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Mend Nissan Micra Boot

how do i fix my boot on my Nissan Micra?

How do i fix my boot on my Nissan Micra E model 2004? The boot has been playing up firstly it kept opening while i was driving now it will not open at all.

Laura Weston
June 2007
My Boot Door keeps Opening When I Driving Try Everything To Fix It Until I Spotting If I Lock The Doors Inside The Boot Stay Closed. I Had A idea My Taping Up The Wires That Plug In In Back Off Boot With Tape And Put Silcon In The Half Moon Lock It Fix The Problem So Far No Problems That Was But Back In November.

Martin Hallam
March 2020
I have managed to fix this problem with a switch bought from Halfords code: HEF 358 (£5:70) which is a heavy duty push switch. You have to modify the black plastic mount that the old switch is fixed to as the new switch is bigger and round in shape. You need to enlarge and rework the mount to fit the new switch but it is fairly easy with decent DIY skills although a bit of a fiddle. Iit does work fine and not only solved the problem but saved £95!

David Hardaker
January 2020
I have removed the switch mechanism but can’t seem to get the switch out, any ideas? Photo would be good.

January 2018
Hi Fitted the jb00a from maplins make sure when u cut out the bakealite block to fit the new switch , chamfer the edges to match up with the edges of the switch . Then use araldite to fix the switch in , also bend the connectors on the switch at right angles prior to soldering on the wires . The only trouble is on doing it this way is on fitting the unit back the switch is a bit to big when bolting up the handle . but can be solved by a bead of clear sealant on the surround of the handle .........£ changed the lock unit from scrap yard £12 because the spring fell out of the unit and they are a sealed unit which are unlikely to be repaired ......good luck

October 2017
I spent 5 hours yesterday following Carlos instructions re.fixing boot switch. And I just checked it and it now works!!! Thanks!!! Although, I swore more times than ever in my life...drilled, soldered, and problem solved things for the first time, I never actually cried! Came very close a couple of times!
Also, I suspect after all that time and effort ( I am a girl with limited tools used anything I could find i.e. nail clippers) it was the connector not the switch...oh well at least I can go camping in style now.


June 2015
Before faffing about with the microswitch in the hatch handle first check the white connecting block linking the switch to the loom. When I checked the microswitch for continuity it was fine. The connecting block wasn't! Snipping this out and re-attaching the two wires from the switch to the two running back into the loom. Solved and no expenditure.

May 2015
I have a 2010 micra and my boot won't open I have no boot lock outside car only a car unlocks boot every time I click boot to open I hear it unlock but when I open it it's still locked please help

October 2014
Hi guys, Carlos I was hoping that you could help me... I went to disconnect the switch and then to release the boot by shorting out the female connector, but it didn't work!!! I'm reluctant to replace the switch if I can even unlock the thing in the way that I have just explained... Any ideas to what it could be that's stopping it from working?!

July 2013
Thanks Carlos. At first I couldn't find the white manual boot release switch that was being described. Turns out it was hidden behind a back plastic cover that was easy to prise off. Wish I had read about the female connectors as I had to buy a soldering iron. That said it was oly £4.99 frm The Range DIY store. Works perfectly so once again many thanks.

May 2013
It's broken wiring in the water proof conduit between the body and tail gate.
Broken wiring if the fault.

Carl vehicle technician
February 2013
I thought I would add some weight to the fix described so well by 'needawin'.
I similarily had the same issue with our Nissan Micra 1.6SR 2005 MODEL. The problem with a unopenable locked boot started a while back but would generally right itself a while. This week it failed to open at all hence my looking for answers.
I have now fixed the problem using the swith part from Maplins JBOOA. The only slight twist from the description from needawin was the following:
1 - instead of cutting a square hole in the rubber cap for the switch to peep through i drilled out and cut a square hole in the previous rocker switch housing which allowed me to keep the new switch within the rubber cap.
2 - instead of soldering the wires onto the new switch i bought a couple of small (2amp) female wire connectors to connect the switch cables.

all in all took an hour or two and saved me £100+. all working like a dream now.

