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Mend Morphy Richards Steam Irons

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Mend Morphy Richards Elite Generator

Morphy Richards Jetstream Elite - Steam Generator?

Will not produce steam - there's water in the tank, I've replaced the filter and there's no obvious sign of blockage etc.

When I press the trigger it sounds like the pump is working but no steam.

The iron still heats OK .... but no steam!

Can anyone suggest what to do to diagnose the problem?

Thanks in advance

April 2008
Hi I have a problem with my steam elite not steaming at all sounds like wants to no leaks no signs of nothing working opened it up and I have 3 wires a red wire an a green wire and 2blue wires together as one but don't know if they missing something as I can't find a diagram of the inside of one

December 2017
Is the flex that carries the water straight? I spent time trying the pressure button to get water to no avail until I flattened the little black connection to the iron and steam came through

November 2017
I put a decaler sachet in with the water compartment as left it for ten minutes, i then held the steam button down and after a few minutes it started to release steam again, heldcthe iron out the window and kept my finger help down on the steam button for three minutes and then stopped for a couple of minutes and done this again and again and again and saw all the water being used em fresh water in and held the button down again to make sure all the discount I have been removed before using it properly

Kristy Stovell
September 2017
just in case someone is looking for the pump..
this might work, I am waiting for delivery.

August 2017
Mine keeps saying water tank empty when it is full - it was an intermittent fault that has now become much more frequent. When it sees the water it works fine. Any ideas? I always use deionised water so shouldn't be scale

July 2017
The blue light is constantly flashing but there is no steam coming out? The iron itself is heating up but no steam? Any ideas before I buy a new one?

John Clough
June 2017
OK I had the same problem. No steam being generated. I read everything you guys wrote.
The pump was working, the boiler was working. I opened the iron up - tried to pump through the pipes to remove limescale. Put it all back together... no good.
I filled the tank with white vinegar as described. Set the steam to full. Waited for 10 minutes and then just seconds before I was to give up.. the steam started coming through.
I pushed the steam button to get the vinegar through. All good.
Then, I let the iron cool. Emptied the boiler. Then rinsed the tank and filled it with water. Steamed it through to get the vinegar sniff out.. all good.
So, summary - get the white vinegar, switch the iron on and leave it for at least 10 minutes on full. Don't doubt it, this works. This as a Steamjet Elite.

May 2017
ive found a solution to the Morphy Richards 42244 Jet Steam Generator Iron, 2200 making a noise but steam not working,,, and water leaking underneath. i took it apart . careful after youve took 5 screws out, open up slowly as cables go to both halves. open up as much as poss without wires snapping, lift the center unit out a bit, the white water pipe underneath center unit to water pump was split on mine, hey presto, it made sense as... water leaking and no pressure, how crap of M.R to put such an easy spliting pipe on for such an expensive model

February 2017
If the trigger on the iron is still working you could try switching the iron on with plenty of water in the tank then hold down the steam button for say 10 seconds to "reset" the iron. It worked for me and now the trigger controls the steam just as it should do.

CAT man
November 2016
Hi, i have an mr steam elite 330021. I bought the 1st one in aug 2014.& it developed this problem of constantly steaming in may 2016. I contacted mr as i had taken out extended warranty. Unit was replaced but mr said new unit only insured to end of original ins (aug 2016) New unit has now developed same problem after only 5 months of use. Totally fed up & will probs be investing in a new unit from a different manufacturer if no satisfaction from mr customer services

October 2016
Hi everyone...desperately need help.
My MR steam iron bought just bout 3mnths ago suddenly has no control of the steam keeps steaming heavily and continuously as pressing the steam trigger amounts to nothing. The iron heats up in time and then the steam just keeps ejecting out of the iron. Please does this need a repair or a reset ...and how...PLSS HELP!!

October 2016
Descale on permanently after good rinse out as instructed; reading through pages of helpful hints found reference to a RESET button.
There is no specific RESET BUTTON !!! You rinse, reassemble then turn it all on red light for descale still on? Go to back of unit where on/off switch is, and 3 steam settings buttons are then hold in ANY OF THE STEAM BUTTONS UNTIL RED DESCALE LIGHT RESTS AND TURNS OFF!!!!!!!!!!! Hope this is useful cos it would have saved us several hours of swearing and searching for an imaginary reset button!!!!!!!!! :)

January 2016
i have very little steam and I see replacement pump link to fix it but no link how to replace pump.

December 2015
I had steam leaking from generator and low steam output from iron. Instead of dismantling the iron to clear the elbow joint to iron (as screws required special tool), I simply sharply tapped for some 30 secs the steam feed elbow joint to the iron while on. Scale and crap came out the iron steam holes. Now works fine !!!

October 2015
for descaling power steamelites.. small piece of dishwasher descaler for 3 minutes rinse out ....will be perfect

john hughes
July 2014
Thank you so much, begging to despair when the iron hot plate was not heating up. Such a simple fix, re setting buttons, thanks only to this forum I have crease free shirts again. Now off to find a solution to my toaster.

July 2014
Cannot get the brass screw from the unit to descale, will not budge! Any suggestions?

April 2014
Hi anyone know were i can get a pump for Mr power Generator 42221.

