid replacement, vs $3,000 for a second hand changeover which will have the same inherent problems or $5000+ for a rebuilt changover which comes with a 2 year warranty. Car is worth $10,000!!!

Our dealer service guys are pretty good/honest but they have told me the transmission is rubbish and we were pretty lucky to get to 90,000kms.

We were unlucky enough to damage a sun visor which could not be fixed ...the list price for a new pair of sun vissors - they only come in pairs - was $890!!!!! The service guys were great and got a wrecker to send over second hand pair for $175 and helped me fit for nothing ..... but this is not after sales customer care from Peugeot the company!!!

DO NOT Buy a Peugeot with your wallets and get every person you know with Peugot problems to put it on the web until their brand is rubbish.

In the end do any of the car makers care! No ...the cars are built to look good and drive well for 2-6 years and then drop in value in and skyrocket in service and parts costs to get you to buy another one. They probably only really make money on the service and parts anyway.

Search the blogs on any car you are considering ...stay clear of new Peugeot models as they will have more bugs and get your AA to thoroughly check any second hand cars ......Avoid second hand Peugeots like the plague.

Make sure you put words like do not buy a Peugeot in your blog so google picks them up!!!!!!

Never buying a Peugeot again and telling everyone I know about it
January 2011
I have the same problem with my Peugeot 307, A Peugeot mechanic checked it using computer told me you need to change the regulators 2 nos. ( he meant the pressure regulation valve and the converter lock-up valves). Any one knows how to disconnect the sensors on the gearbox so as the computer won't calculate the pressure, because I'm sure the sensor is very sensitive to any thing and the computer just acts dummy.

December 2010
I have exactly the same problem with my 307. Any Singapore 307 drivers out there who have this problem?

Singapore Driver
November 2010
I've a 308 auto doing all of the above and has done since buying it from them in April. Back in dealers for the second time this month. Reset computer first time now tell me they have fitted new valve but want to keep it over weekend to check it. Nearly had an accident on main road due to fault !!! Back to a German car i think.

Very annoyed
November 2010
typical FRENCH cars .. our 307 has started playing up on cold morning . really hard gear change for 2 minutes then fine ... we had renault scenic auto before and gearbox was a night mare on that car ,..i agree with previous comment , i hope french cars go bankrupt , they dont deserve to be in business . selling such faulty cars . they have been aking cars for over 100 years and there still rubbish at it

October 2010
everyone that has a gearbox fault email me your details I am going to trading standards and watchdog .Mine has gone with 15000 on the clock lets get the ball rolling.. icclejay at hotmail dot com

October 2010
Chance the 2 hydraulic valves that regulate the pressure with new Borg Warner valves. Code: 2574.16 !!! This cose the problem that in the morning or when the transmission is cold go s in a limp mode after 3 minutes of driving !!!

See olso this
PS. You can find chip Borg Warner valves at ebay !

April 2010
Sell it!
I have a 2003 307 XT 2 litre it has been giving me Auto Trans Failure since 108,000. Car is at 126,000 now and fails every 2 out of 3 times when I cold start and drive off down the road. I have to pull over and restart, I live adjacent to a highway so thats serious!
Dont wait until your other unrepairable motors go.
I am trying to sell mine.

Sad owner
April 2010
I Email Peugeot about the problems of the automatic transmissions and I still have now answer from them ! I think they know the problem and they fear about the cost of a recall !! I put Sam transmax x in the gear box but still I have no improvement ! Same problem after 600km ! I think some think is wrong with the body valves ! The car have no other problems and have very good driving feeling ! Do anyone know where they build them ?

Matheos Georgatzis
April 2010
change every 10000km the oil ! peugeot say 2,5 liters bat you must put 3 liters minimun ! ! put olso some motor kote additive inside 300ml is ok ! have the same problem

matheos georgatzis
March 2010
same probs on my 05, 807hdi taxi, peugeot are in denial threatened to take peugeot to mira, complained to watchdog, conclusion if everyone emailed watchdog they will follow it up. i'm an ex bmw technician & in my view its a software glitch & solenoid(electronic switches) problem, the ecu's get clogged up with fault codes and need cleared just like a mobile phone running out of memory this causes cars to enter "safe mode" Peugeot have sold cars with known faults which is illegal under misrepresentation of goods act "goods not as described" thats why dealers are creative with the truth. get watchdog on the case its the onlyway problems like this are ever sorted.

