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Mend Peugeot Speedfight 2 Motorcycles

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Free repair help for Peugeot Speedfight 2 motorcycles

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Mend Peugeot Speedfight 2 Derestrict


i want to derestrict my peugeot speedfight 2 with out having to pay loads of money taking it to a garage. i am a mechanic on cars and i know what im doing with bikes but just dont know exactly what to do. ive been told you can take the washer off the variator and leave the cover off from the rollers and that there is a bit in the exhaust which i can cut off. i dont know if this is true but if anyone can help please do. thanks

September 2006
I have a 50cc speedfight 2 and I have just put a big bore 70cc kit in it so I want to ask what size jets it best to get thanks

February 2016
Take the back plate off the variator, buy a decent exhaust fit lighter rollers, better torque spring, make sure you up jet, my speedfight 2 is running an 80 jet and you should be running around 60mph

Robbie the rocket
August 2015
there are two options [the cheap way] cut willie disruptor tub on standard exhaust off weld over hole and take washer out behind vairiator ie 48 mph or the expensive way ie new expansion chamber 100cc carb roller bearings ect my conclusions the second way is a lot of money for for an extra 10mph.better option buy derbi senda db engine 08-10 plate big tunining potencial on stardard barrel.arrow exhaust replace a 210 atomiser and a22 neddle.up size main jet 2 sizes from standard.change front sprocket to a 15 for kids under 8 stone 14 tooth if over 8 stone.genuine 60mph.

45 year old dad
September 2013
i heard you can remove the air filter cover to make it faster any help and iv got a speed fighter 2 53 tecnigas silent pro exhaust is there a restricter if so where and what rollers should i have with it i have 9g atm and what size jet can i put in without putting a free flow air filter on

November 2012
i heard you can remove the air filter cover to make it faster any help and iv got a speed fighter 2 53 tecnigas silent pro exhaust is there a restricter if so where and what rollers should i have with it i have 9g atm and what size jet can i put in without putting a free flow air filter on

November 2012
i heard you can remove the air filter cover to make it faster any help and iv got a speed fighter 2 53 tecnigas silent pro exhaust is there a restricter if so where and what rollers should i have with it i have 9g atm and what size jet can i put in without putting a free flow air filter on

November 2012
i heard you can remove the air filter cover to make it faster any help and iv got a speed fighter 2 53 tecnigas silent pro exhaust is there a restricter if so where and what rollers should i have with it i have 9g atm and what size jet can i put in without putting a free flow air filter on

November 2012
right first of all you can eather cut the willy of a standard exhaust but leave a little bit there so you can weld the whole shut or with a sports exhaust there will be a cone about 2 cm long that is welded in the pipe take that out as that is a restricter you will have to hammer and chizzel the littleweld off if you aint got the right tool but make sure that cone dont go further down your pipe or youll have to get it cut open and welded back on second in the variator take the washer out witch is behind the belt so the belt can move out more and quicker and take the back cover of the roller case right at the back witch is held on by 3 6mm bolts and for better proformance take the rollers out and give the variator where the rollers sit a good clean makes a smooth diffrence and im not 100% sure if there is a restrictor in the carb i just thing you need to up jet it there should be iver a 52 or a 54 main jet in your carb, go 2 sizes up witch is a 58 or a 60 dont put a too big jet init as it will just make it very crokey hope this helps fella

June 2012
my moped/scooter is setting off really slow. it gets to around 15mph and it bursts into life. the belt is well worn and the variaer is slightly loose. it has an aftermarker pipe and molosie variater and 4.7g rolleres. what can i do to make it set off really fast and a highrt top speed?

June 2012
how do you deristrict a screem 125 pit bike

April 2012
to get the variator off you need to lock it off with a tool or jam something in to stop it turning, Also the variator is slightly smaller as standard to reduce speed, polini etc do a slightly larger 1...
The cdi is restricted but you cant just put a race cdi on as most speedfights are immobilised...
There is norm a cone in the exhaust manifold which needs to be taken out...
Go 2 sizes up on main jets in carb and put a free flow air filter on...
theres not much else for next to nothing you can do

March 2012
I have a speedfighter 2 and am trying to take the washers out of the variator but cannot get the bolt off of the varioter how does everyone else do there's?