January 2014
I can confirm I bought a pump from here:

as advised by bovario - and it has fixed my broken MR jet stream elite that has been gathering dust for years.

Money well spent for me - and the wife is happy. Might not be everyone's solution. But for me the iron was making all the pumping sounds but nothing coming out. I dismantled the iron a bit and tried to see if the pump was squirting any water out - when not connected to the pipes - and it wasn't. Thankfully when reconnected the new pump I had no clogged up pipes so it worked first time.

richard b
January 2014
Same issue with my MR as most people - no steam
Stripping it down the pipework was clear as the wife always uses the softer cartridge.
The pump was the culprit!
Thanks to bovario for the website reference, ordered part which was delivered in 2 days.
Replaced existing pump unit and it started steaming again when powered on. Very simple fix.

Chris F
January 2014
You can get head gasket seal from any motor factors (maybe even halfords) which is designed for temps much higher than 100 degrees c. I am sure this will do the trick


November 2013
I have a similar problem highlighted by Tony and MappingMum. My model is a jet stream elite+ 42299. there is no scale and initially produces steam but the main power button goes from green back to flashing red. How did you know what value the thermistor was? At 20*C it measures 230k ohms (this may be a faulty reading). Any ideas on the value of thermistor for this model



November 2013
Hi fixed mine theres a plastic elbow joint above the iron plate inside which was blocked and I used white vinegar to unblock that and the wholes in the iron plate thanks everybody steve.

steve parry
October 2013
The seal on my MR steam generator iron boiler looks perished as there are signs of limescale on the outside. MR were extremely unhelpful and just tried to sell me a new iron. I explained that if they cant tell me what's gone wrong I'm not buying another MR iron! If anyone has a solution to replacing or resealing the boiler please do let me know. Thank you

September 2013
Yes I have the same problem and have discovered the boiler in the main housing has what looks like a seal which has perished, so am assuming there is a loss of pressure? Therefore steam is struggling to come out. If I find anyone who supplies these parts I will let you know!

September 2013
I have exactly the same problem Has anyone got a solution?

J Spence
September 2013
Thank you for your tips - I panicked when my iron (16 months old) started spitting out water and the hot plate did not seem to be getting hot. I have reported it to Morphy Richards with yet no reply but am concerned that these problems are regular with this model, MR ought to address this as they do continue to sell this model and Tesco have it for sale for £122 it came up on a compare search.
I am happy to say though for me resetting the buttons located behind both the water tank and the filter appear to have done the trick as I regularly flush out with vinegar and using boiled kettle water lessens the risk of scale up...Thank you

July 2013
Hi - Same problem with my Morphy Richards Jetstream Elite model 42288. It's not scale, it won't come out of standby so I am pursuing the 47k ohm thermistor replacement.

You can buy them on ebay for £1+, but they come in 1/8 1/4, 1/2, 2W, 3W. Which one do I need?

The iron says 2.2 kw but can't find a 2.2 kw resistor?

Also does ithe composition matter, metal film or carbon?

Hope someone can put me right.

July 2013
I have just fixed my wife's steamer after looking through these posts. it was powdered solids build up in the elbow above the hot plate. We live in a hard water area and I keep telling my wife to use Demineralised water and not rely on the ion exchange resin in the " filter". It is not possible to tell when this resin is used up and hard water has obviously got through into the steamer. Hopefully she will do this from now on.

June 2013
in reply to the descale light being on all the time even though the cartridge has been changed,remove the water reservoir tank,and behind the water reservoir there is a recessed button. this button resets the de-scale memory........
also when mine was blocked(would steam for about two seconds, then stop)after starting at the pump end.... found a piece of red gasket rubber in the final elbow on the soleplate

June 2013
Thanks to everyone here - was just about to throw out my 1yr old morphy richards when i read a few suggestions and managed to get mine working.

after trial and error mine was a blockage somewhere in the water inlet tube. - i disconnected the tube that connects to the water reservoir and disconnected the tube that comes out of the pump. i pumped a few times with a bike-pump and steam shot out.. job done..

June 2013
After reading other peoples experiences I decided to strip down the Jetstream that was spewing brown gunk all over the ironing. You do need a 2 prong drive bit but I was lucky to already own the Screwfix 33 security pack which had the right size. You also need a phillips or pozi2 driver with a 4 inch blade, as the base screws are in holes 3 inches deep. I disconnected the tube between the boiler and Iron and also took out the pump, I cleaned these with an air line,outside as a fair bit of scale comes out. After assembly it was still producing an amount of limescale muck from the holes in the Iron. I got a baking tray filled it with white vinegar approximately 1/4 inch deep and placed the Iron in it and left it to soak for 1/2 hour. I had already flushed the system with white vinegar. Now I put in fresh water and no more gunk and a much more powerful steam jet. This took around 3 hours to do, but now its like brand new. This jetstream is around 4 years old and the filter gets changed once a year.

May 2013
My MR jetstream iron works fine, gets hot and steam is produced. However, when you pull the trigger for steam (and occasionally at other times too), bright white lights flicker on and off inside the main white body of the generator (model 42284). Any ideas? It's worrying me slightly!!

January 2013
There is water coming out of the jets and it is staining my clothes any solutions certainly wont be buying this make again as going by the complaints it is a disaster

January 2013
The calc drawer leak water when pulled out. Any idea?