February 2013
removed old switch from handle and the switch unit removed inside unit switches refit new switch have to refit model in and reseal make weatherpoof got it from maplin code JBOOA for £1.49p !!!!!it works better than old one

February 2013
I fixed mine by giving the switch a spray of Servisol electrical contact cleaner (a local electrical shop sells it, but you may be able to get it from Maplins). I have fixed many electrical items with it, eg dodgy switches, solonoids etc

Chris Bartley
December 2012
Not too sure if anyone has mentioned this coz for some reason the full page aint showing up but, before you all go & spend ANY money ... Just take a wee walk to the rear of your micra & simply press the unlock button on your remote 3 times & then open as normal. IT HAS NEVER FAILED TO WORK FOR ME DOING THIS. Hope this helps ya all out. Take care.

December 2012
just fixed the boot on my daughters nissan micra using the 10 steps put up on here by carlos,just like to say thanx mate you saved me a fortune.

chris capman
August 2012
martina!!! you're a champion!! i thought you were having me on "press unlock 3 times - it works every time".

you're right it does!!

Tony Heywood
June 2012
I have found that pushing the button on the key thee times opens the boot. Works every time! Good luck its a shame all of this because it is such a great little car.

May 2012
Just fixed the boot electrical problem on the Micra with Carlos's instructions. Many thanks for a lot of money saved with such a simple idea. Hats off to the guy who says he did it in 15 minutes. Took me an age to cut out the hole to fit the switch correctly. But next time I would know all the little tricks. Thanks Carlos.

May 2012
Re Carlos and the boot fixing on the Micra. Please what do you mean to fill it with silicone. Is this a spray or a packing of some sort?

April 2012
Hi all. Had this on my wife's car about a 6 months ago and after reading on many forums that this is a common problem decided to fix it myself and offer a solution to anyone who need it

So if you're interested, please get in touch.

regards, Ewan

January 2012
Found the fault in the wiring loom as it goes from the car body to the back door on the right hand side. Pulled back the prubber cover as described in a previous post and hey presto, 4 broken wires. Soldered extra length of wire to all 4 broken wires and the rear door is working again.

December 2011
Having the same problem with an '03 plate Micra. The boot is permanently locked. I've checked the microswitch described in the previous posts and it is operating ok. Does anyone know what the other switch (blue wires) on the boot handle is for, because it doesn't appear to be operating.

December 2011
I have exactly the same problem on a 2004 Micra.

December 2011
Aye Sheila - Just having same Problem with my wifes car - Boot clicking open during the night ! - flattening battery - Spent time and money at Local Garages - all telling me to take car to Nissan - this site has helped though...took old switch off - repaired two damaged wires, dried switch out in airing cupboard overnight and put rubber solution over switch - i have also ordered a switch from Maplins as i suspect the repair to the nissan one wont last .... if i still dont get any joy im going to try -

Jimmy Jabsco
November 2011
Hi, ive just got the same problem too. The boot keeps unlocking/locking itself. Resulted in RAC coming out to jumpstart my flat battery! (bulb now taken out, funny but it still passed the MOT) Ive had a quote from a mechanic friend, who said he can fix it with a replacement Nissan part for £90 or so. My question is, should i get him to buy the correct part and 'seal' it properly or do i buy the part from Maplins (JB00A) and ask him to follow Carlos's instructions. Help..!

November 2011
My boot has stopped working again for the 6th time. First time it went back to main dealers & cost £120 for a new boot switch. Boot wouldn't open the following day (said I was really unlucky they put in a faulty boot switch). Worked for just over a year & broke again. Anyway went to my local garage who fitted a new boot switch, still not working, new boot lock, still not working. Anyhow, autoelectrician checked it and said the wires are in a real bad way. Apparently they're too short & constant opening and closing eventually shears them. He's fixed 2 breaks in 3months & it's just gone again. My understanding is to rewire it would not be economically viable. Proabably half the boot switches replaced at Nissan dealers aren't needed as it's down to broken wiring. Reckon might have to get rid before next MOT. Shame it's an 05 & have no other complaints.

October 2011
i bought my micra in feb its an 05 plate and had only had one owner and 19,000 miles from new. I am having exactly the same problem and as i am a community nurse am always in and out the boot. unfortunately i havent the ability to fix it myself. Surely the dealers should recall them if its a common problem

September 2011
If anyone would like any help with this issue then feel free to contact me. Just copy and past the following URL into the address bar or google search:

August 2011
I also have the same problem! On a 2004 Micra that I only bought three months ago - and am regretting it badly :-(

I got the switch from maplins as advised but when I looked at Carlos's helpful instructions I realised they're out of my skills league - I've never done soldering before and I don't want to mess around in case I cause damage.