February 2012
The exhaust contains a welded retrictor in the system after the expansion chamber, there's another restrictor in the outlet manifold which you can remove with a file.
I have the same problem with my Aprilia sx 50 '11 which has an MK exhaust system fitted, it can barely just reach 50, and is fully derestricted, any ideas aswel, Thanks!

February 2012
The long pipe half way along the exhaust is a restricter, you can block the access to this with a bit of welding, thus the exhaust fumes go straight through, should get it up to fifty mph

January 2012
how many restrictors are they nd were at pls help me

October 2011
well my speedfight 2 ac 2005 used to hit 65 70 on the flat now only hits barley 50! it has a 100cc carb 6.5 grm rollers half malossi race variator and viper race exhaust

August 2011
My speedfight 2 can do about 50/55 it has been derestricted and has a new exhaust is there any way i can get it to go faster with out spending very much money??

June 2011
i have a speedfight 2 2000 reg and i've completly derestriced mine and it does 70/75 depending on the day, it has:
* 72cc big bore kit
* the carb off the 100cc
* ram air air filter
* spur-cut gearbox
* technigas r exhaust
* polini kevlar drive belt
* polini 7.7g rollers
* 17% variator spring
* uprated clutch springs.

so unfortunatly lads if you want your speedfight to go faster, your gunna have to save your pocket money :D

May 2011
After cutting the tube of the exhaust. What do i do with the rest of the Tube? Should i just leave it hanging there?(I dont mean from the exhaust, because i have changed it to a another exhaust)

May 2011
i have a speedfight 2 (50cc) that does 65 (70 downhill) i have a chrome zx exaust,new rollersnew carb new forks and mp3 sound sysem and amp it is black and gold (very tasty)

josh hall
September 2010
I have speedfight 1 but is near same to speedfight 2 and i have 47` kit polini, and other stuff are just fabric ...
it goes 85 km/h but i like to make it to 100 km/h ....
Is there a restriction in variator and in fabric exhaust???
i will set new variator with light rollers but with that it will go faster on starts...but the top speed will be same i think :D What i must do to goes 100 km/h top speed !!!
Transmision and exhaust !!! Tell me what to buy

September 2010
the viritator also hass a bottem washer tht stops the belt from movin ruther down so the yu will get an extra 5 mph i kno it dont seem alot but when yur drivin at 50 and some one goes 55 thy will kick yur arss

August 2010
what are the best size roller to use ?
ive got a speedfight 2 307wrc and ive got a leo vinci TT exhaust and does 50mph on the flat dont know what else has been done to it buyt i want it quicker !! thanks jamie

August 2010
leovince zx pipe, polini varitator, 7.7gram rollers, polini kevlar belt, teknix race clutch on a 1999 speedfight 1 does nearly 65mph on flat and had 75mph down very steep hill cant beat them!!!

jack v
July 2010
****the only bit deristricted *** is the variator !!*****

July 2010
u can take the washer of it gains only about 4-6 mph as i dont it today not a great deal , my carb is still restricted , ( which isnt hard to do 10-15 min job) and i just have to do my exhaust now , my 50cc speedfight 2 only bit restricted is the varieter and i can get 40 on a flat and 45 down hill amazing i think.

July 2010
i fitted a performance exhaust today but my bike is now slower....i had to leave the rubber hose off that was connected to the old exhaust,,,,is this why or do i have to do something with the carb and variator too ????
please help im only going 25 now

June 2010
you can do both of those i have done it to my 50 it only goes 50 mph but lot faster than wen i got it i put rollers in it which i got with my sports exghaust wich made it go from 40 to 50 10mph faster also the bit were u chop the exguaghst off is also good mine already came with that bit taken off and wellded back up

May 2010
i have a nrg power dd but my friend has a speed fighter an hes put a ginenli sports exhurst on an it only dose 45mph also we have taken out the veraters an washer still doing 45mph on my nrg i have put a leo vince on and took the washer out an i get 65mph whats the diffence