November 2012
If you have problem with MR steam generator iron when no steam produced or very little do 2 things:
check if there is no blockage in the iron ( if blockage in iron, hose from base to the iron will be hot), usualy on the little corne wich suply steam to the soleplate,
check if pump working, it is mean if pumps water, simply disconect pipe from under boiler (when is cold), conect to the mains and push the trigger. Water shoulg flow from pipe. If not pump need to be replaced. You can buy here
If have some issues regarding your MR can give advice as used to repaired these apliances, contact with me trough the shop

October 2012
Mine spewed out brown gunk and the lady at MRs said it was because i hadnt descaled it. I've used 12 of the descalers this year as the descale light is on almost permantly and its made no difference at all. Ruined a few shirts as I couldnt get the brown gunk mark out. I wouldnt buy another MR iron

Jane the brain
September 2012
just doing ironing when iron started spewing out brown water! iron has been ok up until today. any ideas as to why or what to do?

July 2012
hi all just had my mr striped (on steam) after checking all wireing conections from the con blocks i found the pump to be inop (not working) so i got out the fine wire (nitting needel which has done the trick loads of steam and very happy partener

robert kidd
July 2012
I had a problem with model 42271 not pumping. After determining pump had power, took apart pump and found it clogged with scale. I think these pumps are quite weak and easily blocked. Also good idea to take photos so you know what goes where!

May 2012
If you already have a screwdriver that takes hexagonal bits, Screwfix sell sets of security hex bits, 32 long bits, or 33 short ones, parts 71249 and 96872 respectively, for just under a fiver each.

Might be overkill but you'll have a real armoury of stuff to get anything apart. More and more stuff is held together with these sorts of screws these days.

JohnS, Bolton, Lancs
February 2012
had my MR steam G Iron for 14 months-put new filter in after 9 months-stopped steaming now-phoned Morphy Richards to be told even tho i have the receipt they will do nothing to help as i didnt register for the extra yr warranty-stupidly i thought this was guaranteed!-very rude woman from MR tried to sell me another MR iron which obviously i refused-she also said the filter should be changed every three months (at a cost of £40 a year!)-would never ever consider buying Morphy Richards anything again-they know this a problem as a lot of customers on this site alone are having the same issues-Tesos def know as they refuse to sell MRichards anymore!

February 2012
Did anyone ever have a problem with the waterpump ? i have take disconnected the pipe after the pump ,and when plugged in and squeezing the steam button on the iron it does "sound" like its trying to pump water , but nothing comes out the other side...

i have read that 95% of ppl on here have scale probelms but most seem to occur in the iron it self .. anyone ever test the pump ?

February 2012
Did anyone ever have a problem with the waterpump ? i have take disconnected the pipe after the pump ,and when plugged in and squeezing the steam button on the iron it does "sound" like its trying to pump water , but nothing comes out the other side...

i have read that 95% of ppl on here have scale probelms but most seem to occur in the iron it self .. anyone ever test the pump ?

February 2012
My problem is that it heats up fine, the power stays flashing red and when i press the steam button it just keeps beeping. No steam and doesnt even make the any pumping noises. any ideas????

February 2012
Morphy Richards Jet Stream 42284 Steam Generator - Similiar problem:- Steam coming out of release valve under the Steam Generator due to partially blocked Right-angle L shaped piece in the iron itself (soft water - no chalky deposits).
The fix:- Remove the two security screws on back end of iron. pull away the manual spray button assembly on front of iron. You should now see that top of iron is held on with 3 philips screws - remove these.
You should see where th black 'steam' tube from the main base steam generator joins to a white tube which routes to the sole of the iron. Squeeze the spring clip on white tube with pliers and slide down the tube away from the tube joining section. Disconnect white tube from black tube, The white tube goes to the iron sole plate should also simply disconnect away from base. The 90 degree elbow was partially blocked - clean up and then put all back together. As always... unplug mains -water, electricity and fingers dont mix well! Worked like new. With the tubes seperated inside the iron, (and with care!) you can also confirm that the base steam generator actually pumps and makes steam. (Thanks to Steve April 2009).

January 2012
Attn matt,

You need a Ntc thermistor. One that measures 47ohms at 25'c and 3ohms at 100'c. The best place i found was maplins online.

I've fixed mine and now heats up perfect BUT I've now broken the pump :-(

November 2011
ok i think i need the 3 k ohm, bead type resistor, but do i need a ptc or ntc type? (ptc increases resistance with temp) can someone please confrim?

October 2011
Tony, this is exactly the same problem on my mrs iron.... but hers is the 42248 model, which i dont think is the elite version, im guessing the guts are much the same. Im up for giving it a go, but definitely not as technical as you! Im pretty good tho...where can i get the correct thermister from can you post a link??

October 2011
Hi Tony,

This is exactly my problem. Thanks for the info. I've whipped out the thermistor but do have a quick question.... Is it a 3ohm resister that I need to buy?

October 2011
I have tried many of the methods stated here about how to fix my wifes steam generator. Cleaned the pipes to and from the boiler, ran thru vinegar solution, changed the thermal switches under the boiler and even took the boiler apart to clean any scale. I do not advise taking apart the boiler tho as 7 of the eight bolts sheared off and had to be drilled out (such is the problem with threading steel into aluminium). my symptoms were as follows:-

1: after switching on the iron it would heat up, flashing red light would turn green.

