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Mend DVD Players

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Mend > DVD Players

Mend Dvd Player Eject

GM factory DVD player?

I have a GM factory dvd player that just started to give me these problems. When I try to insert a disk it will take it in try to read than eject it out after disk read error. I opened it up and could not find any obvious damaged parts. It must be a reading error of some type.

February 2008
i try to play my cd it wont play when i check the dvd player it clicking over and over it look like it not reading the cd

Russel Vasquez
February 2014
hi, does anyone have a wiring diagram for one of these johnson controls autovision overhead dvd with flip down screen for a vauxhall zafira

April 2010
You can send your factory DVD player to Sybesma's Electronics in Holland, Michigan. They are the original service center contracted by Johnson Controls, the manufacturer of the unit, to do the service support for these units. Visit their web page at "" They have a discounted repair program for 285.00 for these units.

January 2010
try cleaning the laser by hand not disc

February 2008
Mend Video, DVD Players
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Mend Video, DVD Players
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