Dave NRG
May 2010
the main restriction in a speedfight 2 is in the exhaust, but if you have a standered pipe the restriction is in the middle of the pipe. you will need to cut the pipe take restriction out and weld it back together. if you have a sports pipe it should be in the manifiold. it is held on by abit of weld which you can chisel out and take the restrictionout, but be carefull not to pierce the pipe.

mr a
April 2010
im not to sure about the variator business or the rollers... but you could get a sports exhausts and then reduce the weight of your rollers to improve performance or instead of buying a sports exhaust you could de-restrict your original one. Which means removing the restrictor, it looks like an additional pipe extending of your pipe and is usualy hidden behind the plastics with a bung in the end of it, but be sure to weld the hole up afterwards

Matt B
March 2010
on ebay ?
or if u r american its
i have a speed fight 100cc that does 85 mph but im told it will go faster i have changed the rollers and exhaust and got a k and n air filter on it but its still not fast enought any suggestions
wb thanks

January 2010
hi in most cases you will have pipe that cums from your manifold that goes into a box called catlic convert if you cut that pipe off and weld it back up and take the cat box off if that still does not make a diffrence take your side engine cases off the kick start side u will see a belt to left hand side cumin from the crank is your varaitor take your crank bolt with care becuase if u use air tools on the speed fights cranks sumtimes they snap take your varaitor off you will find a slide wich goes on your crank out but shaft the restricter will sit on top of the slider if so take the washer that sits on your slide but rember your slider still does after go back on your out but shaft if that still does not work it could be your cdi box is restricted thanks brad

January 2010
where can i find owners manual for speedfight 2????

December 2009
ask a peugeot dealer to do it ,they will for a small dealer did it on my blaster rs12 for £60 and it was ,is still under warranty.,,now covered 12,ooo klm at 50mph no problems at all

peter ....scooters
November 2009
im getin a sport variator iv noted that a sports variator does not have a restriction washer or 3 7mm nuts holding another plate on the back wot if i remove the 3 nuts and take this other part off

November 2009
you can cut the part of the exhaust i did it with mine

October 2009
iv got a speedfight 2 50cc 307 wrc, when i had it i could only do 35mph, i brought a LEO VINCE TT exhaust and managed 40 mph, but the i upgraded to a polini variator and speed control kit with polini rollers and i am now just about getting 60 mph and i havent had no problems, , buy the proper brands!

October 2009
Which sports exhaust would you recommend for my speedfight AC model, i have herd the leo vince is good. please could some one confirm this or give me any other exhaust that are good? thanks W.B

Ashley Shammon
October 2009
I've got a 2004 speedfight wrc and i've fitted a leo vinci tt pipe, taken out the exhaust restricter, removed the plate from the variator and fitted lighter rollers BUT.. it still wont do more than 35..???? any ideas...?????

September 2009
ok put this one straight yes there a washer in the exhaust will we need to take the pipe off to get to it but thats all for the pipe but not much point if your not upgrading to a race one. as for the variator, no there is not a washer, but yes there is a plate at the back of it and works without it, as for not being able to fit the belt, easiest way to fit it when it is on the clutch end you can pull it in to the v shape grove and will give you more room to play with hope this helps

September 2009
if your drilin wholes in the air box or putin a sports filta dont forget to get bigger fuel jets;) or it will go slower

August 2009
don't de-restrict it. i am a 16 yesr old and i had a mad craze to make it faster. i have a speedfight 2 rally vesrion i paid 550, it came with a performance exhaust, i havent done nothing and it goes 40mph, not bad for what i need, dont tune it up. its a 50cc not 500 lol. so do the smart thing save some money and get a bigger ike at 17 or even a car :)

July 2009
sum1 please tell me if there is a washer in a peugeot speedfight 2 on a 58 plate... i want to derestrict my bike without too much hassle i know about the exhaust jus not sure about the variator, or this restrictor plate du i jus take it completely out and leave it :S ???

June 2009
i dont no about the washer 1
but yess the exhaust 1 is true i have done this if you look on the exhaust you will see another pipe coming out of it about 10-15cm long you have to either crimp it when you cut it or like put a 10 p there and weld it ive just crimped myn ! makes a big difference !