2: click the steam button and some steam would come out of the iron then stop, the green light would change to flashing red again and a beeping sound if the button was pressed again

3: the iron would not heat up again then go into standby

Underneath the boiler there is a thermistor screwed to it.
A thermistor is a resistor that changes value with temperature. as the temperature increases the resistance decreases

After taking a few measurements i noticed that the resistance when the boiler reaches 100 degrees C is around 3kOhms. This helped me determine the value of the thermistor at 25 degrees C (as this is how they are graded)

As the boiler hits this temperature the relay that controls the power to the boilers heating element drops out and it starts to cool. Cooling is accelerated by clicking the steam button which runs the pump. When the temperature drops below a set level the relay should kick in to put power back on to the heating element. This was not happening in my case so instead i used a 47kOhm resistor in place of the thermistor and the heater relay kicked in.

It appears that the thermistor was not working as it should do. As the temperature started to drop the resistance was not increasing enough to tell the control circuit to put the power back on to the heater relay.

The thermistor was replaced for one of a similar value and this has now cured the fault.

NOTE: The thermistor fitted has two leads, one at either end. I struggled to find one of this type so i substituted it with a 'bead' type that has both leads at one end.This means the bracket that holds the thermistor needs to be altered slightly.

Hope this helps

October 2011
Did the vinegar trick,then the hot plate in water bit,started using it and it went ok after about ten mins of ironing

June 2011
Tried the tips listed here - all worthwhile.

Before you start get a car/bike pump and a No 6 spanner bit to remove the two screws from the back of the iron.
(quite cheap from CPC or Screwfix, try for just the bits or for a set of loads of bits or

Also remove the 4 screws from the base of the steam generator (make sure it's not plugged in and the water reservoir is removed)

Disconnect the hose between the steam generator and the iron. Make sure the plastic insert remains on this bit of hose.
Attach a pump to the plastic insert and blow air through it. Loads of scale will come out of the other side. You have been warned!

Re-assemble, put either white vinegar of descaler in the reservoir (
It should work now, but you may need to repeat the bike pump thing as scale from the steam generator becomes dislodged and relocates to the hose.

Hope this helps.

Stevie T
June 2011
The conent of this distribution list is very helpful.

Tip to add is that a small pair of snipe nosed pliers are very good for undoing the screws on the rear of the iron.

Thanks to all.

April 2011
Had the same problem as most. Followed Alanr2777 's advice and filed down a screwdriver to fit the two iron security screws. Others say Halfords sell them but it cost me nothing!, Thanks alan!.
Knowing nothing about everything, I removed the screws from the base and then removed the black and white pipes that feed the steam. They appeared clear!.
Have removed the security screws from the back of the iron I took the rear panel off and (maybe not necessary also the 3 screws holding the base plate as I could leave the hot plate on the base and turn the pipes to the side for testing?!?). I now disconnected the black and white steam pipes. As mentioned these pipes are held on with metal clasps that you will need pliers to remove. Between both pipes there was an internal solid plastic sleeve about 2 cm long. The black pipe joins to one end and the white the other. This was caked in scale!.
Stupidly I made sure the work service was clear and that the black pipe was facing a bowl. I then turned the iron on and when the light went out pressed the trigger. Steam came out of the pipe!!.
Placed it all back together and iron works like new.
I am using deironised water and a new filter now.

February 2011
I had exactly the same problems as detailed below, but contacted Morphy Richards first and they were excellent. I sent a copy of the original receipt and within a month had received a replacement iron - outstanding customer service.

As for the iron itself, it's superb. I don't like ironing, but this machine really does make a huge difference and I would recommend a steam generator iron to anyone.

As for this model - well, I do hope it lasts longer than the original one (only 13 months old) as it is so good, but we shall see!

I know other people had problems because they hadn't kept the original receipt, but I read somewhere that companies will sometimes take proof of purchase from a bank or credit card statement, so that might be worth a try.

Happy ironing!

January 2011
Had same problem with my jet stream elite s It would heat up red light would flash but no steam, i used neat white vinegar 500ml to force steam through just keep trigger pressed and constant steam should blow through smelling of vinegar had brown gunk come out of vents and white calc too. we are in a soft water area and never changed the anti calc cartidge in the year we had the iron if you have hard water may take a little longer due to heavier deposits (white vinegar 500ml 79p Home Bargins).
Also heat up iron as if to use without steam ensure its hot, unplug from mains place iron plate into water it will purge and blow out deposits. Put in new anti calc cartridge suggest using pure water ie de ionised for a bit no tds ie Totally desoved solids in water = no build up of scale in pipe and iron

January 2011
My Jet Stream is a PAIN!. It works fine for about 10 minutes, then the Standby light goes on, and it then refuses to pump steam. Sometimes if I am lucky and I turn the whole unit off, the green standby light comes back on, but after a number of times, the iron just stay permantly in standby (red light).

Anyone any ideas ?

Polly Clarke
December 2010
Had no steam from a Morphy Richards steam generator / iron (ref no 42272). Admittedly, we've had it for 3 years and never replaced a filter - assumed the soft water round here would never cause a problem!