February 2010
I have the same problem(307cc only 20,000 miles done) 'automatic gearbox fault' flashes up same(with in 200 yards) every day, to date i have put car into peugeot dealers Hadfield rd+Colchester ave., cardiff, 3 times told, 'codes deleted should be ok'=£90,then 3 ABS sensors needed replacing £377 then a valve in gearbox needs replacing,but cannot guarantee this will solve the problem they said 'recommend a new gearbox £2500+vat' seems to me they have no idea whats actually causing this fault,and theres a design fault in these gearboxes(that Peugeot wont admit) they should be recalled. So whats the point in putting in another new box at great expense if they havent got a clue whats causing it.I know this dosent help you, but it might stop some one else wasting money at the peugeot dealers, lets just admit to ourselves we've 'been had' and are now stuck with these heaps.I will NEVER buy another peugeot.

Dai unlucky peugeot owner
February 2010
yes men,, sensors need to be change ,and gear box later to be change then multifunction controller is to be changed then gear regulator is to be changed ,,,,, it is a shit car monthly needs some thing to be changed to this gear box and most of them high coast finally threw it away and get another one.

kh hd
November 2009
I also have a Peugeot 307 SX 1.6 Automatic 2005. I bought it second hand with 51000 km on it about 7 months ago and it has been having 'Gearbox faulty' problems for months and been into the local (Australia) Peugeot dealership several times. Now they tell me it needs a new gearbox, costing $15,500 fitted, almost as much as I paid for the car. I was told the ECU (computer) and solenoids are fine. This car is a complete lemon. There's a second hand car guide book I found, unfortunately after I bought the damned thing, and it said for the 307 "avoid it like the plague". I can now only concur. I'd sell it, but I would feel guilty about passing on a heap of crap to someone else. Based on my experience of many faults with this car in the short time I've had it, not just the gearbox, I can only hope the French car industry goes the same way as the British - 'belly up'.

Pug mug
November 2009
I was also informed BMW X5 Transmission Fluid is also compatible (confirmed by BMW mechanic).

omar haughton
August 2009
I bought my 307 XT 2.0 L at 96,000 km. This problem appeared and disappeared for me, I notice it tended to happen mostly in Manual mode and less in Auto mode especially when over revved. At 104,000 Km the first fix was to check the transmission levels drain it and make an adjustment (too much fluid), however the problem came back after a few months.

My dealer's mechanic says the recommendation is that the fluid never needs changing (quoting his service manual). However my car is an exception because my previous owner drove the car into flooded waters, and probably caused some damage that way. (I discovered this now after purchasing!).

The only temporary recourse is to turnoff the engine and restart to clear the fault. Good driving technique also helps. I've heard about signal or wiring related problems but I plan to change all the transmission fluid in my car and see if this will be a permanent fix before messing with other areas.

omar haughton
August 2009
take a box of matches or a cigarette lighter and start the car on fire. then, walk away.

po'd pugowner
August 2009
I have a peugeot 307 automatic 2003 which has recently been doing the same exact thing, it seems to jump out when I take it from 30 to 40mph on the motorway and then the engine really buzzes loudly till I pullover on highway, turn off the car and start it again, which is not only annoying but very dangerous. I'm really upset as I just bought this 2nd hand car about 2 months ago and it only had 19K miles on the clock. Thanks for you advice everyone.

Kitty T.
July 2009
When you get "Automatic Gear Fault" it means that two solenoids relating to the gears need to change. Over the last five years I have had to change this every six months in my 307. Obviously you figured out it gets better as the vehicle is nice and warm, also you have to re-start to be rid of the fault temporarily.

February 2009
You need a new auto gearbox. Just went to Peogout this morning and they said the same to me after a £50 computer costs a lot to fix....

May 2008
check the transmission fluid level ,symptoms appear LOW OIL IN GEAR BOX.

February 2008
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