June 2009
will the moped fail the mot without the exhaust disruptor?


Arron Scrace
June 2009
oh yeh and take out spacer compleatley from varaitor

February 2009
tecnigas pipe 115 main jet lighter clutch rollers and mollossi airfilter.

February 2009
How do i Get my drive belt back on? becasue i can not put the toothed gear back on with the belt behind it, because it wont go back flush and therefore misses the starter pulley. I was thinking maybe my belt is to thick?

davey dave
January 2009
smash it with a hammer

bike doctor
January 2009
hi nathan... wat size jet did u put in? standard is a 52 and ive put in a 56 with no change??? got an racing exhaust and took the washer out the variator... but i understand the plate inside the roller housing can be took out? can anybody comfirm this before i take it out, just incase :D theres also a restrictor in the carb... any1 no how 2 identify it?????

thanx ppl

January 2009
i have a lc speedfight 2 n it only does 55 n its got leovince zx polini variato kit as well up jetted dno if it derestrict not got in ther to hav a proper look but lot ppl sayin diffrents things so wa is it tht i hav to take out of the variato to derestrct it if eny 1 could help would b gr8

December 2008

November 2008
hi i have a spped fight 100 50cc an need all new plastics i live in birmingham any1 no were i could get sm cheep also need front lamp cz my m8 didnt put stand on prioply an fell over and also lol the stering has gon a bit stiff 2 the 1 side any help i would be very greatfull thanks

speed fighter
November 2008
take the exaust off the bike, and the end that slots onto onto the engine there will be a piece of metal about 3inch cut it flat with a hack saw, its works a treat, mine used to go 58 it now goes 69, massive improvement!!!!!!

October 2008
Do You Have Too De-restrict Both Restrictions Or Will My Bike Be Ok With Just The Exhaust Done

October 2008

1) how de-reastrict first get a hammer bash it a bit then get a chainsaw cut it a bit then drive to the top of a cliff throw paint over it then chuck it off, its lookin better than before and is going a whole lot faster thatn it used too!!!???!!! lmao

funny man dougy
September 2008
I just bought a speedfight 2.
what do u rekon the top speed is on a speedfight 2 (50cc) when fully derestricted and maybey tuned a little?

September 2008
yes this is true i have a Peugeot speedfight 2 air cooled and on the standard exhaust there is a pipe leading off 2 the main pipe cut that off and weld up the hole and you will see a massive improvement in the acceleration and top speed.

thomas bell
September 2008
follow steves intructions nd you shouldnt go wrong because i did the same agees ago but worked it out myself but now have a mallosi performance variator nd sports exhaust, but remember people if you get a performance exhaust it's best to up jet your carb!

July 2008
what is the best thing to do to my peugeot speedfight 2 to make it go fast?

July 2008
the small tube on da exsorst creates back pressure its called the speed limiter the power limiter is the plate in the vairotor this is it if you cut the tube ( washer down inbetween the vairitor it does fak all ive dun it its onli on older + different mopeds just take these both out and you hav de reistricted it

chris d
June 2008
there is a restrictor plate in the variator that can be taken off.but on the speedfight 2 wrc some do not have washers, more of a tube.Do not cut this down as it will wear the drive belt in about 10 mins.

March 2008
hi i was just wondering will this derestriction work the same on my speedfight 100 as it would on a speedfight 50 cheers

January 2008
i have a speedfighter2 just wondered is there anr restrictors based in the engine ??

January 2008
Hi this is steve get rid of the air box and air quide put on a k & n type filter bit more power aswell as the obvious exhaust pipe and variator, my 50 does over 65mph. thanks peugeot_scooter_services leicester.

September 2007
Peugeot Speedfight 2 Scooter de-restriction procedure.
As described, was done on a 2002 model. This post is in reaction to the frustrations of finding huge numbers of search hits that never lead to an actual explanation. With care, it can be done without any welding. DIY mechanics look away. This stuff is for the hard up newbies and the faint-hearted. Without apology, its an expansive explanation!! OK - here goes..