I tried to get a water / vinegar mix through the system but it had no effect. All that happened was the tube to the iron got very hot - and water dribbled out of the iron. Pathetic!

Had to open up the base unit to get to the steam generator. There is a safety valve at the top - removed using a pozidrive screwdriver. The steam generator is in 2 halves - clamped together by 6 bolts / setscrews. I had to use a socket set to undo them. Unfortunately 2 of the setscrews broke!

Inside was solid with scale! Scraped it out with a screwdrive & cleaned it up with a pan scourer. Make sure you don't scour the mating surfaces i.e. between the lower and upper halves. Oh, yes there was a circular deflector plate inside - also caked up with scale!

When putting it back together I got a tube of gasket sealer from Halfords. Made sure the two surfaces were clean and squeezed the sealer around lower half. Also around the broken setscrews. Do check the instructions on the tube to see whether it needs to sit for a while before clamping the top back on. Screwed in / tighten the setscrews - careful not break any! Re-attached the safety valve and left to "set".

I tested it by taking off the outlet hose at the generator. It worked a treat - even with two of the setscrews missing!

The feed tube to the iron was partially blocked. Cleaned it using a wire coat hanger and then used a footpump plus adaptor to blow out the dust / scale.

I did have to open up the iron to get access to the other end of the tube. Like the other answers you need a special screwdriver to get them out. Got round it by filing a slot in an old screwdriver i.e. you just have to improvise.

Put it back together and it was Ok'ish. So stripped the iron a 2nd time and tried to loosen some more scale (eg tapping the iron on a garden slab, more coat hanger wire and the footpump)!

It works fine now and have now bought some scale filters!

October 2010
Same problem as everyone else-no steam. I read the posts above and have fixed it! Not before stripping both units down to the bare bones I might add. The problem was the T piece directly above and going into the hot plate or whatever it's called (the shiny bit on the bottom). Also the short pipe from the T piece was blocked as well. Calcium build up. I cleared the T with a piece of fencing wire (srtong) and then put the wire through the rubber pipe with some knotted wool attatched. In all honesty it's not difficult or terribly complicated. If, NO, when I have to do it again I reckon 15 mins should do it from start to finish mainly because I know where I'm going. A big thanks to all above who gave me clues. If any of you need help you can find me on the fly fishing forum-christy27

September 2010
Just for info. I too had immense trouble with the security screws on the back of the iron. Managed to get a screw driver set with the necesssary attachments from Maplins:- Product code N53AW

September 2010
my iron on light flashes red but doesnt turn green

September 2010
I have to report the vinegar trick worked for me. Once the vinegar solution had worked its magic, the steam generator began to pump brown sludge from the sole plate. I used a bucket on the floor with the steam generator sitting high up on a work top. I set the thermostat at the coolest setting. This allowed the liquid to flow through the pipes
Once it cleared, I run a few tanks of clean water to flush out the vinegar solution. It works as new now.

I had a look at a friends steam iron yesterday. They had no steam coming out. After striping the iron down and going through the steam generator process, I found out that there was an accumulation of fluff/hair in the supply tube coming from the cold tank. (This could happen to the jetstream if the fill cap is left off and fluff is allowed to gather in the tank)
Hope this little titbit helps someone trying to save an iron from the re-cycle bin.

September 2010
I have the opposite problem... as soon as you switch it on it starts steaming to the point where waters leaking out of the steam unit on the floor and it eventually trips the fusebox....

is the steam button jammed open ? or is the whole thing dead

September 2010
Hi, got a jetstream 42370, Iron is getting hot but hardly any steam.
tried running diluted white vinegar through but no change.
So i decided to follow some of the instructions on here, although couldnt find our model.
Took the 2 screws out of the back, and one out from under the steam button, and 2 screws at the back under the sole plate, but could i heckers like remove the casing from the front of the iron, tried to prise it but didnt want to break it. ( anyone know how to do this? )
Disconnected the pipe, and it was clear, so the problem was further back with the water boiler unit.
removed the 4 rubber plugs in the feet, and there are 4 screws underneath, unscrewed these and lifted off the top, once again, cleaned the steam pipe out, and seems to be a lot better now, although i must have disturbed the position of the cog on the steam control knob, cos it works opposite way round, but definitely worth a try if it's knacked any way.

Martin B.
September 2010
I bought this iron as a gift for a boyfriend. My cheaper Tesco model worked better so we swapped. Have had loads of problems with it,now the iron part will not heat up. After reading all the problems that everyone has been having I think I may need to bin it and get another model. Not happy as not currently working and cant really afford to replace. Anyone got any tips

August 2010
My MR was loosing steam. (receipt no where to be seen) so I went down the road of flushing the pipes through with a weak solution of vinegar. While the steam seems to be coming out better now. The sole plate is not hot and the thermostat lamp does not come on Does this indicate the HEAT FUSE HAS BLOWN?


August 2010
I have a MR 42271 which I opened when I found that there was no steam being produced but the iron heated up.I found that the water pump was hot and made alot of noise but was not pumping any water to the heater tank.I happened to have a Russell Hobbs steam generator which I also opened and found that they both had the same water pump, so I swapped them with each other and now the MR 42271 works okay.Problem is now I need to find a new pump for the Rusell Hobbs and so i contacted MR . Guess what! they are useless as they only try to sell you a reduced price iron for around £100 which I am sure is not the price of a new water pump that is probably made abroad for a couple of quid. I am still looking for a elusive replacement water pump. I hope that my investigating the above fault might help someone who may have a couple of dodgy MR'S to get one working again.