If anyone knows a freelance mechanic in SE London who wants to earn some pennies doing this job please do let me know!

July 2011
can anyone from the south wales area help me with this? exactly the same has happened to my micra. i dont know how to fix it, im a bit of a rubbish woman if truth be told!! if anyone can help i would be happy to financially compensate

July 2011
Message to Tillergirl:
I have persued this avenue with many authorities.
My argument was that it was an MOT fail. But the reply was that you wont fail the MOT if you take out the spare tyre.
Then I said that my boot opened whilst travelling down the motorway, surly this is a safety issue!
You see they will not recall a vehicle unless safety is compromised.
My complaints have been dismissed from all authorities.
Best thing to do is to boycott nissan purchases (with french design).
If you would like to spearhead another complaint I will back you up all the way!

July 2011
Forgot to mention Rune got it sorted too.
25 years away from the soldering iron, it's like riding a bike though.

Excellent effort, please pass the knowledge on and help others!

July 2011
I say have a go yourself. If you want to purchase a watertight switch then it will cost you arround £5.
Ewan, you are exploiting these unfortunate people a bit! (£45 + postage) come on have a heart!

My version is still going strong and you can't tell the difference from the original.

I will pop in to this thread from time to time to see how you are all getting on.

Gav, have you tried following step 1 of my boot fix. If so, check to see if the fuse has blown.

I have been contacted a few times about this fix and helped with all of them. so please feel free.

nice to see there has been more success Alan, nice one mate.
Have a go guys!

July 2011
My partners has packed in aswell, its a 2004 Micra. But there seems to be no power going to the boot switch?

June 2011
Just had a go at this myself at Carlos' repair, and it turned out to be successful. Which shows that it isn't too complicated, I believe it's been 25 years since I last held a soldering iron. Mine is a 2007 model, I didn't find the blu-tac stuff mentioned by Carlos but a black rubber membrane (what has the world come to when the French can't even get their rubber membranes right?). At any rate, I decided to make a photo shoot of the thing, and has put the illustrated story at

Rune Lyngsoe
May 2011
My wife has had the same problem for over a month and finally got to a point where the boot was pretty much unusable.

I'm offering a low cost solution if anyone is interested. Please follow the link below to view it:

Please feel free to contact me. Detail are on the above page.

Ewan Donaldson
May 2011
Thanks Carlos, another success.
A few weeks ago my boot kept unlocking while driving. This lasted about half an hour then seemed to cure itself.
Two days ago my boot stuck and would not open.
Followed your instructions, bought Maplins sitch today £1.09. Fitted in less than 1 hour, works a treat.


March 2011
Get onto Watchdog, the Nissan dealerships and make a fuss I too have this problem, why should we fix it, such a common problem. these cars should be recalled for repair, as I have been researching this and there are hundreds of people with the same problem. surely we all have some comeback. any suggestions to get an email list going of people and present it to the regulating bodies.

February 2011
Sorry guys this site does not support links.

Copy and paste this URL in the address bar:

July 2010
Glad to see some people having a go themselves.
They charge crazy pices at nissan for replacing the lock, and then after a few months you're back to square one!
If anyone is having serious problems with their boot then click the link below. They offer FREE tech support!

Technical Support

July 2010
hi guys

i am so glad to read that i am not the only one stressed out with micra 2003 model!! what a headache with either the airbag light flashing on/off; and the boot lock deciding to lock/unlock itself.

thank you carlos for ur instructions and thank u harold for your putty addition. i will give this a go and hopefully that will be my stress of boot lock put to ease.

July 2010
Just thought I would up-date everyone

It has been 3 weeks since I fitted my new switch and it still works even in the rain and on Sunday I went shopping at Bryne place Seaham and it was great just open my boot without having to open my door and pull down back seat and climb in car just to release the white release lever.

July 2010
Spot on Harold! I'm glad you had the confidence to do it, and the idea with the bonding putty sounds good.

I still don't know why Nissan have not addressed this issue and recalled all cars with this problem!

But if anyone has the same problem, then do what Harold and I have done, and it will save you a fortune. And it is reliable!

