Sony MZ-M100 doesn't read the any of my disks anymore?
I'm guessing the laser is jammed because it sounds like it's trying to move but can't. I don't want to spend the 80 bucks that Sony charges to fix it but I may have to. It's a very expensive unit and all my music is on MD. I don't want to switch over to ipod or another MP3 player because I like to record my own music. Does anyone have any advice or know how to fix such a problem? It's stuck on the opening sony logo screen and won't go any further to read the disk. Please help!
The first thing is to try cleaning the laser, especially if the player has lived in a dusty or smoky environment. Depending on how mechanically capable you are, it will be worth disassembling the laser unit and cleaning the leaf switch, regreasing the sled and replacing any rubber belts.
Then you will know if you really need to spend the money.
January 2008
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Sony MZ-M100 doesn't read the any of my disks anymore?