1. You need to have some basic tools (spanners, sockets etc.) and a flat comfortable place to work, and access to a large bench vice. We plan to squash the exhaust disruptor resonator flat - but in a tidy way. In place of the vice, a club hammer and a piece of girder. The total DIY downmarket pits can settle for an up-ended brick, and at least a hammer of some sort. You need to be a bit inventive/creative at times to solve problems like corroded-in bolts, and awkward access. It helps hugely to have a Haynes or similar manual (eg. £14 from Halfords in UK) The manual does not describe what to do about the exhaust modification other than say take it to your dealer, but it does describe the variator assembly and restrictor plate, and also what bits to take off to get at these things. A bit hard to decode which pictures belong to this model, and one has to use several different sections of the manual to put together what we want to do, but it comes with PICTURES :)

2. First understand it. The exhaust device that makes the engine choke up when it gets to certain revs is a small tube stub roughly 15cm. long and 2cm. wide, welded onto the exhaust at a place between where the exhaust attaches to the engine, and the first silencer expansion chamber. Its called a "resonator" and also a "disruptor". It's also fairly obvious why it is also known as "willy" or "dick". It is a "tuned" device in that its length is critical in returning pressure pulses that travel at the speed of sound in hot exhaust gas, timed to be in just the right phase to severely mess up (disrupt) the normal flow of gas through the exhaust. It sets up a standing wave in the tube. You can make it completely ineffective by crushing it - ie. squeezing it flat!

3. Lift the seat, and carefully pull up to unclip and remove the plastic tool tray thing above the fuel & oil filler caps. Take care not to damage the side parts that have a little cut-out each that meets the panels. It is quite stiff, pressed over a chassis tube, but it does lift out with a "snap", and has no other hidden fixings. Carefully prise out the rubber grommet seal around the oil filler entry, and remove cap temporarily to do it and DON'T let anything like dirt or bits fall in! Avoid stabbing holes in the rubber with screwdriver ends and the like. Unscrew 3 flange head bolts holding the helmet storage compartment/seat assembly to the bike. I used a M10 socket on a screwdriver type handle. You don't have to separate the seat from the storage box unless you want to. Temporarily remove the filler caps, (don't lose the fuel seal!) and lift it all out. You need to wiggle a little to clear the side panel plastics and the filler caps. Now put the caps back. Before you do anything more - we are supposed to disconnect the battery, and secure the leads safely. For many of us, the risks of messing with the battery connections, and the possibility of struggling to re-establish the terminal threading, or even dropping the fixing into the unfindable works is so high, we should leave it alone, and carefully stay switched off! Recognise you are dealing with a machine with maybe enough fuel in it to shove a large car a long way. NO SMOKING!!

4. Simply lift off the (now loose) flat metal heatshield and you see the exhaust attachment to the engine. The topside exhaust nut can be taken off easily, but the one under is more awkward. Note that the nuts use studding, which threads right through the flanges on the engine. While it is unlikely to unthread from the engine, it is possible seized up nuts can cause this. Take care, threads are weaker in engine metal. Many folk just leave the nut seized to the stud, and put it back like it is. Better to replace the stud and nuts if this happens. Use a squirt of penetrating oil to loosen them if they are stuck. Limit the forces you use. Try not to give yourself more problems by stripping the threads, or rounding the nuts with wrong sized spanners. I got the the awkward one using a 10mm socket from a nutdriver kit that had a screwdriver hex drive. I used one of the longer screwdriver bits as a short drive, just to hold the socket over the exhaust nut, and then turned the bit with a very small spanner (6mm or 1/4 inch depending where you are). It is important to slacken these nuts first. do not allow the whole weight of the exhaust to hang unsupported on the engine.