June 2010
After reading Carlos artical on how he fixed his faulty switch on his Nissan Micra. I too decided to send away for a switch from Maplins part no. (JB00A) on his advice as I had the same fault on my nissan micra 04.

I too took out the faulty switch and did everythink carlos did,but I used JML FIXIT bonding putty(from wilkinsons, asda, T.J.Hughes etc.)and moulded the putty onto black plastic peice where the old switch used to be and made a little hole for the new switch and it took about 15mins to harden,and I then connected the two wires onto the new switch and screwed the black plastic back onto the white handle.

The other thing I did was to use white sealent to seal the white handle on the outside, because thats where I think the water was getting in.
I have had the switch on for 2 days now and it works great and I would just like thank Carlos for his artical because it has saved me a massive bill and I can now get into my boot.

The Total cost:

switch from maplins(JB00A) £3.88(switch £0.89+ vat+ postage)
JML FIXIT bonding putty £4.99
2 peices of wire free.

June 2010
to: hacked off,

if you want I will fix it for you for free.

but this site won't let me give you my email address!

if you have any suggestions I will be happy to help you!

June 2010
I went to have my mot and service done today but my boot wont open from outside, so of course they wont do it grrrrr. got two days to get it fixed, helllllpppp. Nissan dealer is charging me £65.00 plus VAT just to look at it, god know how much this is going to cost me. All the instructions you all have put up to fix it sounds complicated. I am a woman after all lol

hacked off
June 2010
ollie, your absolutely right! Sorry guys for not getting back to you. I have been setting up my own business as a pc tech, and have been very busy. (so if you got a problem with your pc maybe I can help!)

Right, here are the instructions for the 'Brit made Switch'

1. If you can't open your boot then, climb in the back seat, pull off the parcel shelf. Pull of the plastic cover for the boot door. (start at the arched bit in the middle, and just yank it off.)
You should see where the wire goes through the door to the switch. Trace the wire to the white connector, and unclip the connector by depressing the sprung clip on one side and pull apart.
To open the boot, place a small spade-tipped screwdriver inside the female part of the connector so that you make a connection between the two pins inside. (dont worry, you wont get a shock!)
Once you have made the connection, you will hear the door release.

2. Open the boot lid fully and stand with the dangling wire to your face. You will see two nuts on the inside of the boot lid. Using a 10mm socket, undo the two nuts to release the opening latch. There is a rubber grommit that seals the wire, so just push it through and feed the wire through.
Now you have your latch free from the car.

3. Using a star bit (not sure what size) unscrew the four star screws. Pull out the black housing for the latch. You will see loads of this blu-tac stuff, throw this away as it is as useful as a chocolate fireguard!

4. You will see a main block, with chamfered edges on one side and two wires going into it. Cut the two wires right next to the block (don't be afraid!) Remember to keep the wire you have just cut, as it has the connector on the end!
The main block will separate into two pieces by releasing some indented catches (brute force may be required, but take care not to damage the casing!

5. once you have the casing apart you will see the rubbish (French) microswitch in one side. You need to hollow everything out of this side so that you are left with just the outer casing. (you dont need any wires or connections from inside this casing)

6. You need to buy a push to make switch from Maplins (product code JB00A) £0.89
Once you have your switch you need to cut a square in the casing just big enough for the connector end of the switch to poke through.
Once you have done this, the switch should fit snugly into the casing, with the button end of the switch protruding from the open end of the casing. (basically in the same position as the old microswitch.)
Fix the switch in place using some superglue.

7. Bare about 5mm off each wire that you cut off in step 4. Twist and pass each wire through the eyeholes in each connector on the switch. Now solder the wires in place. (it makes no difference which wire goes where) You can test you switch at this point by reconnecting the two white connectors and pressing the switch. See how much more responsive this switch is! (dont press the button too many times as this may trigger the auto cut off system to prevent the relase system from overheating!)

8. Now then, you need to prevent water from getting back into the switch. To do this you need to fill the casing with the switch inside, with silicone. (any cheap stuff will do) You have to heap the silicone over and arround the button end of the switch. (dont worry, this will not damage the switch) once you have done this, then immidiately re-join the two casings back together.

