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Mend Durabrand Vacuum Cleaners

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Mend repair fix Durabrand vacuum cleaners

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Mend Durabrand Find Replacement Model

How can I find replacement filter for Durabrand vacuum Model VC-H3301?

I would like the toll free number to replace the filter on Durabrand vacuum, Model VC-H3301, purchased from Wal Mart in 2007

Janis Rosenbaum
April 2008
Part number WH5700 is an exact replacement. Type this number into your web browser, it should take you to the supplier.

June 2023
I found a replacement filters for this vacuum at, and very hard to find and to replace. It is labeled under Durabrand Cup filter.

January 2013
Hello all, I have a durabrand little vac. bought at walmart a whole pallet load in the aisle were on sale at $10.00 ea. about 5 yrs. ago, used for work, cleaning up wood shaveings etc, after small jobs. A great little vac for one hand operation. when full I would dump contents in trash,then lightly hose off filter. one day I layed the wet filter above the drivers door on the roof to let sun dry, only I for got about it, and drove away.It blew away somewhere, I searched on the internet, and found them on Amazon.$7.95 ea. Just received package w/2. on 10/4/12. Bran new. Identical to old lost one.

Manly R. Matthews
October 2012
I just called the phone number on the user manual 1-888-442-7482 and it keeps saying the call can not be made using this number. I wanted a replacement filter too for the little vacuum.

January 2011
Facing the same problem we decided try and salvage what we had. We washed the filter and replaced the broken supports with a piece of 1/2 in. hardware cloth; 3 1/ x 5 in held to the remaining ribs with nylonwire ties.This is much cheaper than buying a new filter.

July 2010
I bought one of these DURABRAND VC-H3301 vacuums at Wal Mart and after abt. 3 yrs of use the filter had developed holes which I couldn't keep patched. Using the suggestions of Nancy (Sept. '09) I ordered Filter Kit #XSD76 for a SHARK EP76 from The kit contained 2 of each of the motor filters and 2 Dust Cup filters and cost a Total of $27.47 delivered. The "name brand" vacuum which is equivalent to the H3301 is the Euro-Pro EP76 (one of the "Shark" vacuums), and the filter part number is XSD76. The SHARK dust cup filters are slightly different from the H3301 in that the upper corners are not pointed. But where the dust cup filter seals against the front of the motor housing prevents any leaks. All of the filters work fine in my H3301. Thanks, Nancy!

April 2010
The Durabrand filter can be found at

November 2009

October 2009
I bought one of these H3301 vacuums at a thrift shop, but it lacked a filter altogether. I looked at images of various vacuums online, and found a "name brand" vacuum which looks identical, ordered some filters, and am totally satisfied that the vacuums and filters are the same. The "name brand" vacuum which is equivalent to the H3301 is the Euro-Pro EP76 (one of the "Shark" vacuums), and the filter part number is XSD76. The filters are still available from various dealers online. One to try is, which has the filter for about $30, with free shipping.

September 2009
I bought my VC-H3301 for $20. Would I pay $22 for
a replacement filter?

Random Troll
July 2008

There is the filter item numbers. Wal-Mart wouldn't fill the order for my Durabrand though.

June 2008
It can be ordered from Databyte Technology Inc. in City of Industry, CA. The number is 800-845-4774. The filters are $6.00 each, plus shipping and handling. They only take checks, and ship them UPS.

June 2008
It can be ordered from Databyte Technology Inc. in City of Industry, CA. The number is 800-845-4774. The filters are $6.00 each, plus shipping and handling. They only take checks, and ship them UPS.

June 2008
go to look under vac filters
Endust Vacuum Filter - Durabrand Canister
Item Code: WH5700
1 per pack
Our Price: $21.95

Replacement filter for vacuum cleaners just ordered one for mine

May 2008
Mend Household Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners
Mend repair fix Durabrand vacuum cleaners

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Mend Household Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners
Mend repair fix Durabrand vacuum cleaners