5. Now go for the other 3 bolts that fix the exhaust. Two are 6mm hex cap head bolts (Allen key style). These screw into aluminium, and are bound to be corroded in with white aluminium oxide. Worse, the torque to undo them is of the right order to strip the hex bolt into a un-turnable mess. Use penetrating oil (Plus-Gas, whatever) and wait. DON'T mess up on the hex driver size. Get it right. Apply force steadily and repeatedly, but carefully and actively watching and feeling so as not to damage the bolt. They can quickly turn a easy fix into a trial! Once out, consider replacing with stainless steel standard hex-head bolts. Put them back later with grease at least, or a copper-based ant-seize compound (like Copper-Ease), if you care enough.
The last bolt underneath is thicker (M8 needing a 13mm spanner), and has a nut. You need two spanners, or have one be a socket, because the bolt head will also rotate.

6. Take the exhaust assembly to a vice, and use it to squeeze the disruptor tube flat, starting at the sealed end, and working back toward the main exhaust pipe. STOP when you are about 20mm (about 3/4 inch) from the main exhaust pipe, to avoid tearing or cracking the welds open. If you can't get enough squeeze, you can (carefully) hammer it flat. This has even been done with a hammer and a brick, but we try to do better if we can! Any tiny remaining length is in practice completely ineffective in setting up back pressure disruption, and this method is easy, and avoids adventures with cutting and welding and sealing and corrosion problems. If you mess up here, all is not lost, but you need to cut off the mess and have the hole welded up with a patch.

7. Putting it all back is, as they say, nearly the reverse of removal. I refused to put back the corroded M8. I replaced bolt and nut with stainless. Put all the nuts and bolts on loosely, and then tighten up the flange nuts at the engine first, so things don't get stressed when you do up the others. Do NOT be brutal and over-tighten. Its only a little engine with little fixings. My small spanner, only 100mm (4 inches) one handed was more than enough for the engine exhaust flange nuts.

8. At this stage, I chose to put back the seat/storage compartment parts, not forgetting the little heatshield. You can leave it for later, after the rest of the work. If you do decide to drive it before removing the drive train variator restrictor plate, BE AWARE!!. You can be over-revving things very easily. The restrictor plate limits the amount the variator can make the belt ratio change. It would be like driving at max without being able to change out of first gear. Do it now if you can.
On the underside of the drive belt cover, there is a small bracket securing the brake cable, with a associated rubber fitting. It has a fixing screw near to one of the cover bolts. Take this one out first. It may easily strip threads, even on the way out. Be prepared to later replace it with a nut and bolt that goes right through the hole, if it cannot tighten. Remove the remaining cover bolts. One is somewhat behind a plastic panel. I used a socket with a short right-angle wrench, similar to Allen key, but with a square end to fit the socket. Pull away carefully. Note that there is a special locator (dowel) on the lower edge. The foot-start quadrant mechanism is all contained in the cover. You don't have to disturb any of it. Not also that the shaft end of the starter motor pinion locates into the bearing set into the cover you have just removed, and that it will take a little care to go back in when you put back the cover.

9. The forward pulley with the gear-toothed rim is it. The rear pulley has also the automatic clutch assembly, and you don't need to mess with it. The task here is to undo the centre nut while stopping the toothed ring from rotating. The Haynes manual shows a special tool of metal strap bolted between two casing bolt holes with a dummy tooth locking into the teeth of the ring gear. I used a big screwdriver shaft (any rod would do) held in the dowel hole, that as a fulcrum to support a flat tyre lever end stuck into the teeth. Its tempting, but not a good idea to try and jam at the teeth of the starter pinion, because the forces are high and the end is unsupported. It will easily break!. You could use the end of a large chisel, or even another big screwdriver. One way or another, you have to stop it turning while SOMEONE ELSE undoes the nut in the middle. Unless you have a special tool way of locking the pulley from turning, this is never something a single person has enough hands to manage. DON'T get careless about tool fit here. This is the territory of skinned knuckles and broken fingers, and rounded nut heads! Keep firm control!

