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Mend Servis Washing Machines

Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Servis washing machines

Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Servis Washing Starts Water Start

servis easi logic 1600rpm?

My washing machine starts to fill with water at the start of the wash,Then after about two minutes skips to the end of the cycle,If I put it onto the spin cycle it will empty the water but not spin.Can you help

pete dolbear
February 2008
replace the pcb board

March 2013
please email

March 2008
Check out the carbon brushes in the motor. Theyre graphite blocks which transfer mains power to the copper segments of the motor - located at the other end of the motor from the drive pulley. Theyre probably worn down. They're quite cheap parts and easy to replace - the holders are plastic or bakelite and are generally held in with screws or plastic clips. Also, look at the copper segments they run on to check for burning or pitting. If the segments are burnt or damaged you need a replacement motor or a replacement armature (motor part) if you can source one. Occasionally may be a fault in the motor drive circuit board - in which case replacement of board only real option.
Check out my site for info:

February 2008
yeah ur pcb is ko needs to replace it
February 2008
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Servis washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Servis washing machines