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Mend Goodmans MP3 Players

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Mend Goodmans Mp3 Players Screen

goodmans mp3 GMP32000S?

my daughter got one of the above 2gb mp3 players at xmas and is having problems. the screen is blank and it appears to be dead. when l go into my computer it is not showing up (using xp) as a portable storeage device. there is a reset button on the side, what will that reset.

jeff sawyers
January 2006
Both my wife and I have one each. Fine when everything's OK, but does strange things at times, sometimes just freezes, or shuts down after 10 seconds. Resetting sometimes works, but connecting up to the PC and renaming a folder slightly means the library reorganises when next switched on, and we're away for another week or so. Really, it seems more like a prototype than a production model. We'll probably ask for our money back and wait until they produce a fully-tested model.

February 2006
My daughter's second one going back today... First one lasted a week after Christmas. Now the battery on the replacement won't charge up. Guess as it's an obsolete item they will have to replace it with something of equal or better value etc etc :)

February 2006
mines buggerd too

February 2006
It tells you in the instructions that it reboots the system.
In laymans terms, it shuts everything down and then re starts it from scratch.
You did of course fully charge the battery.
After that its back to the shop with the guarantee card :0)

Wobbly Bob :0)
January 2006
Mend Audio, MP3 Players
Click here to mend Goodmans mp3 players

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Mend Audio, MP3 Players
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