10. Lift off the toothed ring, which is also one face of the "shallow cone pulley without a middle". You can easily remove the centre shaft, and the variator assembly, recognised by the three 7mm head bolts. Remove these with care, because the innards has 3 little guides that can easily fall out. The next plate to come out is the "restrictor plate", which will probably have the number 5.0 stamped into it. This is the bit you discard. Note that below it are 6 steel rollers covered in hard plastic material. There may also be streaked grease that has flung out and hardened. There may well be "flat spots" worn onto the rollers. I wished that I had had ready replacement rollers right then, but who can know they would have needed it before we took it all apart? Wipe off the grease with paraffin or solvent. Regrease with standard high melting point grease. DON'T cover it all in grease! You only need a very little on each roller, and a little smear up the ramps they ride in. Stay horizontal over a shallow pan or something. Make very sure the 3 small guides that go on the tips of the "ramp plate" go back located correctly. This is the point where you don't bother to put back the plate marked "5.0". Just go for the last one, which is also the pulley surface, and put back the 7mm head little bolts. ( I think they are M4 thread). Notice that the pully surface shows where the belt has been riding, and where it could go. It looks a bit like a CD-R that has had data burned on in only a small diameter near the middle!

11. Nearly there!. Put it back, belt included. Make sure there is NO grease on the surfaces that touch the belt. Wipe with methylated alcohol (UK purple meths), and don't handle it with greasy fingers! I tightened the nut to 40Nm (30 using a torque wrench. It needs to be tight, and you would have got the idea from when undoing it, but don't overdo it to threaten the nut. Borrow a torque wrench if need be, or guess well. Getting the cover back on, with the dowel, is tricky. The problem is to locate the end shaft of the starter pinion gear into its place in the casing bearing journal. I found it was possible to hold the casing nearly correct, while sighting from the rear, using a small torch (er.. flashlight) to "aim" for the shaft, peeping through the gap. Putting one bolt in loosely at the rearmost point, to at least locate it at the right height, and keeping the cover pulled "away from its final home, allows you to fiddle. You know when it goes on right, settling all the way in with gentle taps. Simply sticking in the bolts and going for tighten-up IS A BIG MISTAKE!!. Having a few put in just a few turns is the excellent way to aid line-up. You have to be totally convinced that the dowel has settled in right, and that the end of the starter (smaller gear) shaft has located properly. If its all going on stiff, its probably in a problem which will rapidly get expensive! That said, a few bumps with the hand, and a little wiggle, and when it locates - you know it. Only then, go for the bolts. Again, only tighten appropriate to the size of the bolts. The really flash will have a torque wrench, and the torque data from the manual.

12. The very last thing to go back is the brake cable guide clamp. Its possible the screw will just turn uselessly in stripped aluminium, as seems to happen so easily. Don't dispair. A small bolt long enough to go right through, and a nut will do instead. 55mph, with a 50cc that has performance approaching a standard 100cc is what happens. Thats it - enjoy!

July 2007
when i covered the hole on my speedfight exhaust i welded the disruptor back on to make it look restricted. And when you derestrict the variator dont cut a bit off the washer take the whole washer out.

January 2007
i was wondering is there a restricter in the gear box, because im derestricting my speedfight 2 and i have took of the cover and my mate said all i have to do is cut the washer in the gearbox down a couple of mm. but i was wondering if that is right.

January 2007
How do you get the variator nut off ive tried impact driver and having no luck

November 2006
I have a peugeot speedfight 2 . . . you have to cut the piping off known as the willy and weld the whole shut . . i did this and my bike was alot faster . .. to gain more power you should buy a perfomance exhaust or a variator kit that if liquid cooled your bike will easily go 65 mph +

October 2006
NO it DOESNT matthew! The small pipe on the exhaust is called a DISRUPTOR, because it disrupts the smooth flow of the exhaust gases ,please ensure the information you give is correct or you will mislead people with you limited knoledge vehicle,thankyou

adam bike doctor( for 25 years +)
October 2006
I have a speedfight myself and have derestriced it, on the exhaust there is a chamber thats closed on the end. You have to remove the chamber and weld a metel patch over the hole. the bike will gain about 5mph. The chamber acts as a power limiter creating more backbox pressure.

October 2006
yes mate you are pretty well right there is a big plate on the back of the variator that stops it from moving all the way in and also there is a disruptor pipe or two on the exhaust that needs cutting off and a washer welding over cut it off nice and flush with the rest of the exhaust ok sure there is no spacer in the variator on this model though.

adam bike doctor
October 2006
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