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Mend Up Recorder Problems

Thompson Top Up TV Recorder problems?

Where do I start?
Our Thompson refuses to switch on at first attempt. We have to unplug and then it will come on.
Our facility for favourites just disappeared overnight about a month ago.
Channel 22 Ideal World - we have no idea what programmes are showing until we go into them. All the descriptions disappeared a week ago. This only happens on this station.
For the last few months it's refused to record Casualty.
Now other programmes are not recording, it seems to be choosing what we watch.
It's had funny moments since we purchased it just over 12 months ago but now it's all the time.
Would welcome any ideas to put it right or does anyone know an email contact at Thompson. Don't want to phone because of the cost.

April 2009
my box is not recording programs we switch it off at the mains but light did not come back on

avis rose
October 2012
i fast forewarded a programme put it on play it refused to stop fast forwarding .now wont work at all help

tina g
May 2012
when my thompson box is recording the recording light is red,,,the red standby light is red...but a green light comes on between the two red lights...any help ????.tom.

May 2011
hi i have setup my thompson new box and scan channels and bbc&bbc2are the only two channels that will not work i have re scaned all leads to the set are right and aerial can i start again re set thanks

March 2010
The best way to solve a problem with a Topup TV box is to bin it and contact Sky, after having my box for several months (changed it once) it still won't work properly, the picture pauses, it does n't download, its noisy, it won't record, Topup TV is a cheap con, hopefully people considering being ripped off by Topup Tv will read this first, Sky might be a few pounds more but it's simple easy to use and guess what? IT WORKS.

Ron Selby
March 2010
Orange light on,and no progammes.You left message to contact you.

May 2009
try I just solved my box problem. stuck on amber light and refused to turn on. Working fine now

May 2009
Go to link below to help solve your problem. FAQ's for top up tv.

May 2009
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