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Mend Ideal Standard Flush

Ideal Standard dual flush constant leak into pan?

Sam posted a query Nov. 2007 re: an Ideal Standard dual flush constantly trickling into the bowl. Did he ever resolve this?
I have the same make/type of toilet and the same problem.
Spoke to Ideal Standard who sent me a new outlet diaphragm. Fitted this but the problem persists.
Is there a better designed flush system that will fit the Ideal Standard unit and actually do the job properly?

R. Woolford
January 2008
a constant dripping or stream into the pan from the cistern is probably the flush washer. you can get them of ebay for £5

it could be a badly configured overflow stop point. to check if the washer is leaking, isolate water going into the cistern then mark the water level and wait a few hours, if it drops loads it will be the washer, if the water leak stops its going into the internal overflow tube so just adjust the floating ball mechanism

Rob Astbury
January 2016
I too have this long term problem constant leaking into pan, where can i source a seal for the internal flush unit inside the cistern

February 2012
Ideal Standard E751401 Alto Close Coupled 4 to 6L Push Button Cistern.
The flush system in this unit is rank. I need someone to inform me how to remove the top of the fill pipe? The fill pipe lid is not threaded and i don't want to try an alternative move that could cost me.
All i want is some decent help in breaking down this plastic piece of kak so i can clean out the build up of debris etc that's causing the unit to fill up too slow.

September 2011
Same problem after 3 years. Seal was blistered with water bubbles. Used pin to clear and this improved but need to find replaced part

June 2010
This was driving us mad, so one Sunday mornig i decided to have ago at it!
Removing the vertical syphon i saw the rubber seal at the bottom was badly blistered, these were water filled blisters, so i stuck a pin in them all and re-fitted.

It worked ! - no more running into the pan

So i looked at the other two in the house - blistered exacltly the same - so got out the pin again

Checked the outside water meter and it was not moving

Now just need to find the right replacement part number, becasue i am sure this is only a short term fix

Bob in Grimsby
January 2010
We where in our new house for two years when all three systems leaked, they where all changed and two years later guess what ? Yes they are leaking again. I have chenged two today and they seem ok for now, all i can see is that the rubber degrades with time.This will do for now untill i either move or replace with other systems.

August 2009
I have had three new cisterns - each has leaked between the valve and the base because the base inner surface is not flat around the joint area. The supplier (with my agreement) added mastic under the seal and around the thread - it stopped the leak.
Then re-tested it but it leaks badly from between the underside of the cistern and the metal clamp plate. Probable cause is either an uneven bottom surface of the cistern in the outer sealing area or a split in the threaded sleeve caused by the supplier over tightening the nut.
Next step - reject the product as "not fit for purpose".
p.s. the two previous ones that I fitted had no problem at all.

April 2009
I have the very same problem too - with an Ideal Standard dual flush cistern that is 4 years old: it leaks into the pan constantly.

Did the answer about changing the seal on the syphon unit work? I am wondering if something else has gone wrong with the syphon unit.

Tim L, Essex
March 2009
I have exactly the same problem in Ideal Standard Dual Flush - 2 yrs old. Do the solutions already posted work?

don't want to waste water
November 2008
its the seal on the syphon unit where it passes through the base of the cistern. it will be passing the rubber washer and running down the flushpipe,regards joe

js pickford plumbing services, batley
January 2008
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