9. You will need to also silicone round the entire casing and where your solder connections are. (basically where all that horrible blu-tac stuff was)
You can put the main casing back into the latch housing using the star screws.
You will still have a large cavity round where the wires are protruding, so you can fill this with more silicone.
You must now leave the silicone at least 24 hours to dry. ( dont be tempted to press the button until it is completely dry)

10. Now re-assemble everything and hopefully you should be fine.

Another solution is to connect two long wires (normal 5amp wire is ok) to the ends that you cut off in step 4, and chase the wires back to the dashboard of the car, and mount the switch somewhere in the dashboard, so that you can open the door from inside the car! (You could do both solutions!)

If anyone has any problems with the switch (or with a PC) then please post here and I will do better to reply sooner.

Good luck

From Carlos

June 2010
Carlos, could you please post up your instructions for how you did your fix as i have the same problem.



February 2010
New switch is £58.19p from Nissan dealer.Easy to fit yourself but make sure cover is well sealed when refitted.

February 2010
To open the boot, remove the immobiliser fuse found under the panel on the right of the driver's side. Replace the fuse. Having done this, press the unlock button on the key fob and the boot/hatch will open. Unfortunately it only works once, so to continue to open the boot you must remove and re-insert the fuse each time

November 2009
this is soo annoying i have had so many problems with this boot and i now find that soo many other people have this problem too. I have been quoted £180 to have a new boot activator supplied and fitted - i just cant afford that! Why if this is such a common problem is the part so expensive!

September 2009
Just cost me £175 for a new boot lock.

Lesley Milne
August 2009
Carlos why say in your statement -

"If anyone would like more help in how to achieve the Carlos (Britt made) switch, just say so here and I will post full instructions."

when people have asked, and you haven't bothered?

I too would like to see these instructions. don't make commitments if you have no intention of carrying them out.

July 2009
fit a new standard switch i.e. not the type with the exterior black button secret is to put plenty of caulk or silicone between lock casing and bodywork new switch ref.part no.90606AX69B cost from HARTWELL FORD TEL 0870 9049720 cost 39.19 good luck

July 2009
carlos have you got the instructions how to fix the boot please.

February 2009
The Microswitch in the boot of the nissan Micra is typical of French design (trying too be clever)! I have a 03 plate Micra and have had the same problem. At first I tried drying it out and then re-sealing it, then I replaced the micoswitch but still it only lasted a few months. So I removed all the Frnch bits and used a 'Push-to-make switch from maplins (85p)', sealed it in the plastic bag it came in, and adapted the mounting to house the switch, and hey presto! the boot opens perectly and has done better for longer. So far so good. If anyone would like more help in how to achieve the Carlos (Britt made) switch, just say so here and I will post full instructions.

January 2009
Have just fount the same fault on my sister's car. The microswitch was full of water and was shorting out causing the boot lock to be operating all the time - also causing the battery to go flat. As the main dealer wants £72 for a switch worth 32p I'm going to buy a switch from RS components and try and fix the old one !!

November 2008
i thought to myself - how can a japanese car have a common fault - then when i opened the boot and took apart the boot locking mechanism i realised it was made by renault! - damn you french!!

October 2008
I have this problem too. The boot wont open at all. How much would it cost to get this fixed?

September 2008
I have the same problem, not got an answer to the problem tho...

August 2008
Here I am, a year down the line and looking for people with the same problem so I have some ammunition to chuck at Nissan! This is a known fault, I am on my second switch and fighting to get a third under warranty - my car is now over 3 years old and therefore not covered. A new switch is £120 plus labour charges - I don't think so!!

May 2008
sounds like solenoid stuck if it is a push button boot. if it is manual , you will need to remove it clean it and regrease it where required. if this doesn't work its a new lock.

March 2008
Boot not opening is not an MOT testable item.

The Therapist
July 2007
is it an electric boot switch?,if so to open it there is a release latch ,on the inside where the external switch is ,prise away the plastic panel,underneath prise away small plastic piece covering the switch and raise the white latch,this will open the boot.hope this helps,if it is electric switch then 2 reasons for inop are1. the switch is broken usually by water ingress,or 2. no electirc current to the switch-may be a broken wire,(orange)-look at the right side of the boot hinge there is a black rubber tubing carrying wiring-pull it loose and have a look

July 2007
Sorry can't give you an answer. I have the same problem. Now realise I cant get an MOT without the boot opening. Best of luck.
June 2007
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