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Mend Tefal Pro Express Steam Irons

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Mend repair fix Tefal Pro Express steam irons

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Mend Tefal Pro Express  Steam Generator

Tefal Pro Express Steam Generator Iron - steam won't stop?

The steam won't stop coming out the iron, even before you have pressed the steam button. The button is not jammed in - any suggestions?

Dorothy Kerr
December 2007
I have a Laurastar i-S5 iron and my problem is wont stop steaming what would I do? Please give me an idea how to do please,, thank you so much.

December 2019
Steam didn't stop steaming! Flushed through but still no good so had some Oust so put in the separate water tank, switched on iron and rested sole plate on metal tray. Forced some Oust water and voila! It now works perfectly. Rinsed well. As good as new! Be careful though...I probably shouldn't have switched iron on but in for a penny, in for a pound!

September 2018
my tefal proexpress iron keeps leaking at the soleplate - when I called Tefal they said this usually happens when you clean the iron it will adjust itself after the 3rd use- but it is still leaking and love this iron - can anyone suggest what I should do ? many thanks

March 2017
Descaler in the tank...hold steam button for 5 mins and it now works a treat..

Dawn eyles
October 2016
The steam activating switch would not stop the constant flow of steam from our "Tefal pro minute aquaplus".
The afore mentioned mini switch (which is located in the iron handle) was revived by a generous wd-40 spraying. Give it 15 minutes to clean the switch contacts.
Furthermore, I used undiluted white vinegar to descale the iron plate by baptizing the plate into 7 mm of vinegar for 40 minutes. It worked fine. Flush the residues of winegar with copious quantity of water.

ggakakos, Athens GR
February 2016
I have a tefal Gv8360, constantly steaming, i tried some remedies none worked, then i bought a bottle of Kilrock.Big K from robert Dyas, . followed the instructions, of 1 part Kilrock to 8 parts water into the the main tank and let it steam away in a metal cooking tray raised about an inch on a mesh griddle i had . it cured the problem about 3/4 of the way through the tank , the amount of scale and corrosion was amazing. i then filled it with fresh water and taped open the trigger button to get even more steam scale out. The on/off valve now works perfectly. read the label of the descaling fluid handle with care and keep well ventilated. good luck

October 2015
Thanks Martin I have also used your advice as my iron was constantly steaming without pressing the steam button and now my iron is working like a dream thanks again. Now all I need is volunteers for the pile of ironing I have. So Happy thanks again.

October 2015
Thank you so much for the advice Martin in particular, I used the descaler and let iron steam for ages, turned iron off and on few times and after spouting lots of dirty water it now works perfectly.

Julie W
August 2015
Hi mytefal pro express iron steam is not working any advise please?

mrs anokaks
May 2015
I had the same problem with my Tefal steam generator iron that steam won't stop. I was going to throw it away as it is now seven years old. Thanks to the above advise (of Martin) by pouring the descaler into the base then switch the iron into full steam twice.
Now it is working as new. Once more thanks to Martin.

August 2014
cant get valve opened to flush it out as iron coming on but plate not heating up

May 2013
I have just unblocked the valve by using vinegar. I filled the tank with about half a pint, and left it overnight. After rinsing out and steaming through, the valve was still stuck so I put about 1/4" of vinegar in a washing up bowl and stood the iron sole plate in it while warm, but unplugged. The vinegar sizzled and somehow got sucked up inside, and the valve came unstuck! Plenty of rinsing through required though. PS the stink makes your eyes water but does the job cheaper that descaler!

April 2013
hi my tefal exprees iron steam button is out of order it works on its own, it comes on and off with out me press in it. help,

November 2012
Thank you for the advice. It worked!

June 2012
Iron not heating up, steam still coming through, any ideas ?

April 2012
Similar poblem, included water everywhere from soleplate and lots of gunge etc. I poured about half pint of standard descaler directly into base unit through the rinsing plug. Left it for about 15 mins then, with water reservoir full of clean water, switched iron onto full steam. the dirt that came out was amazing. It took one more reservoir full to be steamed through the system, and then the usual 3 min rinse through. Now working perfectly.

March 2011
i had exactly the same problem thought i would have to go buy a new one until i found this site and did exactly what people said what a relief its working again and fully functional thank god

August 2010
mine is clogged up with thick brown stuff it comes out all on the clothes. HELP:)

August 2010
Flushed mine numerous times but not luck . Tried descaler in the tank and let it get hot until steam came out of the iron then the valve closed. I continued to press steam button and could hear valve working.I then flushed with cold water and it not works fine

Tony Collins
June 2010
thanks for the advise... i have just opened the drain plug and used Nilco descaler(small amount ..partialy filled the tank closed the plug sloshes it about left for a short time ..then switched on let it steam and froth it cleared the scale...saved me ££££

Bryan Church


Bryan Church
January 2008
on my iron,I'd tried flushing the tank out many times without stopping the constant steam escape,I took it to a local shop, the steam control valve needed repairing ,it cost 29 quid including vat

Andy Powell
December 2007
Well I have got mine working correctly now, this is what I did:
Removed the tank drain plug and thoroughly flushed the tank. slid the temprature slider up and down whilst holding the steam trigger (Iron switched on). Cleared all steam jet outlets on iron sole plate.

This has cleared the problem. I believe it may have been caused by a build up of lime scale which blocked a shut off valve. Good luck :)

Chris Hawkins
December 2007
Hmm ours to has the same problem, looks like its a common one.

Chris Hawkins
December 2007
I have the exact same problem - just happened last week. It would be great if anyone could advise.

June MacNab
December 2007
Mend Household Appliances, Steam Irons
Mend repair fix Tefal Pro Express steam irons

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Mend Household Appliances, Steam Irons
Mend repair fix Tefal Pro Express steam irons