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Mend Proline Dishwashers

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Mend > Dishwashers

Mend Proline Find Dishwasher Bleeping

how can i find an error code for my Proline DWF1250P Dishwasher?

It is brand new and at the end of the first wash it starts bleeping 10 times every 30 seconds and the first 4 lights are flashing. I've checked all the connections and switched it off and back on again but nothing is working. I can't get hold of Proline for any assistance.

Proline Dishwasher DWF1250P

Nicola Foster
January 2008
i have all 4 lights flashing i have removed water from base but still flashing 4 lights and beeping will not reset

July 2012
I had the same problem, tilted it back & to the side and water came out. It now works!

Thanks for the advce

soccer chick
May 2011
Cheers for the flooding advice. You were correct. It was water inside causing the issue. Cant really see source but maybe it's the door seal at the bottom. Seal cleaned of gunk and it's back working. Fingers crossed it will stay working.

April 2011
I could not finde the error codes but the problem is that it is flooded(there is water at the very bottom)and anty flood device is tripped. What you can do is pull it out and tillt it back tha water will come out and it most likely will work. If it works and it happens again there is a leak. There wasn't one on the one that I had the problem with and it still works after just clearing the water from the bottom tray.

February 2011
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
Mend repair fix Proline dishwashers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
Mend repair fix Proline dishwashers