Paul New Mills, Derbyshire.
July 2010
Thank you all sooooo much for all these tips. My iron had started spitting brown water and bits that looked like sand,so I followed a tip on another website about descaling with vinegar, but then it stopped steaming altogether! I was so worried about trying to take the iron apart as ive never taken anything apart before, but all your tips have been so clear and helpful that it was easy! I think the vinegar maybe loosened some of the gunk that was in it and finally blocked the pipe completely, but now it is working as good as new! Thanks!!

July 2010
We have a MR iron that leaks water all over the place but after reading your reviews to hell with MR I have told my wife to buy a Tefal as all my family have Tefal steam irons & have had no problems YET.

Thank everyone for saving me the bother

Brian Rodgers
July 2010
Steve Sparkey, your fix was spot on! Thankyou!

Jools Harper
July 2010
Thanks Sparky Steve... Now working a treat.
Any one wondering where to get the screwdriver for the "security" screws, Halfords do a complete pack.

Stevie C.
July 2010
Steve Sparkey your the man!!! I've got 2 of these now and both working like a dream, cheers mate

June 2010
Same problem, iron heats but no steam. Bought anti-scale treatment, held the steam button for a while but it did not work. All procedures to avoid scale have been followed. This iron is on sale in their website and out of stock. I think they want to show people that it's a massively bought iron. I'll never buy from them anymore. Thanks everybody for the tips.

Never buy a Morphy Richards iron
June 2010
Mine just packed in, cant get the two screws out at base of iron, they are a cross between philips and normal, so another deliberate tactic by Morphy Richards to prevent us fixing it ourselves, in the hope we'll just whip out the credit card and buy another.

Won't buy anything of theirs again, its poor quality and this problem looks like a manufacturing issue. There can't be a coincidence that we've all got the chugging noise and no steam. Pants product, typical British quality.

June 2010
I tried taking my iron apart when it wouldn't steam but it was clear. I then tried taking out the sponges above and below the descaler bag and it worked a treat.

June 2010
I have had two of these Irons and was very disappointed when the 2nd started to play up again, had first in 2007 and had to take that back under warranty but then 2 yrs goes from then so new one had no warranty. Was very annoyed until I read steve sparkee's solution and now iron works a treat sure thing there was a blockage in main iron not base only a spec but enough not to let steam get through. THanks for the help!!

April 2010
I got this iron as an ex display from tescos, iron heats up when you push button for steam it makes a noise but no steam comes out. It appears I did not get a filter with the iron, do you have to have this in order for the steam to work?

April 2010
We've just tried your suggestions and I'm afraid they didn't work and it is now worthy of the bin!!!!

We've also added a review of 1 out of 5 stars to the ratings...

Bet it doesn't get published!! We find it amusing that there are apparently no reviews for this item!!!

Very Creased in Derbyshire!!
April 2010
Hi All, I am in the same boat as everyone else but I am getting some stream, it comes out in big blast at first then slows right down. The Pipe to the iron is getting hot and I can feel the stream in pipe. I am going to try a strong mix of de scaler before I even think about taking it apart and that's going to be my father in laws job.. Changing a plug is big job..

Mitchell in the Midlands
April 2010
My unit just exploded steam from bottom of base and sure enough, upon stripping the machine, I found that there are plastic components fixed to the main metal body steam generator/pump. These had melted and caused the dangerous failure. Surely the thermal fuse should have blown before the machine reached component melting point !! poor design and Morphy Richards should stop selling this product design if they have any conscience. Don't buy, we have only had this 2 years which cannot be deemed a serviceable period for a laundry item. There are only the two of us and iron once a week/fortnight. Never buy Morphy Richards again.

March 2010
I have same iron.... Iron getting hot but no steam output from steam shot and not much steam on standby. I've dismantled it cleaned pipes out everywhere but all seems clean? The pump is making its usuall buzz when steam shot is demanded but nothing?... might take it apart again and go over it once more.... may have missed something

March 2010
Pumping but no steam at iron -
unplugged, allowed to cool, took iron apart: 2 screws under sticker at back. One under click-on nose at front. Unclip the swivel thing where pipe and cable enter iron. This allows access to final clip. Open pipe-retaining circular metal clips with pliers to allow pipe-connector to be pulled apart, allowing blockage to be cleared with a rod or wire.

Very satisfying to see a jet of brown sludge expelled by running the steam generator, before disconnecting mains to reassemble. It's been off form for moths (erratic, weak steam, spitting) and now is like new again.

March 2010
My iron was steaming but only through the bottom of the generator which I took at the pressure release. I took it apart following advice from this forum and found the following. All electrical connections were sound and pipes were clean. So I put it together again and took the iron apart. I checked the pipe coming into the iron which looked ok but I stuck I rod in anyway just in case. I then run it up with the pipe detached and steam kicked out a lot of water filter sand. Put back together and works fine now.
Thanks for all who have contributed to this forum as I wouldn’t of messed with the iron with out your experiences.

