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Fix Blue Screen on Proton DVD Mod No. Pd 007?

Brian thanx for your help but it did not work.. But the step by step guide was a good idea. In the TV System of System Setup there is NTSC.. this is what i need to get back is on PAL or Auto at present,that's why im gettin the Blue Screen. As i said before I can hear but cannot see.. So if anyone can give me a step by step guide as to what i should go into, to change back to NTSC (eg. press set up, go down, 2 lefts and right) i would be entirely grateful. i can also be reached at

January 2008
I just fixed this same problem with the identical model DVD. I connected the DVD player to an older (2002 Electrohome) TV using standard A/V (yellow,red, white) cables. At first I got black screen with audio only but when I pressed P-SCAN, I got video but it was rolling pretty quick. I could make out the menu but it was very difficult to select anything. I tried the SLOW button. I'm not sure if this helped or not but I kept trying to make the selection and finally it worked.

Here's the button sequence:
Firstly, do not STOP the DVD or you won't be able to get to the menu you need to.
Press SETUP on the remote.
Press DOWN arrow once, RIGHT arrow once, DOWN arrow once, RIGHT arrow once.
This gets you to the NTSC/PAL/AUTO choices.
You were probably (like me) stuck on PAL and you want to be on either NTSC which is UP or AUTO which is DOWN.
I had to be very patient and keep trying this over and over. I finally managed to get it to change to AUTO and it worked.
Good Luck!

March 2008
If you are using just RF (antenna) cables then try the other methods of connection to your tv.
Often this will give you enough of a picture to see what you are doing so you can correct the menu.

January 2008
Mend Video, DVD Players
Mend repair fix dvd players

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