how to stop leak on diplomat washing machine?
User instructions for Diplomat washer dryer 8702?
How do I get my Diplomat 8702 Washer / Dryer to dry?
Diplomat Intergrated Washer Dryer HJA 8703?
fast spin results in scuffmarks marks on light coloured garments?
How can i fix my Diplomat APM8552?
How can i fix washing machine apm 8513/2?
Why will the water not run in?
why wont my diplomat apm 8702 not wash,it will spin and sta?
diplomat apm 8513/2 washing machine?
Diplomat HJA 8703 washer/dryer - button panel detached?
My Diplomat APME integrated Washing Machine will not tumble the washing?
why is my diplomat washer blowing the fuse everytime?
Fusing the electrics?
How can I fix my APM 8702 Diplomat?
My diplomat washing machine just stopped working?
why does the fabric conditioner stay in the draw ?
diplomat washing machine?
what is the part i need for my diplomat 8702 washer/dryer?
Diplomat APM 8552 washing machine?
diplomat washer?