Steve Gregory
March 2010
Ours stopped steaming the light was flashing ready to steam and will not go off took it apart check all conection put back together works ok, possible loose conection to generator

The Russ
March 2010
Hi all bought this iron model 42279, cant believe it...shock.....bought new filters still not working. Iron heating up but no steam. Called MR hotline offered to replace iron within 5 working days on receipt of proof of purchase.....see what happens.

the iron lady
February 2010
get a heat fuse from a washing machine etc service shop. or try maplins maybe or rs components etc...they use those things in a lot of different appliances so shouldnt be too much of a problem to get hold of one. one other tip i was told was to use distilled water only as this does not produce limescale. makes sense i guess.

February 2010
every couple of months, run a 50/50 mix of the cheapest white vinegar you can find and water through all your washing machines/ steam irons etc which gets rid of the limescale build up. remember its better to do it more often as once the layer gets too thick it becomes a problem.

February 2010

i have problem with my Morphy Richards Jetstream Elite iron too, it does not generate steam, i have checked its base and iron, and i believe its heat fuse which is not working, i contacted Morphy Richards they said, they cannot provide but i can look for universal heat fuse. She refused to give any website address which could provide the fuse.

I wonder if any body knows about the supplier or can give more information about the fuse. someone on this website has mentioned that he used the fuse taken off from the old coffee percolator. i would appreciate if he could advise me where to get this fuse from.


February 2010
where can i get heat fuse for my steam generator?

February 2010
thank you Big Hug for your advice, i did exactly what you stated and my iron is working a treat now. I was thinking i would have to purchase another iron

pat 62
February 2010
i had the same problem with my morphy richards jet stream iron, the iron would get hot but no steam or pump not working, so i checked the heat fuse on the steam gentrator which is located on the bottom with 2 white thin wires attached to it, thats the round silver metal block with wires attached to it, to which this was ok. so i checked to see if the voltage was going through the connections to the steam genatator, to which there was no 230volts present at the connection on the to element housing, i then followed the cable to make sure there was not a break in the cableing, and there was not, so i had a good look at the connections on the steam generator and there are to metal strips one for the live (L) (Phase) (Line) and one for the neutral with connects the wires to the element of the steam generator and found these two metel strips was no longer making a contact so i bent them to make a contact and now its working all ok, Hope this helps you in solving your problem

Duane Sparky
January 2010
Same story, bought one, stopped steaming after two months, phone MR and they asked two questions; is it steaming - no, can you hear the pump working - no.

Oh we will send you a new one once you send a copy of the receipt and please save the tank on your existing one as it will come in handy.

They know about this substandard manufacturing totally hence the switch option immediately without warranty work, this should be a product recall.

Oh yes, and no receipt which I think this we need to change this trick that manufacturers use to evade their responsibilities, maybe we should invent a receipt holding service for all the people who imagine that when somebody sells you something it is fit for purpose and not whether you have stole it (apparently Tesco insist that is why) or maybe bought it at a carboot sale.

Keep Posting and telling people because at the price Morphy Richards are criminal and I will not buy another item from them, by the way they don't sell them at Tesco anymore, surprise surprise.

January 2010
Hi, I had the same problem, mine was in the steam generator unit. There are only five screws to undo, remover top cover and you will see a tube coming out of the top of the boiler unit, this is covered with a white heat resistant fabric. Where this tube meets with the black tube is a white connector which greatly reduces the internal diameter. This is where mine was blocked, simple to clear, only took a few minutes. Good luck.

Brian A.
January 2010
Steve "Sparkee" of Kempston, you is my hero! I have two MR steam irons both had the same fault and now both are up and steaming, you saved the wife some of her house keeping, and she can now be feeding her tweleve kids (Only two are mine jethro 18months and rufus10 and a half months, plus one on the way!) and of course the thirteen cats. I can now sit at the bar and finish my tenth beer of the night and not have to worry about getting home and not having one of my T-shirts that I won at the local boozers raffle, ironed ready for opening time in the morning. Real good quality, stiching is alot better than the george type I normaly have and the motif distracts the eye from my middle age spread perfectly (I think the bar maid has her eye on me!). Thanks again and cheers, I'll have a chaser for you tonight!

Marcus G
January 2010

December 2009
Steve & Mark the Knife, big up yourselves..! Read this article about 18:30, it's now approaching 19:00, and guess what, the iron I was about 2 clicks away from purchasing on Amazon has been deleted from 'My Basket'. Becuz guess iron is back to full health, you saved me £75 just before xmas. Thanks guys.

With my iron the tube was completely clean and unblocked, but there was some small sediment causing a complete block in the 90 degree elbow. I used a pin to unblock, then washed it through from tap, now my wife can get ironing again, while I put my feet up!! (Well I did fix it, on my own....!)

SM - Wales
December 2009
mine also not working properly. watchdog could use this issue. I can not get them two screws undone nitemare my ironing is piling up. bit of steam comes out but not much. will try the pin thing next then its gotta go. only 14mth old got off nectare with points. Please can someone tell me how to get those screws undone.

kerry m
November 2009
There is a heat fuse in the base unit for this iron and it blows when there is a blockage in the water feed. Morphy Richards wont supply it as a spare part but only offers to sell a new iron. The reson is that it is a complicated task to replace. These heat fuses cost only pennies each. I found a similar fuse in an old coffee percolator and the iron is now back up and working for northing.

