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Mend Bosch Washing Machines

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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Bosch Control Panel Machine Cycle

how do i remove the front control panel on my bosch WFB2005 washing machine?

cycle select is broken. how do i remove the front control panel?

paul huxford
December 2007
Probably a bit late for you but having fixed this a while ago...
The front panel is only held on by a screw inside the detergent drawer. Once that is removed it just needs courage to lever the white plastic cover away from the brown plastic backing and clips: there is one on each end that need pushing in, otherwise it is just a case of gentle levering.
My cycle select knob was also broken (it freewheeled both ways): I fixed it by judicious positioning of a small self tapping screw to lock the two halves together.

February 2009
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Free repair help for Bosch washing machines

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