Chris R
November 2009
hi, we just did what sombody said about taking the screws out, to get to the tubes, and as mentioned there was a load of chalky rubbish in the pipe by the plastic elbow joint, cleaned it out and seems to be working perfectly now, saves having to fork out for a new iron, thanks for your help.

Julie Allen
October 2009
I've got exactly the same issue!
i have ordered new filter change the filter
it didnt work
if any one needs filter just pay me delivery cost
i post to you.
serial no:70004457
please use paypall
if you interest email me 23algar(at)

October 2009
Thanks Steve "sparkee". Your tip worked a treat but took me ages to work out how to take out the two "special" screws at the back of the iron (model 42278) and then how to separate the iron top from the baseplate assembly. Solutions are 1. use a pair of small scissors like a screwdriver, to get into the ends of the special screws and 2. carefully lift the purple rubberized strip out of the handle (the tabs will tear off if you are not careful) from back to halfway and there is another screw there. Good Luck!

Mark the Knife
October 2009
Steve sparkey is bang on.Did what he said and iron is now like new.Looks like sediment from the filter! is causing this problem

Pete sparks
October 2009
My steam generator is also model 42272 but doesn't appear to even make a pumping noise and the standby light remains on although can still use as dry iron which is not as good!!
Which scredriver can I use to remove the 2 security screws as it appears to be of a special type?

September 2009
this is exactly the same problem as I have had with my Morphy Richards elite stream. It is the most expensive iron I have bought and the worse. Morphy Richards will not replace as I can no longer find my receipt - it is just two years' old but I've had problems from just 6 weeks. It's absolute rubbish.

September 2009
It makes this noise when the filter is missing, the pump is sucking but taking no water in. Check out the filter, and look out for a crack in the plastic pipe rinning from the water tank into the body of the machine.

Big Hug
May 2009
We had same problem on Jet Stream 42272. Could hear steam generator pump, hot pipe to iron but no steam.
The problem - a tube inside iron and 90 degree plastic elbow totally blocked with chalky brown crud! The fix:- Remove the two security screws on back end of iron. pull away the manual spray button assembly on front of iron. You should now see that top of iron is held on with 3 philips screws - remove these.
You should see where th black 'steam' tube from the main base steam generator joins to a white tube which routesto the sole of the iron. Squeeze the spring clip on white tube with pliers and slide down the tube away from the tube joining section. Disconnect white tube from black tube, The white tube goes to the iron sole plate should also simply disconnect away from base. This tube and the 90 degree elbow were full of crystalised crud- clean up and then put all back together. As always... unplug mains -water, electricity and fingers dont mix well! Worked like new. With the tubes seperated inside the iron, (and with care!) you can also confirm that the base steam generator actually pumps and makes steam.

Steve 'Sparkee' of Kempston, Beds
April 2009
keeps tripping the earth leakage trip switch

February 2009
I reckon i'm suffering the same problem. No antiscale light came on but it's stopped steaming and the stby light won't go out. Will change the filter this weekand if it doesn't work contact MR. Only had it a year. Shame really as the iron is easy to use and makes a good job.

Dave B
February 2009
My Jetstream stopped "steaming" last night for no apparent reason. Steam button still operative but no steam. Water and lots of pressure in tank and iron to temperature. Now about to contact Morphy Richards but no sign of reciept.

Huw Caine
January 2009
Yep just had the same problem. It told me to replace the anti-scale filter, which I did, then permanently stuck in standy mode and not producing steam. Can't find my receipt so it looks like that's £150 down the drain. Morphy Richards obviously know there is a fault or they wouldn't be selling them on Bid TV. I bought a steam generator iron in Thailand and it worked perfectly for the 2 years I was there - looks like we are still in rip-off Britain with obsolescence built in.

Julie Hudd
January 2009
We have had this problem and it is caused by a blockage in the steam outlet. Remove the water reservoir and insert a pin or similar sized object into the steam outlet valve to clear.

October 2008

October 2008
had same probs with ours, just this very minute chucked the b*st*rd in the bin and off to get another one made by somebody else!!!!!!!!


September 2008
I think there is a problem with this iron & Morphy Richards are not owning up to it. I am now awaiting delivery of my third jet stream elite in 20 months. Each time the fault has been exactly the same, the standby light wont go out and it wont steam. My friend also has had the same problem. MR deny any knowledge of it. My two year guarantee runs out in November so if it goes again after that I wont get a free replacement. The very fact that they offered the other lady a reduced price iron after her guarantee ran out would suggets that they DO KNOW that there is a problem with this iron

September 2008
this is the second one in two years, the first was totally blocked while still in guarantee, even with regular cleaning, now the new replacement they sent just will not steam and i am replacing expensive filters every couple of weeks. Add this to the annoying row it makes, you can see why I want to change it

Diane, Essex
August 2008
I've got exactly the same issue!

Spoke to Morphy Richards customer care and they simply offered me a new one at a reduced price as the warranty is up.

Don't want to throw this one away, as they aren't cheap and seems such a shame.

Carrie, Leeds, June 08

carrie denison
June 2008
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